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Two weeks after Texas Governor Greg Abbott began reopening the economy, the southern state on Saturday reported 1,801 new confirmed coronavirus infections marking its single-highest rise in cases since the beginning of the pandemic.

Of the new cases, 734 are from Potter and Randall counties. “These counties’ new cases are largely from targeted testing of employees at meat plants in the area. More test results from plants are expected,” tweeted the Texas Department of Health.

As of May 17, Texas has a total of 45,198 COVID-19 cases, with 1,272 deaths and 25,454 recoveries. Before the weekend, Texas had never reported over 1,500 cases in one day. The state has been averaging roughly 1,220 cases per day over the past week, as non-essential businesses continue to open as part of Governor Greg Abbott’s phased reopening plan.

The surge in cases can partly be attributed to an outbreak among the meatpacking industry in Amarillo. Following the spike announcement, Abbott released a statement saying that coronavirus response teams that were sent to Armarillo earlier this month have been increasing testing in the area and other measures to contain the outbreak.

“That is exactly why I established Surge Response Teams,” the governor said. “By immediately deploying resources and supplies to these high-risk areas, we will identify the positive cases, isolate the individuals and ensure any outbreak is quickly contained, which is the strategy being deployed in Amarillo.”

The surge comes as Texas continues to push ahead with reopening its economy and both non-essential and essential businesses. Abbott allowed malls, movie theaters, restaurants and retails stores to reopen at quarter capacity with social distancing on May 1, becoming the most populous state to do so at the time.

Texas’ phased reopening plan saw hair salons and barbershops across the state open their doors on May 8. Next, gyms and other such businesses will be allowed to resume on Monday with capacity limits.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told Congress earlier this week that states that prematurely reopen will experience “little spikes that might turn into outbreaks.”

Despite the increase in cases, Abbott has maintained that Texas is still far from hitting hospital and ventilator capacity. About 1,790 individuals are currently hospitalized in the state, and more than 17,000 beds are still available to be used.

Newsweek reached out to Texas Governor Greg Abbott for further comment. This story will be updated with any response.

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El Gobierno vasco pagó a finales de 2013 a cuatro medios de comunicación afines al nacionalismo institucional 20.415 euros para que incluyeran en sus contenidos informaciones en contra de la denominada Ley Wert.

Lo hizo poco después de que fuera aprobada definitivamente y semanas antes de que el Ejecutivo de Iñigo Urkullu formalizara el recurso que, en febrero pasado, presentó contra ella ante el Tribunal Constitucional. Estas informaciones se insertaron no como publicidad explícita del Gobierno, sino como contenidos informativos de los propios medios.

El pago para su publicación se hizo a través de cuatro contratos, firmados todos ellos con empresas periodísticas pertenecientes al Grupo Noticias.

Tal y como reconoce en una respuesta parlamentaria el propio Gobierno del PNV, como contraprestación al citado contrato los diarios Deia, Diario de Noticias de Álava y Diario de Noticias de Gipuzkoa publicaron el 15 de diciembre de 2013 una información extensa -tres páginas- en las que, bajo el formato de mesa redonda, distintas personalidades del ámbito educativo debatían, siempre en tono crítico, sobre la ley.

Junto a los medios escritos, la emisora Onda Vasca, perteneciente al mismo grupo, también destinó como contenido informativo -previa firma de un contrato- un espacio para abordar de modo crítico la reforma educativa. Lo hizo en su programa estrella, Euskadi Hoy, en el que dedicó 35 minutos a entrevistar a cinco representantes del ámbito educativo vasco, navarro y catalán contrarios a la reforma educativa.

‘Inserciones publicitarias’

La inserción de estos contenidos informativos críticos con la Ley Wert la misma semana que se publicaba su aprobación en el BOE respondió a una estrategia del Departamento de Educación, que dirige Cristina Uriarte. En una respuesta parlamentaria, ésta los concibe como «inserciones publicitarias», si bien en la documentación que ella adjunta, y que reproduce las informaciones publicadas, no queda constancia de ello.

Uriarte justifica el pago de 20.415 euros para la compra de informaciones por las «situaciones de conveniencia» que se daban en esos momentos y por la necesidad de «informar y crear debate en torno a la Lomce» tras su aprobación. El debate, sin embargo, se encontraba ya plenamente instalado en la comunidad educativa.

Uriarte asegura que, para adjudicar los contratos, se tuvieron en cuenta «diversas propuestas recibidas» de algunos medios -que no cita- y que se seleccionaron «las más competitivas en base al criterio objetivo del binomio precio/audiencia». Curiosamente, los cuatro contratos corresponden al mismo grupo de comunicación, cercano al PNV.

Las adjudicaciones se formalizaron a finales de 2013 con la empresa Ediciones Izoria 2004, editora de Diario de Noticias de Álava por 3.374 euros. Por la misma información se suscribió un contrato con la empresa Urgull 2004, editora del Diario de Noticias de Gipuzkoa, por 4.723,84 euros. Hubo un contrato con Editorial Iparraguire, editora de Deia, a la que abonó por el mismo contenido 9.897,8 euros. El cuarto contrato lo firmó con Eusko Media SL, propietaria de Onda Vasca, por 2.420 euros.

En la crónica, titulada Miedo, control ideológico y esperanza, los diarios del Grupo Noticias justifican su publicación asegurando que lo hacen «prestando» sus páginas al debate y la reflexión sobre la reforma.

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Familiares angustiados esperan noticias en el puerto de Jindo.

Con casi 300 personas todavía desaparecidas, tras el hundimiento de un ferry lleno de estudiantes frente a la costa de Corea del Sur, empiezan a surgir los primeros reportes de mensajes de texto enviados por los que quedaron atrapados.

