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Pedestrians walk past the National Palace in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Wednesday, July 7, 2021. A squad of gunmen assassinated Haitian President Jovenel Moise and wounded his wife in an overnight raid on their home Wednesday(AP Photo/Joseph Odelyn)

Joseph Odelyn/AP

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Joseph Odelyn/AP

Pedestrians walk past the National Palace in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Wednesday, July 7, 2021. A squad of gunmen assassinated Haitian President Jovenel Moise and wounded his wife in an overnight raid on their home Wednesday(AP Photo/Joseph Odelyn)

Joseph Odelyn/AP

Nearly two weeks after the assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse, the man he chose to become the country’s next prime minister, Ariel Henry, is set to assume office. But any fanfare will likely be dampened by the monumental political and social problems facing the impoverished nation and its new leader.

Interim Prime Minister Claude Joseph, who will be replaced by Henry, remained in office with the backing of the police and military after Moïse’s July 7 assassination. In the days after Moïse’s killing a power struggle ensued, with both Moïse and Henry claiming to be in charge. Over the weekend, it seems that the two men came to an agreement and Joseph has agreed to step down.

Haiti’s interim Prime Minister Claude Joseph speaks during a press conference in Port-au Prince on July 11, 2021. Amid deep uncertainty over its political future, the international community has called on the impoverished Caribbean country to go ahead with presidential and legislative elections slated for later this year.

Valerie Baeriswyl/AFP/Getty Images

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Valerie Baeriswyl/AFP/Getty Images

Haiti’s interim Prime Minister Claude Joseph speaks during a press conference in Port-au Prince on July 11, 2021. Amid deep uncertainty over its political future, the international community has called on the impoverished Caribbean country to go ahead with presidential and legislative elections slated for later this year.

Valerie Baeriswyl/AFP/Getty Images

Henry, a 71-year-old neurosurgeon who is no stranger to politics, is set to take the reigns Tuesday afternoon.

He once studied in Boston, and led the response to Haiti’s cholera epidemic

Henry was educated at France’s University of Montpellier school of medicine and at Boston University, according to Haiti Libre.

In 2016, he became interior minister. He also led the country’s public health response to a deadly cholera epidemic that killed some 10,000 people and infected another 800,000 in the wake of a devastating 2010 earthquake.

Henry is closely associated with Moïse, a deeply unpopular and divisive figure who during his time in office further fractured Haiti’s already divided political landscape.

“[Even] though he is not from Moïse’s party, he remains associated with Moïse’s increasingly authoritarian presidency, which many in the country believe already overstayed its mandate,” says Paul Angelo, a fellow for Latin America Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, in an email to NPR.

He is closely associated to the country’s entrenched powers

Despite being closely associated with the entrenched political powers in Haiti, Henry appears to be signalling a desire for “unity.”

“Some have observed the latest events with amazement, others wonder with reason about the management of the country,” he said, according to the Associated Press.

Moïse said he had met with various unidentified figures in Haiti’s civil society and private sector: “I intend to continue and deepen these discussions, because it is the only way to bring the Haitian family together,” he said.

But many observers are skeptical there will be any break with the country’s divisive past.

“I don’t think he can fix the problems we have now,” Samuel Madistin, a criminal defense and human rights lawyer, told NPR.

There’s been no sitting parliament in Haiti since January 2020, and Moïse had been effectively ruling by decree. So, the late president’s appointment of Henry is problematic, says Angelo.

“Ariel Henry is a known entity to Haitians, given his former role as the coordinator of the country’s public health response to the 2010 cholera outbreak,” Angelo says. “But for many Haitians, he represents an unsatisfactory option to lead the country out of its current crisis.”

A cholera patient arrives at the Cholera Treatment Center in the Carrefour area of Port-au-Prince, on December 10, 2014. The Caribbean country’s cholera outbreak started in 2010 and “an unacceptable number of people have been affected, with nearly 712,330 suspected cases and an estimated 8,655 deaths,” the report by the UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said.

Hector Retamal/AFP/Getty Images

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Hector Retamal/AFP/Getty Images

A cholera patient arrives at the Cholera Treatment Center in the Carrefour area of Port-au-Prince, on December 10, 2014. The Caribbean country’s cholera outbreak started in 2010 and “an unacceptable number of people have been affected, with nearly 712,330 suspected cases and an estimated 8,655 deaths,” the report by the UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said.

Hector Retamal/AFP/Getty Images

Brian Concannon, a human rights lawyer who founded the Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti (IJDH), says Henry “has long been active in politics, usually as part of undemocratic regimes.”

After the 2004 ouster of former president Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Henry “was part of the Council of Sages, an extra-constitutional body that wielded illegal powers to usher in Haiti’s brutal interim government,” Concannon said in an email to NPR.

Moïse, he said, named Henry as prime minister “following a series of backroom discussions, not the broad consultations that Haitian civil society was demanding.”

Michel Eric Gaillard, a Port-au-Prince based political analyst, sums it up in the Miami Herald: “Is he a game changer? Is he the man of the moment to tackle threatened, vital national interests? Does he have the political clout to play the role of a neutral broker? Can he exercise leadership in a captured state?”

Gaillard’s conclusion: “Most likely not. How can he maneuver a sinking ship while wearing a straitjacket?”

His backing from Western powers could hurt him at home

A statement on Saturday from the Core Group — made up of ambassadors from the United States, Canada, Brazil, Spain, France, the European Union and representatives from the United Nations and the Organization of American States — is seen as crucial in Henry winning out in the power struggle with Joseph.

Although backing from such heavyweights could prove valuable, it could also hurt him at home.

Haitian journalist and activist Monique Clesca rejected the Core Group’s statement, calling it “interference.”

In a tweet on Tuesday, she wrote: “Let’s be crystal clear: Nothing has changed in #Haiti except the name of a Prime Minister. He is from the same PHTK regime chaotically ruling for the last 10years with US support. And, it’s unconstitutional.”

Angelo says that the support from the Core Group fuels “perceptions that once again Haiti’s sovereign decisions are being dictated by external actors.”

It’s a perception shared by “most Haitians,” says Concannon. They believe that Moïse was able to hold onto power because of the backing of the Core Group nations — especially the U.S., support that “will similarly allow [Henry] to maintain power for some time.”

Even so, the Core Group’s support will challenge Henry’s legitimacy, Concannon says.

He says he’ll hold new elections, but can they be fair?

Henry has promised to form a provisional government until elections can be held, but there is disagreement whether such polls could be free and fair.

Madistin, speaking to NPR earlier, said elections are needed to “bring stability in Haiti,” but he also expressed concern that rushing ahead with polls — especially given Haiti’s current wave of crime and gang violence — might not be the best idea.

Moïse’s ruling Haitian Tèt Kale Party, or PHTK party, which has been in power for nine years, has run several elections, “but none of them have been fair or inclusive,” says Concannon. “The Haitian commentators and activists I have heard from see nothing in [Henry’s] nomination and government that indicates PHTK will change course and allow fair, inclusive elections.”

Peter Mulrean, who was a U.S. ambassador to Haiti during the Obama administration, writes in Just Security that it’s “tempting to think that new elections will clarify the situation and restore stability.”

