How did my MP vote on Parliament’s Brexit options? – BBC News

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MPs in Parliament

MPs have been voting on eight different options for the next steps in the Brexit process, including leaving without a deal, revoking Britain’s departure from the European Union, or seeking a customs union.

None of the proposals earned a majority of parliamentary support.

To find out how your MP voted on each of the options, use the look-up below.

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How did my MP vote on 27 March?

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Click here if you cannot see the look-up. Data from Commons Votes Services.

Ken Clarke’s customs union proposal came closest to securing a majority, losing by eight votes – 272 to 264.

Margaret Beckett’s proposal for a second referendum to validate any withdrawal agreement received the most votes, 268, but 295 MPs voted against it.

Labour’s alternative plan was the only other option to get more than 200 votes.

The full list of how MPs voted is below, in order of the option with the most support. Conservative backbenchers were given a free vote, but cabinet ministers were told to abstain.

Labour MPs were asked to back proposals put forward by the party leadership.

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