Marquette poll shows Biden up 5 in Wisconsin – POLITICO

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An ABC News/Washington Post Poll also released Wednesday reported the former vice president carrying 57 percent of likely Wisconsin voters surveyed — a 17-point gap over the 40 percent of respondents who preferred Trump.

The Real Clear Politics average of the race, which includes polls conducted from Oct. 10 to Oct. 26 — has Biden leading by 6.7 percentage points over the incumbent in Wisconsin, one of the historically blue states that broke for Trump in 2016.

Trump won Wisconsin’s 10 Electoral College votes by just a single percentage point over Hillary Clinton in 2016. On Tuesday, Trump campaigned there and in nearby Michigan as part of an effort to hold the Midwest states that he narrowly won four years ago and that are critical to his reelection hopes.

“Seven days from now we are going to win this state, and we are going to four more incredible years in the White House,” President Trump said at his Tuesday campaign rally in West Salem, Wis.

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