“[But] experience teaches us just the opposite,” Mulrean says. “What Haiti needs is to take stock of what is broken and fix it.”

“The decline of Haitian democracy has accelerated recently, but is long in the making, with each set of elections representing a negative loop that further weakens its foundations and the people’s confidence,” he writes.

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(CNN)The car used by a New York tourists who went missing last month has been recovered off the coast of the Dominican Republic, police said Friday.

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    Empire” star Jussie Smollett was brutally attacked by 2 men who beat him up, put his head in a noose and screamed, “This is MAGA country.”

    Sources directly connected to Jussie tell TMZ, the actor arrived in Chicago from New York late Monday, and at around 2 AM he was hungry and went to a Subway. We’re told when he walked out, someone yelled, “Aren’t you that f***ot ‘Empire’ n*****?” 

    The 2 men — both white and wearing ski masks — viciously attacked Jussie as he fought back, but they beat him badly and fractured a rib. They put a rope around his neck, poured bleach on him and as they left they yelled, “This is MAGA country.” 

    Jussie was taken to Northwestern Memorial where he was treated. He was discharged later Tuesday morning.

    ThatGrapeJuice.Net first posted this letter which was sent to Fox Studios in Chicago with cut out letters spelling, “You will die black f**.” Our sources say the letter was sent 8 days ago.

    The envelope the letter arrived in appears to say MAGA in the upper left corner.

    Chicago PD tells us they are investigating the attack as a possible hate crime, and they are canvasing the area for any video.

    Originally published — 8:05 AM PT

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    WASHINGTON – Donald Trump is president of the United States, but the former reality TV star still frequently speaks of the people in his political orbit through the lens of show business.

    On Monday, in telling of a 2017 encounter with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Trump described Xi’s aides as straight out of “central casting.”

    And in case anybody missed the point, the showman applied a few hand gestures for special effect: Pulling his hands to his face as he mentioned the aides’ glasses, Trump made two circles with his fingers and then strategically placed them around his eyes.

    Showcasing his flair for drama, Trump regaled the nation’s governors with his tale of how he persuaded the Chinese president in 2017 to release three UCLA basketball players accused of shoplifting in Hangzhou, China.

    Trump, who happened to be in Beijing at the time, said he broached the subject with Xi during a state dinner.

    “I said, ‘Mr. President could you do me a favor? Could you let the three basketball players out?'” Trump said in remarks from the White House’s State Dining Room.

    Xi called over to aides, Trump said, noting the Chinese president has “got people standing behind him. Everyone is central casting – central casting. Glasses. Pad. Boom.”

    Within two minutes, according to Trump, Xi returned and Trump continued his plea on the athletes’ behalf.

    “I said it would be a great thing if you could possibly let them out,” Trump said. “He goes, ‘So be it. They’re out.'”

    Call it diplomacy, showbiz style.

    It’s not the first time Trump has used the phrase “central casting” to describe people around him.

    Trump repeatedly described Justice Brett Kavanaugh, then his nominee for the Supreme Court, as being from “central casting” as a way to express his surprise that Democrats objected to the judge following allegations of sexual assault. Kavanaugh was ultimately confirmed.

    “I’m going to nominate you for the United States Supreme Court,” Trump said during a rally last November in Tennessee, recalling a conversation he had with Kavanaugh.

    “I said this is going to – you are so central casting. Great marks, great schools, the best everything, the best of everything.”

    Quite frequently, the president uses the phrase as a term of endearment.

    “Is he central casting or what?” Trump asked during a Mississippi rally in October, calling Gov. Phil Bryant to the stage. “He’s central casting.”

    The former reality television star used the phrase earlier on in his presidency at the same annual governors meeting – this time referring to Vice President Mike Pence. 

    “And thank you to Vice President Pence. He has been so wonderful to work with. He’s a real talent, a real guy,” Trump said. “And he is central casting, do we agree? Central casting. He’s been great.”


    President Donald Trump will be heading into his second meeting with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un Monday expecting “a very tremendous summit. Trump expects a signing summit on a trade deal to be held soon with China. (Feb. 25)

    He even used the phrase on the first day of his presidency, referencing to his Defense Secretary, Jim Mattis.   

    “This is central casting,” Trump said. “If I was doing a movie, I pick you, General.”

    As for the basketball players, all three – LiAngelo Ball, Jalen Hill and Cody Rile – were freed and allowed to return to the United States, where they later thanked Trump for helping secure their release.

    But Trump has suggested he doesn’t believe he has gotten enough credit for bringing them home.

    Trump noted that Ball’s father, LaVar Ball, had minimized his involvement in securing the players’ release.

    “We came back and the one father said, ‘Well, we don’t know that Trump helped. I sent a consultant,'” Trump said.

    “That consultant would have gotten nowhere.”.

    Trump’s mantra: President’s next move on North Korea? ‘We’ll see’





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    Joe Biden picked up three major endorsements in Dallas, Texas on Monday as former 2020 primary candidates Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar and Beto O’Rourke publicly backed his campaign for the Democratic nomination.

    Building on the former vice president’s momentum following his big victory in South Carolina on Saturday, the three ex-contenders heaped praise on Biden as he campaigned in the Super Tuesday state offering the second most delegates.

    Speaking to the press and supporters in Texas yesterday, Buttigieg said Biden would “bring back dignity to the White House” and described the former vice president as “unfailingly decent.”

    “I’m looking for a leader, I’m looking for a president, who will draw out what’s best in each of us,” Buttigieg said. “And I’m encouraging everybody who was part of my campaign to join me, because we have found that leader in Vice President, soon to be President, Joe Biden.”

    Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) similarly praised Biden, saying a vote for him would be a vote for “decency” and “dignity.”

    Appearing at the end of Biden’s Dallas rally last night, Texas Democrat O’Rourke, who dropped out of the primary in November last year, said: “I will be casting my ballot for Joe Biden, and let me tell you why.

    “We need somebody who can beat Donald Trump. The man in the White House today poses an existential threat to this country, to our democracy, to free and fair elections, and we need somebody who can beat him. And in Joe Biden, we have that man.”

    But his comments stood in stark contrast with a past assessment he made of the former vice president’s chances of winning the White House earlier in the primary campaign.

    Asked if Joe Biden was a return to the past on MSNBC in June last year, O’Rourke said: “He is, and that cannot be who we are going forward. We’ve got to be bigger, we’ve got to be bolder, we have to set a much higher mark and be relentless in pursuing that.”

    Pressed on whether Biden needed to apologize for his support of the Iraq invasion, the former primary candidate replied: “Look you’ve got to ask yourself where Joe Biden is on the issues that are most important to you.

    “Did he support the war in Iraq that forever destabilized the Middle East? Does he really believe that women of lower incomes should be able to make their own decisions about their own body? Be able to afford healthcare to be able to do that?”

    “On China, he says China is no threat, nothing to worry about, and now seems to be changing his message on that,” O’Rourke later added. “I’m not exactly sure what he believes or what he should apologize for. I only know that this country should be able to do far better.”

