Garbage, human waste overflow as shutdown takes toll on national parks | TheHill – The Hill

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National parks are grappling with overflowing garbage and human waste as visitors continue to arrive despite limited staffing amid a partial government shutdown, according to an Associated Press report

The Trump administration left many parks open to visitors even as park rangers and others who staff campgrounds have been furloughed. Officials have expressed concerns that the parks may be damaged because of the excess waste.

“It’s so heartbreaking. There is more trash and human waste and disregard for the rules than I’ve seen in my four years living here,” Dakota Snider, who lives and works in Yosemite Valley near Yosemite National Park, told the AP.

Officials have closed off some areas of campgrounds and parks that are unsupervised or that become threats to the health of the public or wildlife.

Parks were shuttered amid furloughs during government shutdowns under past administrations, the AP reported.

The partial government shutdown entered its 11th day on Tuesday, with few indications the government will reopen in the immediate future. Thousands of federal workers have been furloughed during the shutdown.

Democrats and the White House have been at an impasse over funding for President TrumpDonald John TrumpWhite House: Pelosi’s plan to reopen the government ‘a non-starter’ Warren pledges to donate salary during shutdown Trump campaign manager hits back at Romney over op-ed slamming president’s character  MORE‘s proposed wall along the southern border.

Democrats on Monday introduced a continuing resolution that would fund Homeland Security through Feb. 8, along with a legislative package to fund the remaining agencies through the end of the fiscal year.

Both measures are expected to be taken up on Thursday, when the next session of Congress is sworn in and Democrats take control of the House majority.

The continuing resolution includes $1.3 billion in funding for border security, well short of the $5 billion Trump has requested for his proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Trump indicated in a series of tweets on Monday and Tuesday that he is unsatisfied with the proposal.

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