Rudy Giuliani trashes Mueller statement on Trump as a ‘perversion’ – AOL

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Rudy Giuliani slammed Robert Mueller’s statement as a “perversion” and said the special counsel overstepped his bounds by stating that he would’ve cleared President Trump if he could.

Trump’s personal lawyer and designated attack dog said Mueller should have let the fact that he could not indict the president speak for itself.

“Bob, that’s the end of it. That’s what a prosecutor does,” Giuliani said. “And you don’t prove negatives.”

Giuliani, speaking to Trump’s favored Fox News, suggested that Mueller was allowing himself to be used by the media, a familiar whipping boy for Trump loyalists.

“What they’ve done here is a perversion,” Hizzoner said. “A combination of him and the media. And I’m surprised at Bob because he’s a better lawyer than that.”

Trump uncharacteristically sought to take something of a high road after Mueller spoke, refraining from personal insults and avoiding his usual description of the investigation as a partisan “witch hunt.” Other loyalists stressed that Attorney General William Barr decided not to charge Trump with obstruction of justice.

Giuliani, by personally attacking Mueller, seemed to be floating a different and more direct political strategy: trash Mueller as an unethical tool of Democrats or the #FakeNews media.

“The real question is to whether it’s ethical at all for him to be discussing it or writing about (whether to clear Trump),” Giuliani said.

In a sign the scorched earth approach to Mueller might be gaining favor, Alan Dershowitz compared Mueller to former FBI Director James Comey, who has been widely criticized for his statements about Hillary Clinton’s email scandal in 2016.’

“By implying that President Trump may have committed obstruction of justice, Mueller effectively invited Democrats to institute impeachment proceedings,” Dershowitz wrote in The Hill.

“By putting his thumb — indeed, his elbow — on the scale of justice in favor of impeachment based on obstruction of justice, Mueller has revealed his partisan bias,” the aging legal eagle continued. “He also has distorted the role of a prosecutor in our justice system.”

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