Outspoken Catholic priest ‘sadly not surprised’ by George Pell verdict – 3AW

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One of Victoria’s most senior Catholic priests says he expects the George Pell verdict to drive some people away from the church.

Father Kevin Dillon said a “considerable number” of people were already hanging to their faith “by their fingernails” following repeated incidents of child abuse in the church.

Cardinal George Pell was found guilty of abusing of sexually assaulting two choir boys at St Patrick’s Cathedral more than two decades ago.

Father Dillon told Neil Mitchell he sadly wasn’t surprised.

“When you talk to well over 100 victims over the years, you sadly don’t get surprised at who’s done what,” he said.

He said it would have a “devastating” impact on the church, but that was largely the church’s own fault.

“I still don’t believe the church, in itself, has anywhere near accepted its responsibilities towards the people who’ve been abused,” Father Dillon, who has been a long-time critic, said.

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Source Article from https://www.3aw.com.au/outspoken-catholic-priest-sadly-not-surprised-by-george-pell-verdict/


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