U.S. coronavirus cases surge by more than 45,000 in one day, total surpasses 2.5 million – CNBC

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The U.S. reported more than 45,000 cases of coronavirus on Friday, a record breaking increase, as some of the hardest-hit states begin to pause or roll back their reopening plans, according to Johns Hopkins University data. 

There were 45,255 additional Covid-19 cases reported across the nation on Friday, bringing the total to more than 2.46 million cases, according to Johns Hopkins data. As of Friday, the U.S.’ seven-day average of new cases increased more than 41% compared with a week ago. 

On Saturday, the number of people infected with the coronavirus surpassed 2.5 million, the most infections for any country across the globe, according to Johns Hopkins data.

Cases are growing by 5% or more based on a seven-day average in 34 states across the U.S., including Arizona, Texas, California, Florida and Nevada. 

“There are more cases. There are more hospitalizations in some of those places and soon you’ll be seeing more deaths,” White House health advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci said in an interview with CNBC’s Meg Tirrell on Friday that was aired by the Milken Institute. 

“Even though the deaths are coming down as a country, that doesn’t mean that you’re not going to start seeing them coming up now,” he said. 

Deaths caused by Covid-19 lag behind other data points such as hospitalizations, which lag confirmed infections as the disease can take weeks to fully develop in a person. Hospitalizations due to Covid-19 were growing in 14 states as of Friday, according to a CNBC analysis of Covid Tracking Project data.

On Friday, the White House coronavirus task force warned younger people, who they say are driving new infections, that they may not be as vulnerable to serious disease but could infect someone who is. 

“If there’s one message that comes through today I hope it is saying to younger Americans in these states, and in these counties in particular, that they are a big part of the numbers that we are seeing in new cases,” Vice President Mike Pence said at a press briefing. 

Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response coordinator, added that the coronavirus poses a greater risk to those with underlying health conditions, such as diabetes and significant obesity, which span every age group. 

While the rise in daily case numbers could reflect increased testing in certain locations, some states are reporting higher positivity rates. The positivity rate indicates the percentage of tests that come back positive in a specific region. Epidemiologists say this number can indicate how broadly the virus is spreading throughout a community. 

California’s positivity rate has increased to more than 5% over the last two weeks as the state reports record increases in daily new cases. Texas’ positivity rate exceeded 10% on Wednesday, which is a level that raises a “warning flag,” according to Gov. Greg Abbott. Arizona’s rate is now averaging above 11%, according to the state’s department of health.

On Saturday, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee announced that the state would halt some of its counties from moving into “Phase 4” of the state’s reopening plan as the coronavirus shows signs of accelerating. 

The state is taking a phrased approach to reopening, allowing some counties to reopen before others. “Phase 4” of the state’s reopening plan would resume recreational activities and would allow for gatherings of more than 50 people, according to the state’s plan.

A county in phase 4 would also be allowed to reopen its nightclubs, concert venues and large sporting events, according to the state’s plan. Eight of the state’s 39 counties were prepared to move into phase 4, according to the order. 

Source Article from https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/27/us-coronavirus-cases-surge-by-more-than-45000-as-states-roll-back-reopenings.html


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