    Appearing before Iowa voters in January, Buttigieg also appeared to take aim at Biden. The Hill reported the former primary candidate saying: “I hear Vice President Biden saying that this is no time to take a risk on someone new.

    “But history has shown us that the biggest risk we could take with a very important election coming up is to look to the same Washington playbook and recycle the same arguments and expect that to work against a president like Donald Trump who is new in kind.”

    After former Vice President Biden took a dig at Buttigieg in February, saying he was “no Barack Obama,” the ex-South Bend mayor also told CNN: “Well he’s right, I’m not. Neither is he. Neither is any of us running for president, and this isn’t 2008. It’s 2020 and we are in a new moment calling for a different kind of leadership.

    “We are facing the most disruptive president in modern times, and I don’t think the same playbook that helped us get here is going to work against him.”

    Minnesota Sen. Klobuchar appears to have largely refrained from hitting out at Biden during the 2020 campaign and has long called the former vice president a “friend” of hers.

    In an interview with CBS affiliate WCCO about a possible Biden candidacy in the 2016 race, Klobuchar said: “Vice President Biden is a friend of mine, he’s come out here several times to Minnesota and I think he’s going to make his own decision based on his own circumstances and his family.

    “But again I think you’re going to see Hillary Clinton continue to be strong in this race.”

    Newsweek has contacted the Biden campaign for comment on the past remarks of Buttigieg and O’Rourke. This article will be updated with any response.

    Attempts have also been made to contact representatives of Buttigieg and O’Rourke for comment.

    The graphic below, provided by Statista, illustrates polling averages for the Democratic presidential candidates in Super Tuesday states ahead of voting.

    This article was updated to include an infographic.

    p:last-of-type::after, .node-type-slideshow .article-body > p:last-of-type::after {
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    Temas políticos, deportivos y de entretenimiento captaron hoy el interés de nuestros lectores. ¿Quéres saber cuáles son las 5 noticias más comentadas en esta jornada? Te las detallamos a continuación: 

    1. Trabajadores de la Administración Nacional de la Seguridad Social (ANSES) convocaron a un paro nacional para el viernes. Así lo anunció el secretario general de la Asociación del Personal de los Organismos de Previsión Social (APOPS), Leonardo Fabré, luego de que un jubilado de 91 años se quitara la vida en una de las oficinas del organismo estatal en Mar del Plata.

    2. El Ministerio de Salud de la Nación y las sociedades científicas criticaron la propuesta de la diputada nacional Paula Urroz (PRO) para eliminar la obligatoriedad del calendario nacional de vacunación.

    3. La titular de la Asociación Madres de Plaza de Mayo, Hebe de Bonafini, cuestionó hoy al Gobierno por los incidentes ocurridos ayer en la avenida 9 de Julio durante un piquete, al advertir que el Gobierno busca “meter miedo” para que la gente no proteste y admitió que “cuando vos tenés hambre, generás violencia”.

    4. Un mega operativo de seguridad que contempla el desplazamiento de 450 efectivos de distintas fuerzas entre provinciales y nacionales se puso en marcha por el casamiento de Lionel Messi con Antonella Roccuzzo y que se extenderá hasta el sábado, una vez que haya partido gran parte de los 250 invitados.

    5. Yanina Latorre abandonó Los Ángeles de la Mañana en pleno vivo luego de cruzarse con Nancy Pazos mientras hablaban de la visita de Diego Latorre al Bailando junto a sus hijos.

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    National security adviser John Bolton appeared to disclose confidential notes written on a yellow pad Monday that included a plan to send troops to Colombia amid escalating tensions with Venezuela.

    During a briefing at the White House to announce sanction against Venezuela’s oil industry, Bolton held the notepad against his jacket with its pages facing outward.

    Scrawled in tight print at the top of the cover page were two items: “Afghanistan -> Welcome the Talks,” an apparent reference to ongoing peace negotiations with the Taliban, and “5,000 troops to Colombia.”

    Pentagon officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the situation, said that the Defense Department hadn’t received any orders to this effect.

    Asked about the briefing pad, the White House pointed to statements made by President Trump and Bolton in recent days that “all options are on the table” regarding Venezuela.

    The plan raised more questions about the potential for military action in Venezuela. If enacted, the troop movement would mark a major escalation of U.S. involvement in South America, though it is unclear what exactly the service members’ roles would be.

    The hospital ship USNS Comfort deployed to the Colombian port of Riohacha to treat Venezuelan migrants in the fall, but it has since returned home. The U.S. military has collaborated with its Colombian counterpart for years, providing training on everything from counterinsurgency to securing aircraft crash scenes.

    Tensions between the United States and Venezuela — a constant for more than a dozen years — have surged to crisis levels in the past week, after the United States recognized opposition leader Juan Guaidó as the country’s president. Guaidó, the head of the country’s National Assembly, had invoked the constitution to declare himself Venezuela’s president last week.

    The diplomatic crisis has continued as the United States defied an order by President Nicolás Maduro to evacuate its embassy staff from the country.

    It is not clear whether the disclosure of Bolton’s notes was the result of a mishap or an intentional decision.

    “We continue to pursue all paths to disconnect the illegitimate Maduro regime from its sources of revenue and ensure that interim President Guaido and the Venezuelan people have the resources and support they need to bring democracy back to Venezuela,” he tweeted Monday evening as images of the notes circulated on social media.

    It would not be the first time that notes or a briefing had been inadvertently released to the public after being captured on camera in the Trump White House. Kris Kobach, the former secretary of state of Kansas and a Trump ally, was photographed holding a document for a “strategic plan,” for the Department of Homeland Security during the transition in 2016, with the text visible above his hand. The plan included hard-line anti-immigration proposals such as reducing the intake of Syrian refugees to zero.

    Trump’s speeches have been marked up with notes in handwriting — including, at times, the president’s. In July, the margins of a speech he gave after a widely criticized appearance with Russian President Vladimir Putin drew a flurry of coverage after observers spotted the phrase “THERE WAS NO COLUSION,” written in all caps, with the word “Collusion” misspelled, on the document.

    Anne Gearan and Paul Sonne contributed to this report.

    Read more:

    Venezuela’s military may hold key to Maduro’s fate

    U.S. diplomats hunker down in Venezuela amid standoff with Maduro

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    DESCONECTA, 14 Sep.

    El repaso a la actualidad más curiosa y divertida de la semana llega puntual a su cita del fin de semana en Desconecta.

    El secreto de los Hunza sobre la eterna juventud, la reacción en Twitter de los usuarios sobre el lanzamiento del nuevo iPhone 6 de Apple, la joven que se inventó sus vacaciones para demostrar que en Facebook las apariencias engañan o la, sin duda curiosa, hamburguesa negra que Burger King vende en Japón, son sólo algunas de las noticias más curiosas de esta semana. ¿Te las vas a perder?

    ¿Cuál es el secreto de los Hunza y su eterna juventud?

    Los Hunza son un pueblo perdido en las montañas entre las fronteras de India y Pakistán y llama la atención por creerse que guardan el secreto de la eterna juventud, pues se dice que sus habitantes no envejecen como el resto de los mortales y no se les conoce muchas enfermedades.

