Blue state governors should have made an effort to “manage” American citizens throughout the coronavirus pandemic as opposed to resorting to shutting down the economy, Fox Business Network senior correspondent Charles Gasparino said Tuesday.

“Listen, you get the government you pay for. Anybody can lock down a state. Any idiot can say ‘no more business, everybody stays home,;” Gasparino told “America’s Newsroom.”

Gasparino said that American citizens should be “paying” public officials like California Gov. Gavin Newsom, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo to “manage” the crisis by identifying the “most vulnerable populations,” “understanding how many businesses can stay open,” and determining their operation’s limitations to keep the economy afloat amid the coronavirus pandemic.

“That is management 101,” Gasparino said.

However, that’s not being done in New York or California, Gasparino said, before noting that people have fled those states because they did not “prepare to protect the most vulnerable from a surge in cases during the winter months.”

“All it really did was shut down the businesses and destroy livelihoods,” Gasparino said.


Gasparino reacted to the surge in COVID-19 cases in California despite unprecedented lockdowns and restrictions aimed at curbing the spreading of the coronavirus

Earlier this week, the state surpassed 2 million confirmed cases and beds at many intensive care units are running dangerously low. In Los Angeles County, the epicenter of the virus in California, the county Department of Public Health on Thursday said around 14,000 residents were testing positive for COVID-19 each day and hospitals were admitting 1,000 new coronavirus patients daily. 

As of Thursday, the state reported nearly 24,000 deaths and more than 39,000 new cases; 312 deaths were reported in the 24-hour period since Wednesday. 

One health expert called the surge a “viral tsunami,” the Daily Mail reported. State leaders have reached out to Australia and Taiwan to fill 3,000 temporary health care work positions as hospitals remain overwhelmed. 

Earlier this month, Newsom, a Democrat, warned strict lockdown measures would be enacted regionally when ICU bed capacity dips under the 15% mark. Days later, Los Angeles County was put under the new lockdown orders. 

Gasparino said that shutting down businesses is “not management.” Furthermore, Gasparino compared how Florida is being managed to New York and California, in which the Sunshine State’s economy is open while hospitals are not overrun with infected patients. 

“Gov. [Ron] DeSantis is managing, Gov. Newsom is just shutting things down,” Gasparino said.


Gasparino went on to say, “These are not good governors. I mean listen, Gavin Newsom may look good and sound good. You know, Governor Cuomo sounds good. You know, he was very good during the initial phases of the pandemic. But, in management, in managing us through this crisis, keeping as much business open as possible, having livelihoods preserved while we deal with this, they all get anywhere between a D and an F.”

Fox News’ Louis Casiano contributed to this report.