Prince Andrew’s ex mulling bombshell tell-all book detailing Epstein debauchery – New York Post

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Prince Andrew’s socialite ex is considering penning an explosive tell-all book — including details of a dinner party with Jeffrey Epstein attended by both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, it was claimed Thursday.

Lady Victoria Hervey, 43, has already been doing interviews discussing her brief fling with the Duke of York and how it threw her into the heart of Epstein’s depraved world.

She says she was introduced to the pedophile by his accused madam Ghislaine Maxwell — who she likened to a James Bond character — and feels she only escaped Epstein’s clutches because she was “too old.”

But Hervey kept back many of the juiciest details, which she now could put in an explosive book that could further embarrass the disgraced duke, according to The Sun.

“There is a lot that she has never revealed about the Royal family, members of high society and big-named stars,” a source close to her told the paper.

“She’s done many interviews but has always kept many things under her belt.

“She feels like now is the right time to get some things off her chest — including about Prince Andrew, Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.

“She’d been a part of that social scene for many years.”

Hervey’s “really explosive life” also includes “debauched drug-fueled parties, threesomes with celebrities — all sorts,” the source told The Sun of her book plans.

“She has had a lucrative offer to write a book and she’s definitely considering it,” the source said.

Hervey was 23 in 1999 when she says Epstein’s ex Maxwell — a loyal friend of Andrew’s — set her up for a date with the royal in 1999.

One of the most bizarre evenings of that period included an intimate dinner in London with Andrew and Epstein that was also attended by now-bitter rivals Trump and Clinton, she previously told The Mirror.

She believes she was filmed by secret cameras when she stayed at one of Epstein’s Manhattan properties and feels lucky to have not become one of his alleged victims.

“It’s horrifying. It could have been me – but maybe I was too old,” she told The Mirror.

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