    La foto del niño que se aburre con Obama en la Casa Blanca se hace viral

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    iPhone 6: Los ‘memes’ de las reacciones de los usuarios en Twitter

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    Si bien es cierto que algunos usuarios de la marca mostraron su conformidad con el producto, su elevado precio de lanzamiento al mercado, el tamaño exagerado del iPhone 6 plus o su falta de mejoras tecnológicas destacables, provocaron todo tipo de reacciones en Twitter, como mejor lo saben hacer en la red social: a base de ‘Memes’.

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    FIFA 2015: En ocasiones se ven mordidas de Luis Suárez

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    Si adivinas la identidad de 11 de 13 gatos puedes subir nota en Física

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    The body of Iran’s most senior nuclear scientist has been prepared for burial as anger at Israel and the US boiled over in the country following his assassination.

    Mohsen Fakhrizadeh’s coffin, draped in the Iranian flag and topped with flowers, was transported to a Muslim shrine for prayers and last tributes, the country’s state news reported. His remains will be taken from the Imam Reza shrine to Fatima Masumeh shrine in Qom, south of Tehran, and then to Imam Khomeini’s shrine in the capital, according to the defence ministry.

    Fakhrizadeh was killed on Friday on a highway near the capital in a military-style gun and bomb assault that has led to an escalation of tensions in the Middle East. A bodyguard was also killed in the attack. The assassination was carried out using an automatic machine gun operated with a remote control and not with gunmen on the ground, Fars news agency claimed.

    Fakhrizadeh’s funeral would be attended by his family and high-ranking military commanders, Iran’s defence ministry said on its website.

    Israel has not claimed responsibility or officially commented on the attack. However, Tehran has long blamed its arch-foe for killing several of its nuclear scientists, with Fakhrizadeh considered the most senior, having founded the Islamic Republic’s nuclear programme in the early 2000s.

    Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has promised a “definitive punishment of the perpetrators and those who ordered it”, putting Israel on alert for a potential military response in the coming days.

    Fakhrizadeh’s coffin at the Imam Reza shrine.

    An opinion piece published by a hardline Iranian newspaper on Sunday suggested that Iran should attack Haifa, a port city in northern Israel. The Kayhan newspaper published an opinion piece by an Iranian analyst, Sadollah Zarei, who suggested a strike that destroys facilities and “also causes heavy human casualties”.

    Such an attack would be an effective deterrent, he said, “because the United States and the Israeli regime and its agents are by no means ready to take part in a war and a military confrontation”.

    Iran has attacked Israeli targets overseas. Its proxy in Lebanon, Hezbollah, has also conducted strikes during previous rounds of heightened hostility.

    Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, Iran’s parliamentary speaker, said on Sunday that Iran’s enemies must be made to regret the killing. “The criminal enemy does not regret it except with a strong reaction,” he said in a broadcast on Iranian state radio.

    While Iran claims that its nuclear programme is non-military and focused on energy, Fakhrizadeh was the subject of US sanctions; Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has accused him of leading a secret atomic weapons operation.

    The timing of the attack has led to suggestions that Israel, possibly with Donald Trump’s support, is attempting to stop any future attempt by the incoming president, Joe Biden, to reconcile with Iran. To Israel’s dismay, Biden has said he is willing to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal abandoned by Trump and lift some economic sanctions if Iran comes back into compliance with the agreement.

    Ben Rhodes, deputy national security adviser when Biden was vice-president to Barack Obama, did not suggest who was to blame for the killing but criticised it as an “outrageous action aimed at undermining diplomacy between an incoming US administration and Iran”.

    All future UN inspections of Iran’s nuclear sites should be ended as a result of the assassination of Fakhrizadeh, the Iranian parliament agreed unanimously on Sunday.

    The response suggests the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, already breached by Iran’s breaking of the agreed limits on enriched uranium stockpiles, is going to come under severe pressure in the coming weeks as Iran responds to the attack. The parliament said in a reference to Israel that what it described as “the hand of the murderous Zionist regime” could be clearly seen in the assassination.

    Tehran said those that thought negotiation with the US was the right path had been proved wrong. The parliament said Iran should withdraw from so-called additional protocol – the measure that gives UN weapons inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) access to Iran’s nuclear sites.

    Such a move would probably be regarded as the effective end of the nuclear deal by its three European signatories: Germany, France and the UK. Iranian hardliners have long argued that Israeli spies operate within the IAEA inspectorate.

    Parliament met in closed session on Saturday to hear an intelligence report on how the assassination happened, and to update on progress with the investigation.

    Sunday’s statement on its own creates no legal duty on either the Iranian government or the country’s Atomic Energy Organization, but members of parliament are finalising a bill on the strategic act to revoke sanctions to create that obligation.

    Numerous Iranian military and political officials have said Iran will not respond militarily to the assassination at this stage since it would play into the hands of those in Israel and the US wanting to foment a war in the Middle East before Trump stands down in January. But Iran is debating whether the assassination has shown diplomatic negotiations with the Biden administration will be pointless.

    The former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders tweeted: “The assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was reckless, provocative, and illegal. As a new administration takes power, it was clearly intended to undermine US-Iran diplomacy. We must not allow that to happen. Diplomacy, not murder, is the best path forward.”

    Biden has not yet commented, but his allies say he remains committed to the US rejoining the nuclear deal.

    The UK foreign secretary, Dominic Raab, during an interview on Sky said the UK had seen no evidence regarding who was responsible for the attack, saying: “We are still waiting to see the full facts of what happened in Iran but I would say that we stick to the rules of international military law, which is very clear against targeting civilians.”

    On Saturday the Iranian ambassador to the UK, Hamid Baeidinejad, urged the UK government to unreservedly condemn the assassination of Fakhrizadeh, saying he was a dedicated scientist and that the attack was “a clear violation of the international law as well as human rights’ values and standards”.

    Raab said he was willing to meet Iranian leaders to discuss a way forward. He said: “There is an opportunity to look at the JCPOA [the Iran nuclear deal] again with the Biden administration, but there are a series of choices for them to go further and further down the track with its non-compliance with its obligations under the nuclear deal, and … right up to Christmas, I will be meeting with my colleagues, also with Iran, if they are willing to come into the tent, to make sure we hold them to account but also to try and find a peaceful path through.”

    Javad Zarif, Iran’s foreign minister, defended the negotiation of the nuclear deal, predicting some of the unnecessary tensions in US-Iranian relations could be removed under Biden. Trump, he said, had contracted his Middle East policy to Netanyahu, creating the worst era in US-Iran relations in 40 years.

    Agence France-Presse contributed to this report

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    El periodista Douglas Sánchez se incorporará a Noticias Repretel el próximo lunes 7 de agosto como presentador habitual del noticiero del mediodía de canal 6, que se transmite de 12 m. a 1:30 p. m.

    Sánchez regresará a la televisora de La Uruca a tres meses de su salida de Giros, programa al que renunció para atender sus otros compromisos laborales. En la revista matutina del 6 integró el equipo de presentadores durante un año y dos meses.

