Global risk of omicron variant is ‘very high;’ Biden urges vaccinations, masks: Latest COVID-19 updates – USA TODAY

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The omicron variant first discovered in South Africa last week is likely to quickly spread around the globe and could result in “severe consequences,” the World Health Organization warned Monday.

“There could be future surges of COVID-19, which could have severe consequences depending on a number of factors including where surges may take place,” the WHO said in a technical brief. “The overall global risk related to the (omicron variant) is assessed as very high.”

The WHO said there is currently no information to suggest symptoms associated with omicron differ from those associated with other variants. No deaths linked to the omicron variant have been reported, the WHO added.

President Joe Biden addressed the latest threat Monday, once again urging Americans to get vaccinated, obtain a booster shot and wear masks in public places.

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