Stephen Colbert, Trevor Noah, Seth Meyers Pull Race Card On Trump – Deadline

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President Donald Trump’s seemingly endless attacks on Rep. Elijah Cummings made their way onto the late night shows.

During Monday night’s monologue, Late Show host Stephen Colbert presented “episode three — million” of his segment “Is Donald Trump a Racist?”

“Previously on, ‘Is Donald Trump racist?’ Yes!” Colbert said to laughter. “But some people still aren’t convinced. Not even after his Twitter attack on chairman of the House Oversight Committee and the man watching his white co-workers explain Get Out to him, Elijah Cummings.”

For those not keeping score, Trump bashed the Maryland Congressman and described the city of Baltimore — which Cummings represents — as a “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess,” Saturday on Twitter.

Since then, the president has faced a barrage of criticism and been branded a “racist” by many Democrats, social media users, and earlier today the Rev. Al Sharpton, who called Trump a “bigot” at a news conference in Baltimore.

As for Trump, he insists he’s not racist and Sunday on Twitter, turned the tables by saying Democrats “always play the race card.”

But Colbert wasn’t buying Trump’s defense and dealt the race card back to the president.

“I’m not the racist, he’s the racist!” Colbert said in his best Trump voice. “After all, I wouldn’t have said anything racist at all if he [Cummings] was white.”

Seth Meyers was even more blunt.

“Another weekend, another racist outburst from our racist president,” he said Monday on Late Night, before tossing to his “Closer Look” segment.

“So once again, he attacked a Congressman of color by using the word ‘infested,’ just as he did two weeks ago when he told four Democratic Congresswomen of color… to go back to the ‘crime infested places from which they came.’”

“Hey man, the only thing that’s infested here is your brain,” Meyers quipped.

Over on the Daily Show, host Trevor Noah appeared confounded by Trump’s description of Baltimore as a “rodent infested mess.”

It’s “not exactly how you would expect an American president to talk about an American city,” Noah said, before essentially branding Trump a racist.

“As multiple people have pointed out, this language is part of a pattern. President Trump always uses the word ‘infestation’ when talking about people of color,” Noah said. “You don’t need to be a genius to understand what Trump is implying.”


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