    ADEMÁS: Douglas Sánchez volverá a ser rostro de Repretel canal 6

    El regreso del periodista a Repretel fue confirmado en exclusiva a Viva por el presidente de la televisora, Fernando Contreras, el 14 de junio pasado; empero, en aquel momento aún no se concretaba la fecha de la reincorporación del comunicador.

    Douglas Sánchez fue presentador de la revista ‘Giros’ durante año y dos meses. Salió del programa en abril pasado.
    (Jorge Navarro.)

    Fue hasta este martes 1°. de agosto que Gilberto Valencia, quien coordinó el ingreso de Sánchez a ese canal, dijo a Viva que el periodista iniciaría sus funciones como presentador el próximo lunes.

    Respecto a su ingreso, Sánchez manifestó estar ilusionado, pues destaca el trabajo en equipo que hay en el noticiero, al que ahora aportará su dinámico estilo de presentar noticias, el mismo que implementó en el desaparecido Canal 9 y por el que se popularizó.

    “Hay un elemento de Noticias Repretel que me gusta mucho, y lo digo con toda honestidad: veo toda una estrategia de cohesión, de trabajo en equipo y eso me emociona. El principal reto ahora es que la gente se acostumbre al consumo de una noticia contada de una forma distinta”, aseveró Sánchez, de 38 años.

    El vecino de Tibás asegura que su particular forma de presentar noticias fue lo que llamó la atención de los directivos de Repretel para ficharlo. “Justamente me buscaron porque quieren que ese estilo prevalezca y, yo, feliz. Cuido muy bien aquella información que pueda agregar a la noticia. Es una fórmula que si la ven en Colombia, Argentina o Chile da gusto ver la forma en que los presentadores de noticias aportan al público información valiosa e interactúan con la audiencia”, agregó.

    Douglas Sánchez opinó que este estilo es necesario ante el embate de las redes sociales, que urgen a los presentadores de televisión establecer empatía con el público para lograr mantener la credibilidad y favorables números de audiencia.

    LEA TAMBIÉN:Douglas Sánchez renuncia a ‘Giros’, la revista matutina de Repretel

    “Estamos en un mercado donde competimos con las redes sociales, de ahí la necesidad de que en la televisión se rompa con esa formalidad de presentar (noticias). Hay que acercarse a las audiencias con mayor ritmo, con presentadores que le lleven el hilo a la noticia, que estén informados y que le busque diferentes aristas a un mismo acontecimiento”, consideró.

    El periodista mencionó que se integra a Noticias Repretel con un objetivo claro: ofrecerle más contexto a las informaciones que recibe el público del noticiero y sumarle detalle. “Si queremos convencer al público de que vamos hacia una propuesta diferente, la gente tiene que vernos cercanos e informados. Es un poco el estilo que quiero impregnar y es la herencia de mi paso por las noticias”, afirmó.

    En relación con su pronto regreso a la pantalla y a la falta de tiempo que demandó con su renuncia a Giros –presentada el 17 de abril pasado– respondió: “En Giros estaba de 6:30 a. m. hasta las 10 a. m. y tenía gran parte del día ocupado. La mayoría de mis proyectos los realizo con equipos de India y Estados Unidos y no podía programar llamadas a ciertas horas. Aquí estamos hablando de un trabajo de hora y media, y me resulta más fácil acomodarme”.

    Douglas Sánchez dio a conocer su particular estilo de presentar noticias en ‘Hoy’ el noticiero del extinto Canal 9. En la foto junto a la periodista Paula Brenes.
    (Mariandrea García.)

    También aclaró que su aparición en mayo en el programa de espectáculos de Teletica De boca en boca, fue en respuesta a una invitación de la exdirectora del espacio Gabriela Solano, y no representó un coqueteo con esa empresa.

    LE PUEDE INTERESAR:Luego de ser invitado en ‘De boca en boca’, Douglas Sánchez valora regresar a la TV

    “La invitación me la hizo Gabriela Solano y no fue en ese momento. Me buscaron casi inmediato a mi salida a Giros pero por respeto y porque no me gusta que un día me vean en un canal y al otro día en otro, pedí que me dieran chance, pero siempre se manejó como invitación. Con Teletica nunca ha habido un ofrecimiento donde me digan: ‘Mirá, te vamos a ofrecer esto’. Ha quedado mucho en el pasillo. Yo asumí un reto en concreto y una oportunidad concreta que Repretel puso sobre la mesa”, terminó el periodista.

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    Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp certified the state’s presidential election results Friday in favor of President-elect Joe Biden — but called for another audit of the votes.

    Kemp told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution it was “completely unacceptable” that stashes of thousands of uncounted ballots were found in several counties during the manual hand recount after the initial results.

    After the hand recount, President Trump gained 888 votes, shrinking Biden’s lead slightly to 12,670 votes.

    Kemp, who has faced ire from Trump and other Republicans over the process and his decision to certify the results, said he understood Trump’s frustration.


    “He’s a fighter,” Kemp said. “But at the end of the day, I’ve got to follow the laws of the constitution of this state and that’s exactly what I’m doing.”

    The governor told the Journal-Constitution he’s legally bound by state law to certify the results given by Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger following the recount.

    Now that the results are certified, the Trump 2020 Campaign will have until Tuesday to request another recount, he said, because the vote is within a half-percent. The recount would be paid for by the state. 

    “I would just say I’m formalizing the certification, he said. “Now that Secretary Raffensperger certified, it triggers the ability of the Trump campaign to ask for the recount. If something were to happen, I’m still part of that process. So my take on all this is: I’m following the law and the rules.”


    Kemp said he’s also been frustrated by the problems during the process.

    “But because I’ve been part of the process, I’ve had to be more guarded,” he told the newspaper. “I’m having to make sure I’m staying on firm legal footing for the official duties of the governor.”

    Kemp also asked Raffensperger to do a sample audit to compare voters’ signatures on mail-in ballots but the secretary of state has said that’s impossible at this point because the ballots are separated from the outer security envelope during the counting process, according to CBS News.

    Both officials have suggested adding a voter ID requirement for mail-in ballots in the future.

    “I’d be open to working with both bodies in the House and Senate, and the lieutenant governor and the speaker, as well on that,” Kemp told the Journal-Constitution. “Georgians deserve a process where the integrity of the vote is not a question – and certainly it is on a lot of people’s minds. That’s part of the issue of what’s going on right now.”


    Asked about what he’d tell Trump supporters frustrated with his actions, he said, “First of all, I’d tell them I am following the law. That’s what I told them I’d do when I took my oath. I’m frustrated with the outcome, but we’ve got to focus on the firewall in the U.S. Senate and voting Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler back to Washington to stop the drastic measures Democrats have embraced over the years.”

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    Los que lo conocen de la época en que todavía era Jorge Bergoglio aseguran que, para cuando hizo el famoso viaje del 2013, ya lo tenía decidido: un retiro tranquilo, en una parroquia de Flores. La sorpresiva elección posterior, que lo coronó como el primer Papa argentino, parece que no cambió mucho su determinación. Si Benedicto XVI lo hizo, porqué no él. Ahora el enigmático Francisco puso otro ladrillo sobre la catedral de rumores que construye desde hace tiempo: “Todos los pastores debemos despedirnos”, dijo en la homilía de hoy. NOTICIAS lo había anticipado.

