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Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y. responded Thursday to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo‘s criticism of the $2 trillion coronavirus response package, telling “Bill Hemmer Reports” the money is not meant to plug the holes blown in state budgets by the pandemic.

Gillibrand told host Bill Hemmer that the bill was intended as “emergency relief to the most in need [and] at risk [people].”

“There will be another bill and probably another after that and another after that,” said Gillibrand. “This is not a short-term crisis this is a long-term crisis. Every state is going to see more and more cases.”

Cuomo has complained that while New York is receiving about $3 billion in aid, the contagion has blown a hole in the state budget more than three times that size.

Gillibrand pointed out that the bill, which the Senate approved 96-0 late Wednesday, allocated $150 billion to the hospital industry.The House is expected to approve the bill on Friday and send it to President Trump to sign.

The senator also praised Cuomo for doing what she called “an excellent job,” dealing with the pandemic.

“He is meeting the needs of his constituents,” she said. “We have drive-thru testing in a lot of places that have cases.” She also noted that Cuomo has worked successfully to turn the Jacob Javits Convention Center in Hell’s Kitchen into a makeshift overflow hospital.

With states like New York, Pennsylvania and Callifornia essentially closed for business, the state governments are unable to reap sales taxes and business taxes during this time.