Republican congressman Adam Kinzinger condemned President Donald Trump on Sunday for quoting Pastor Robert Jeffress’ warning that impeachment might cause a “Civil War-like” fracture in the U.S.

“If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.’ Pastor Robert Jeffress,@FoxNews,” the president wrote on Sunday evening in a series of tweets.

In response, Kinzinger tweeted: “I have visited nations ravaged by civil war.@realDonaldTrump. I have never imagined such a quote to be repeated by a President. This is beyond repugnant.”

The president’s tweet came shortly after Jeffress’ appearance on Fox News, where he spoke about the impeachment inquiry into Trump announced by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday.

Jeffress, a prominent evangelical pastor of a Texas megachurch who’s also a vocal supporter of Trump, has been accused on numerous occasions of making controversial and offensive remarks. In March, he said Christian followers of Trump have “deeper convictions” than other devotees during an interview on Fox News.

“Even though the evangelical number has dropped as a whole, the number of evangelicals turning out at the ballot box is greater than other groups, and it’s because evangelicals have deeper convictions,” Jeffress said. “They believe in absolute moral and spiritual truth, and they tend to vote those convictions at the ballot box.”

In August, Jeffress condemned a church denomination for sheltering migrants and fighting deportations as the White House cracked down on illegal immigration. “The church has no business in doing that. And look, the Bible is very clear about this,” Jeffress said. “In Romans 13, Paul says, ‘Government is established by God. To resist government is to resist God himself.'”

According to a CBS News poll, released on Sunday morning, a majority of Americans say they support the Democrat-led House’s recently-announced impeachment inquiry, with 55 percent of respondents approving of the impeachment inquiry and 45 percent disapproving of the move.

The weekend poll shows a slight rise in public support for the impeachment proceedings as Trump faces increased public scrutiny after a whistleblower accused the White House of covering up a phone conversation made between the president and Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky in July, during which the U.S. leader requested his foreign counterpart to look into former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden.

The last impeachment survey, an NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll conducted on Wednesday, found that 49 percent of Americans approved of the impeachment inquiry, while 49 percent disapproved and five percent said they were unsure.

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