    Desde la capilla de Santa Marta, la residencia dentro del Vaticano en la cual vive, el Papa dejó varias definiciones que podrían pronosticar su futuro. “El verdadero pastor sabe despedirse bien de su Iglesia, porque sabe que no es el centro de la historia, sino un hombre libre, que ha servido sin componendas y sin apropiarse de la grey”, aseguró el argentino. Las palabras no son casualidad: es el pasaje que eligió de la Biblia para la homilía de la fecha, una extracción del quinto libro del Nuevo Testamento, Hechos de los Apóstoles. Ese texto narra la despedida de San Pablo de la iglesia de Éfeso, que él mismo había fundado. “Se podría llamar ‘despedida de un obispo’”, aseguró el Papa sobre el capítulo que leyó.

    “Todos los pastores debemos despedirnos. Llega el momento en que el Señor nos dice: ve a otra parte, ve allá, ven aquí, ven a mí. Y uno de los pasos que debe hacer un pastor también es prepararse para despedirse bien, no despedirse a medias. El pastor que no aprende a despedirse lo hace porque tiene algún lazo no bueno con su grey, un lazo que no está purificado por la Cruz de Jesús. Una de las cosas que dará tanta paz al pastor cuando se despide es acordarse de que jamás fue un pastor de componendas, que no se echó para atrás. Para esto se necesita valor”, dijo Francisco.

    Para cerrar también fue categórico: “Con este ejemplo tan bello (el de San Pablo), recemos por los pastores, por los párrocos, por los obispos, por el Papa, para que sus vidas sean vidas sin compromisos, una vida en camino, y una vida en donde ellos no se crean que están en el centro de la historia y así aprendan a despedirse”.



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    The K9 unit at Pasco County Sheriff’s Office has joined in on the search for Brian Laundrie, the sole person of interest in the Gabby Petito case.

    The agency said Thursday that they are assisting North Port police, the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office and FBI at the Carlton Reserve. “K9 Diesel” is trained to detect human remains, officials said.

    “It’s important to note that the K9 trainer drives a vehicle that says ‘Arson Investigation’ on it, but they have not requested our arson K9 or investigators. This trainer simply helps train our HRD K9s,” according to a statement by the sheriff’s office.

    The K9 involved is handled by a Pasco County forensic investigator. 

    Photo of K9 Diesel, provided by the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office

    The view from SkyFOX showed the team on the ground in the preserve Thursday afternoon.

    Brian remains missing, despite several weeks of searching in Sarasota County. One week ago, Brian’s dad, Chris, spent three hours with investigators at the Myakkahatchee Creek Environmental Park, where the family thinks Brian was heading before he disappeared.

    READ: Gabby Petito’s cause of death ruled strangulation; body was outside up to 4 weeks, Wyoming coroner says

    Brian has not been named a suspect, but he is wanted on a federal warrant for unauthorized use of her card. When the FBI announced the charges last month, they said a Capital One Bank card was used between Aug. 30 and Sept. 1, taking more than $1,000.

    Brian’s family reported him missing on Friday, Sept. 17, saying they believed he left home on Tuesday, Sept. 14 in his silver Ford Mustang. However, last week, his parents backtracked, saying they now believe the day Brian left for his hike in the Carlton Reserve on Monday, Sept. 13.

    This week, the coroner in Teton, Wyoming revealed Gabby died by strangulation. Dr. Brent Blue revealed that it was estimated Gabby had been killed 3-4 weeks before her body was discovered, meaning she was likely killed shortly after August 25 when she made her last FaceTime call to her mom and her final social media post.

    Investigators are still asking the public for help in locating Brian. They say he is a white male, 5-foot-8 and weighing 160 pounds. He has brown eyes, very short brown hair, trimmed facial hair, and was last seen wearing a hiking bag with a waist strap.  

    Anyone with information is asked to call 1-800-CALL-FBI.

    More coverage: 

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    Lenín Moreno (Movimiento Alianza PAIS) y Guillermo Lasso (CREO-SUMA) ganaron cada uno en cinco de las diez ciudades con más sufragantes. Lasso triunfó en Guayaquil, Quito, Ambato, Riobamba y Loja, mientras Moreno lo hizo en Cuenca, Santo Domingo, Portoviejo, Machala y Manta.

    Las mayores votaciones se registraron para Lasso en Loja, con el 64,75% y a favor de Moreno en Manta, con el 74,62%.

    El mayor ausentismo se dio en Cuenca, con el 21,90% y el menor en Portoviejo, con el 13,15%. Sin embargo, cabe destacar que aunque Quito es la segunda ciudad con mayor número de empadronados, fue la primera con mayor cantidad de sufragantes, superando a Guayaquil en 23.946 electores. (I)

    A continuación, el cuadro que amplía esas cifras:

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    1. Trump busca pleito con Alemania

    En 2013, cuando la noticia de que Estados Unidos había estado espiando a Alemania durante varios años fue revelada, Angela Merkel envió un mensaje firme pero conciliador al presidente Obama: “los amigos no se espían”.

    En ese momento los expertos en Seguridad de Estados Unidos defendieron la vigilancia que realizaba la Agencia Nacional de Seguridad dejando claro que la amistad podría modificarse por cualquier otro tipo de suceso y no exclusivamente por el espionaje. El argumento fue desestimado por Berlín ya que, dijeron fuentes oficiales, los lazos que los mantienen unidos durante muchos años forman parte de la diplomacia internacional.

    Ahora con la nueva admistración la impensable ruptura que se vislumbraba en aquellos años, parece rea, ya que en las últimas semanas el presidente Trump ha arremetido en contra de Alemania.

    2. ¿Por qué el Panda Show se escuchará por Radio Red FM y no en La Z?

    Vuelve al micrófono José Antonio Zambrano y el Panda Show. Ahora será el Grupo Radio Centro quien le abra un espacio al que ha sido uno de los programas más populares en toda la historia de la radio mexicana, pero también uno de los más cuestionados por su tipo de contenido y uno de los más sancionados por la Secretaría de Gobernación.

    Radio Red FM, en los 92.1 MHz, será la nueva casa del Panda Show a partir del 1 de junio en el horario que va de las 20 a las 22 horas, una estación que históricamente ha sido identificada por los oyentes por sus contenidos noticiosos, pero que por estos días, como otras emisoras, es objeto de los recambios que Radio Centro está haciendo con varias de sus estaciones para mantenerse competitivo y del que este concepto de entretenimiento en radio ahora es parte clave.

    3. En su defensa, Eva Cadena se lanza contra Morena

    Eva Cadena, diputada local del estado de Veracruz, se dijo víctima de linchamiento político y acusó que Morena incurre al igual que otros partidos políticos en prácticas irregulares de financiamiento público para apoyar las campañas políticas.
    En rueda de prensa, dijo que ha sido amenazada de muerte, que su partido la dejó sola y que presentará una denuncia sobre el financiamiento ilegal que se utiliza para campañas con recursos públicos del Congreso local.

