Trump comments on Democratic debates during G-20 meeting with Merkel | TheHill – The Hill

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President Trump on Thursday chimed in on the second Democratic presidential primary debate during a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the Group of 20 summit in Japan.

“They definitely have plenty of candidates, that’s about it,” Trump said of the debate while seated next to Merkel. “I look forward to spending time with you, rather than watching.

The previous night’s debate, he added, “wasn’t very exciting.”

The president told reporters that he happened to pass a television in Osaka that had the debate on when he saw the 10 candidates on stage indicate their health care plans would cover undocumented immigrants.

Merkel maintained a neutral expression and did not comment on the debates, according to reporters traveling with the president in Japan.

Trump tweeted moments before the press entered his meeting with Merkel about the Democratic health care pledge to undocumented immigrants.

“How about taking care of American Citizens first!?” he tweeted. “That’s the end of that race!”

Trump has been a more prominent fixture during Thursday night’s debate than the night before, with candidates regularly criticizing the president’s character and policies.

Thursday night’s debate featured more front-runners who have attracted the president’s attention in recent months, including former Vice President Joe BidenJoe BidenHarris spikes in Google search after Biden confrontation Trump campaign manager gloats after Biden-Harris exchange during Democrats’ debate Biden pushes back on Obama’s climate record MORE and Sen. Bernie SandersBernie SandersBernie Sanders says he would move to ‘rotate’ Supreme Court justices if elected Delaney mocks Democrats at second debate: ‘These people are terrible at interrupting’ Trump comments on Democratic debates during G-20 meeting with Merkel MORE (I-Vt.).

The president was sparsely mentioned on Wednesday’s debate, which Trump deemed “BORING!” while en route to Japan. 

Continue following Thursday’s debate with The Hill’s live blog.

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