Devin Nunes calls for public release of ‘backup and source documentation’ from Mueller – Washington Examiner

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Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., called for the public release of “all backup and source documentation” from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

The top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee sent out a tweet critical of Mueller after federal prosecutors, in compliance with an order from a federal judge, released the transcript of a voicemail former Trump lawyer John Dowd left for retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn’s lawyer Rob Kelner shortly after he agreed to cooperate with Mueller.

Mueller referenced parts of the Nov. 22, 2017, voicemail in his final report about how Dowd asks for a “heads up” if Flynn knew information that “implicates” Trump after Flynn dropped from a joint defense agreement with the president. But, as a Twitter user points out, parts of the transcript that were left out, including Dowd saying his request was “not only for the president, but for the country,” he was not asking for confidential information, and he did not appear to be certain that Flynn had decided to cooperate with Mueller’s team.

“This is why we need all backup and source documentation for the #muellerdossier released publicly. It’s all a fraud…,” Nunes tweeted in reply.

Nunes, who accused the special counsel of attempting to “light the fuse for impeachment” with his public statement on Wednesday, has called for more transparency from Mueller’s findings, which were released in a 448-page report in April with redactions.

He teamed up with House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., to ask the Justice Department for access to the full report and underlying intelligence materials. The panel subpoenaed the DOJ on May 8.

Mueller’s team was unable to establish criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia but declined to make a determination on whether the president attempted to obstruct justice. But Mueller laid out 10 scenarios of possible obstruction in his report, including some related to Flynn, which Democrats argue gives them a road map to continue to investigate and possibly seek impeachment. Attorney General William Barr said he and former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein determined there was not sufficient evidence to establish a crime had occurred.

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