    4. México y EU definen fecha límite para renegociación

    Para México y Estados Unidos lo más importante es que la aprobación de la renegociación de Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte quede concretada antes de que culmine la administración de Enrique Peña y evitar “sorpresas” ante el relevo del gobierno mexicano, como ocurrió con el mandatario Donald Trump, que echó abajo el Acuerdo de Asociación Transpacífico (TPP).
    Ildefonso Guajardo, secretario de Economía, informó a los integrantes de la Cámara de Comercio Internacional (ICC) en México, que el resultado de la reunión con su contraparte, Robert Lighthizer, es acelerar las negociaciones y concluirlas antes del 15 de diciembre y de esta forma haya el tiempo necesario para que ambos Congresos lo avalen, previo al cambio de gobierno en México.

    5. Sur-sureste, con el nivel más bajo de ingresos

    El sur-sureste del país es la región del país con los niveles de ingresos más bajos de la población ocupada, integrada por Oaxaca, Guerrero, Veracruz, Chiapas, Yucatán, Tabasco, Quintana Roo y Campeche.
    Al cierre del primer trimestre de este año, 51.7% de los ocupados de esta zona gana hasta dos salarios mínimos (160.1 pesos diarios y 4,802.4 pesos mensuales); le siguen, de forma descendente, centro, con 44.1%; centro – occidente, con 39.1%, y norte, con 32.5%, de acuerdo con datos del Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (Inegi).

    El sur–sureste, en el periodo de referencia, cuenta con 11.2 millones de personas ocupadas; después del grupo que gana menos, continúa el de más de dos hasta tres salarios mínimos (16.2%), el que no recibe ingresos (11.9%), más de tres hasta cinco salarios (9.7%), no especificado (7.0%) y más de cinco salarios (3.5 por ciento).


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    President Biden took a swipe at the American press while sitting down in the Oval Office with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

    “I think what we’re going to do is bring in the press,” Biden began on Friday as they sat down. “The Indian press is much better behaved than the American press.”


    “I think, with your permission, you could not answer questions because they won’t ask any questions on point,” Biden later added. 

    The comments went viral with critics knocking the president in response. 

    “I thought Modi had said this when I heard about it, but nope that’s the American president,” New York Times reporter Katie Rogers tweeted.


    “Pretty Trumpian,” Washington Examiner correspondent Christian Datoc reacted.

    Washington Free Beacon reporter Chuck Ross highlighted that India ranks “142nd” in the world when it comes to press freedom according to Reporters Without Borders while the U.S. is ranked “44th.”

    As Breitbart’s Charlie Spierling noted, Biden’s comments were not included in the official White House transcript on the White House’s website.

    Despite having praised the value of journalists on the campaign trail, Biden has since hurled insults and jabs towards the press throughout his presidency. 


    In July, Biden called NBC News correspondent Kelly O’Donnell a “pain in the neck” for asking him a question that was off his preferred topic. 

    The president once snapped at CNN correspondent Kaitlan Collins for grilling him on his summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, telling her she was “in the wrong business,” later claiming “to be a good reporter you gotta be negative. You’ve got to have a negative view of life.”

    He even joked about running over a reporter with a car while he was test-driving a Ford after the reporter asked him a question about Israel. 

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    The attorney for Brian Laundrie’s family said Tuesday that all three members of the family camped at Fort De Soto Park in Pinellas County, Florida, one week before the 23-year-old went missing in early September.

    According to a report from WFLA, Attorney Steven Bertolino said the Laundrie family went camping from September 6 to September 8, before leaving the park together.

    The report comes one day after reality TV star Duane Chapman, otherwise known as “Dog the Bounty Hunter,” told Fox News that he believes Laundrie may have been hiding in Fort De Soto Park with assistance from his parents after he returned to Florida without his fiancée Gabby Petito.

    Laundrie, 23, has been named a person of interest in the disappearance of Petito, whose remains were found in Wyoming on September 19 after the two went on a cross-country road trip. Days after Petito’s body was found, the FBI ruled her death a homicide.

    Laundrie returned home to Florida without Petito on September 1, and was last seen on September 14. Three days later, his family reported him missing and told police they believed he went to Carlton Reserve, a nearly 25,000-acre preserve in Sarasota County.

    A North Port Police officer stands in the driveway of the family home of Brian Laundrie, who is a person of interest after his fiancé Gabby Petito went missing on September 20, 2021 in North Port, Florida.
    Octavio Jones/Getty Images

    On Monday night, Chapman alleged that he received information that Laundrie instead fled to Fort De Soto park with his parents after he returned home. The reality TV star claimed that Laundrie and his parents, Roberta and Chris, entered the park on September 6, but that only two people left the park on September 8—leaving room for theories that Laundrie could still be located in the area.

    “They were registered, went through the gate. They’re on camera. They were here,” Chapman told Fox News on Monday evening. “We think at least if he’s not here right now, we are sure he was caught on camera as he went in the gate—that he was here for sure. Not over in the swamp.”

    “Allegedly, what we’re hearing, is two people left on the 8th. Three people came in on the 6th, and two people left on the 8th. I think he’s been here for sure,” Chapman added.

    Fort De Soto Park is a vast wilderness area located about 75 miles away from the Laundries’ home on Wabasso Avenue in North Port. With more than 1,130-acres, the park is the largest in the Pinellas County Park System and contains five interconnected islands.

    Laundrie and Petito have both previously visited the park in February, with Petito posting a photo of their trip on social media. The couple later posted a review of the park on the travel website The Dyrt, describing it as a “really nice campground, beautiful area with many hikes and easy walks, the beach, historic sites, really nice camp store and well maintained sites!.”

    Following Chapman’s allegations, a spokesperson from the Pinellas Sheriff’s Office told the Tampa Bay Times that police were not “not aware of any confirmed sightings of Brian” and were not conducting an investigation in Fort De Soto.

    Laundrie’s parents have vehemently denied any knowledge of or involvement in their son’s disappearance.

    “The speculation by the public and some in the press that the parents assisted Brian in leaving the family home or in avoiding arrest on a warrant that was issued after Brian had already been missing for several days is just wrong,” Bertolino previously said in a statement.

    Anyone with information on Laundrie’s whereabouts is asked to contact the FBI at 1-800-CALL-FBI or 303-629-7171.

    Newsweek has contacted the FBI for an update on the Petito case.

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    Get all the latest news on coronavirus and more delivered daily to your inbox.  Sign up here.

    An infant in Chicago died Saturday after testing positive for COVID-19 – becoming the youngest person in Illinois to die after contracting the novel coronavirus.

    Gov. J.B. Pritzker announced the child’s death during a press conference Saturday. An investigation is being conducted to determine the exact cause of death and determine whether the infant had any underlying health conditions, the governor said.

    “I know how difficult this news can be, especially about this very young child,” the governor said at his daily news conference Saturday, according to the Chicago Tribune. “Upon hearing it, I admit that I was immediately shaken. It’s appropriate for any of us to grieve today.”

    He continued: “It’s especially sorrowful for the family of this very small child for the years stolen from this infant. We should grieve. We should grieve for a sense of normalcy we left behind just a few short weeks ago.”


