Sarah Palin, Who is Unvaccinated, Dined Outdoors in N.Y.C. After Testing Positive – The New York Times

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Anne Isaak, the owner of Elio’s, said it was against her “clearly stated wishes that Sarah Palin dined outside last night,” according to The Washington Post.

An attorney for Ms. Palin did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The office of New York City Mayor Eric Adams urged New Yorkers who may have come in contact with Ms. Palin to get tested, and later shared an updated statement on the events.

“By repeatedly flouting C.D.C. guidelines, Ms. Palin has shown a complete disregard for the health and safety of small business workers and her fellow patrons,” a spokesman for City Hall said Thursday over email. “The city offers multiple resources to support isolation for those who test positive for Covid-19, and we encourage Ms. Palin to join the 98 percent of New Yorkers who report they have followed guidance on isolation.”

Ms. Palin also dined outdoors on Tuesday evening at Campagnola, another Upper East Side establishment, where she signed autographs and took selfies, according to Gothamist.

But unlike restaurants, there is no penalty for people who refuse to quarantine.

At a conservative conference last month in Phoenix, Ms. Palin told the crowd, “It’ll be over my dead body that I’ll have to get a shot.”

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