President Trump holds a rally in Michigan: Live updates – CNN

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President Trump slammed the Jussie Smollett case in Chicago on Thursday, calling it an “embarrassment” to both the city and the country.

“How about in Chicago?” Trump said. “He said he was attacked by MAGA country.”

Trump did not name Smollett by name, but referenced Smollett’s January police report, in which the “Empire” actor said he had been attacked by two men who shouted, “This is MAGA country.”

Smollett had been accused of staging a hate crime and filing a false police report, but this week the charges against him were dropped.

The city of Chicago however, still wants $130,106.15 in the next seven days from Smollett, to cover the cost of the investigation into claims he was attacked.

Trump added that this is “maybe the only time I ever agreed with the Mayor of Chicago.” (Rahm Emanuel has called the decision to drop charges an “abomination of justice.”)

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