    In this March 25, 2020 photo, medical personnel help each other at a federal COVID-19 drive-thru testing site in the parking lot of Walmart in North Lake, Ill. (AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh)

    The child, as well as a state employee, were among the 13 new deaths in Illinois announced at the press conference Saturday. The infant’s name and exact age were not released, though the governor said the child was less than 1 year old.

    “If you haven’t been paying attention, maybe this is your wake-up call,” Illinois Department of Public Health Director Dr. Ngozi Ezike said at the same press conference, urging people to do all they can to prevent the spread of the virus.

    Illinois in the eighth-most coronavirus infected state in the country, reporting at least 3,498 confirmed cases by Sunday morning, according to Johns Hopkins University.  A total of at least 47 people have died after contracting COVID-19.

    “The vast, vast majority of people in Illinois are doing precisely what we asked them to do,” Pritzker said. “But it’s the others — the people who aren’t obeying the stay-at-home rule — who are putting everyone in danger. It doesn’t take that many people, frankly, to break the rules and cause danger to others.”

    The risk of death and severe illness from COVID-19 is greater for older adults and people with other health problems. In most cases, the virus causes mild or moderate symptoms, which can include fever and cough but also milder cases of pneumonia, sometimes requiring hospitalization.

    Children have made up a small fraction of coronavirus cases worldwide. A letter published in the New England Journal of Medicine by Chinese researchers earlier this month reported the death of a 10-month-old with COVID-19. The infant had a bowel blockage and organ failure and died four weeks after being hospitalized.


    Separate research published in the journal Pediatrics traced 2,100 infected children in China and noted one death, a 14-year old. The study found less than 6 percent of children were seriously ill, according to the Associated Press.

    The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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    “This is about making sure that we’re able to conduct our democracy while we’re dealing with a pandemic. We can do both,” Biden said. “There’s a lot of ways to do it, but we should be talking about it now.”

    Trump advisers say they are open to certain changes, such as automatically sending absentee ballot applications to voters over age 65. But they’re opposed to other moves Democrats are pushing, such as sending every voter a ballot regardless of whether they ask for one, which Republicans argue would open the door to fraud.

    Trump has long been fixated on voter fraud. He has repeatedly claimed without evidence that he lost New Hampshire in 2016 because out-of-staters cast ballots, and after the election the president set up a since-disbanded voter fraud commission. Following the disastrous 2018 midterms, Trump said that after voting, some people “go to their car, put on a different hat, put on a different shirt, come in and vote again.”

    During an appearance on Fox News this week, Trump pushed back against an effort by House Democrats to secure billions of dollars for election assistance in the coronavirus relief package. The bill Trump ultimately signed included $400 million, a fraction of what Democrats had been seeking.

    “The things they had in there were crazy. They had things, levels of voting that if you’d ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again,” Trump said.

    Federal funding to help states ease voting barriers in response to coronavirus is just one front in the battle. Trump’s political apparatus is taking a state-by-state approach.

    In Pennsylvania, where Democrats proposed an entirely vote-by-mail system, Trump advisers worked with the Republican-controlled Legislature to push through more circumscribed rules. They include a limited expansion of absentee voting and changes to the handling and counting of those ballots.

    In Georgia, some officials are recommending sending everyone a ballot, also a no-go for Trump’s team. The president’s advisers instead advocated mailing people applications they would need to fill out and return in order to receive a ballot. The idea was approved by Georgia’s Democratic Party and Republican secretary of state.

    Republicans see an advantage in the change in Georgia. They say they will be able to use their financial advantage over Democrats to reach their Georgia supporters to ensure they’re returning ballot request forms.

    The Democratic offensive is being led by Marc Elias, a veteran election attorney who is currently involved in litigation in more than a dozen states. He has advocated a handful of changes in the wake of the outbreak, including providing pre-paid postage for mail-in ballots and extending the postmark deadline to Election Day.

    “If states are not able or willing to rise to the occasion of the challenges that Covid-19 poses, we’re going to continue looking very seriously to the courts to protect the rights of voters and to ensure that ballots don’t go uncounted that should be counted,” Elias said.

    Trump advisers say they are trying to prevent overreach on the part of Democrats, who have long sought to ease voting restrictions.

    “It is beyond disgusting that the Democrats are using this crisis to try to dismantle the integrity of our voting system,” said Justin Clark, a senior Trump campaign counsel who is helping to spearhead the legal fight. “The American people won’t stand for this, and the campaign and the party intend to fight with them for a free, fair, and open vote in November.”

    Clark pointed to so-called community ballot collection — an idea embraced by some Democrats that would allow local organizations and individuals to collect ballots from voters at their homes — as something the Trump campaign would fight.

    The pandemic is expected to increase the amount of funding the Republican Party devotes to lawsuits. The cash-flush Trump machine announced in February it was directing $10 million toward legal battles, but people involved in the effort say that figure is now likely to climb much higher.

    In some instances, the RNC is providing financing for state parties to help with lawsuits.

    “Democrats know they cannot beat President Trump at the ballot box, so they are trying to use the courts to beat him,” said RNC chief of staff Richard Walters. “We are going to use the full resources of the RNC to stop them.”

    A cluster of Democratic organizations — including the national party committees, the prominent Priorities USA super PAC, and the National Democratic Redistricting Committee — have already been pursuing voting-related litigation. FairFight, an organization founded by former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, has also been active.

    Biden spokesman Andrew Bates declined to comment on whether the campaign would join in the legal wrangling but said any Trump-led effort “to restrict access to voting would … amount to a craven attempt to steal the sacred right of the American people to vote.”

    The battle is likely to further intensify in the days and weeks ahead. Many of the changes Democrats are seeking would likely take substantial time to implement, meaning that any action would need to take place soon.

    “You can’t wait to see how this is all turning out,” said Elias, referring to the coronavirus. “You have to start doing it now.”

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    Desde las 5:30 de la madrugada de este sábado, el Gobierno del estado Táchira, informó a través de la red social Twitter,que fue abierto el paso temporal por el puente internacional Simón Bolívar.

    VEA TAMBIÉN: Abren frontera con Colombia por el Táchira desde este sábado

    Según medios locales, venezolanos acuden al mercado colombiano en Cúcuta para hacer las compras de algunos productos de la cesta básica, sin embargo este fin de semana, en comparación con la jornada del pasado domingo, los precios de la mercancía sufrieron un aumento en pesos, así lo denuncia la cuenta en Twitter, @GobiernoTáchira.

    “El azúcar subió de 2400 a 3100 pesos, medio kilo de arvejas a 3100. El cambio está 2,5 Bsf por peso”, indica el mensaje en la red social.

    Durante la jornada del pasado domingo, venezolanos hicieron compras en Cúcuta de algunos rubros de la cesta básica con sello colombiano, entre ellos, el arroz fue vendido desde 3.000 pesos  (Bs 1.200) a 3.200 pesos (Bs 1.280); El azúcar Zulia de un kilo 3.200 pesos (Bs. 1.320); Harina de sal el kilo 2.200 pesos, al cambio 880 bolívares; La pasta el kilo costó al venezolano 2.600 pesos, al cambio 1.040 bolívares, todos estos productos tienen empaque con sello de Colombia.


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