“Esta debe ser mi última oportunidad para decirte que te quiero”, escribió el estudiante Shin Young-Jin a su madre desde el buque.

“Yo también te quiero”, le respondió su madre, claramente ajena a la crisis desatada en el barco en el que viajaba su hijo.

Según el diario Korea Herald, Shin Young-Jin figura entre las 179 personas rescatadas del barco que transportaba a un total de 462 pasajeros, hasta el momento se han reportado un total de 20 fallecidos.


Lea también: Investigan hundimiento de ferry

“El barco está muy inclinado”

Pero muchos otros padres que recibieron este tipo de mensajes no han tenido la misma suerte.

La agencia AFP reportó otro intercambio de mensajes con estudiantes a bordo.

Estudiante: “Papá, no te preocupes. Estoy llevando un chaleco salvavidas y estoy con otras chicas. Estamos dentro del barco, todavía en el vestíbulo”.

Padre: “Sé que el rescate está en camino. ¿Pero no tendrías que estar esperando fuera en la barandilla? Trata de ir si puedes”.

Estudiante: “El barco está demasiado inclinado. El vestíbulo está lleno de gente”.

La estudiante que envió estos mensajes sigue desaparecida.

“Haz lo que te digan”

Otro intercambio publicado en los medios surcoreanos fue entre un estudiante y su hermano cuando el barco empezó a tener problemas.

Estudiante: “El barco chocó contra algo y no se está moviendo. Dicen que la guardia costera acaba de llegar”.

Supervivientes del naufragio dijeron que les ordenaron permanecer quietos dentro del buque.

Hermano: “No entres en pánico. Tan sólo haz lo que te digan y todo estará bien”.

Pero no se volvió a dar ninguna comunicación.

Un superviviente dijo que “hubo un anuncio ordenándonos permanecer quietos, pero el ferry ya se estaba hundiendo”.

Algunos padres permanecieron en contacto con sus hijos por teléfono hasta que las líneas se cortaron.

Park Yu-Shin, cuya hija se encuentra entre los desaparecidos, le dijo a AFP que habló con su hija mientras ésta lidiaba con la emergencia.

“Me decía: nos estamos poniendo los chalecos salvavidas. Nos dicen que esperemos y nos quedemos quietos, así que estamos esperando. Puedo ver un helicóptero”, dijo Park, cuya hija todavía está entre los desaparecidos.

“Quería vivir”

Todavía no está claro que provocó el hundimiento del ferry, que transportaba en su mayoría a estudiantes, pero los supervivientes aportaron testimonios similares sobre lo que pasó este miércoles, así como las escenas de caos que se vivieron a bordo.

“Hubo un fuerte ruido y el bote empezó a hundirse inmediatamente por un lado”, dijo Kim Song-Muk, uno de los pasajeros rescatados.

“La gente se amontonó para alcanzar la escotilla exterior, pero era difícil con el barco volcado hacia un lado”.

El estudiante Lim Hyung-min narró cómo saltó al océano con otros jóvenes llevando un chaleco salvavidas y nadó hacia un bote de rescate cercano.

“Como el ferry estaba temblando e inclinándose, tropezábamos y chocábamos unos contra los otros”, dijo Lim, añadiendo que algunas personas estaban sangrando.

Una vez saltó al océano “estaba tan frío.. Me apuré, pensando que quería vivir”.

Críticas al rescate

El modo en que se llevó a cabo la evacuación está siendo fuertemente criticado.

Imágenes de la escena mostraron a equipos de rescate en el ferry accidentado sacando a adolescentes por las ventanas de las cabinas, mientras que otros saltaban al mar a medida que el barco se hundía.

El pasajero Koo Bon-Hee, de 36 años, contó a la agencia AP que mucha gente quedó atrapada dentro porque las ventanas eran muy difíciles de romper.

Él quería escapar antes pero el anuncio pidió a los pasajeros que se quedaran quietos. Ko Bon-Hee criticó el rescate, alegando que hubo tiempo suficiente para evacuar a los pasajeros y que muchos habrían sobrevivido tan sólo saltando al mar y esperar ser rescatados.

Otro superviviente dijo a la televisión local: “El anuncio nos dijo que nos quedáramos quietos, pero el barco ya se estaba hundiendo y habían muchos estudiantes que todavía no habían salido del barco”.

Kim Seong-mok dijo a la televisora coreana YTN que estaba “seguro” de que mucha gente estaba atrapada dentro del barco cuando el agua se empezó a filtrar rápidamente y la inclinación del barco les impidió llegar a las salidas.


Los operativos de rescate continúan en la zona donde se produjo el hundimiento.

También se han dado reportes de actos heroicos a bordo.

Se ha dicho que una integrante de la tripulación, Park Ji-young, de 22 años, perdió su vida cuando trataba de asegurarse de que todos los pasajeros de los pisos superiores llevaran chalecos salvavidas y encontraran la salida.

“Le pregunté varias veces por qué no llevaba primero un chaleco salvavidas. Park sólo dijo que saldría del barco después de asegurarse de que todos los pasajeros estaban fuera”, dijo un superviviente a medios locales.

“Park empujó a los conmocionados pasajeros hacia la salida incluso cuando el agua le llegaba al pecho”.

Según reportó el Korea Herald, la joven empezó a trabajar para la compañía en 2012, para apoyar a su familia con su sueldo.

Cuando su cuerpo llegó al hospital, dijo el medio, su madre gritó: “No puedo creer que nos hayas dejado”.

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MIAMI, Fla. (WFLA) — Police say a woman was found dead at a Florida hotel on Thursday after she was allegedly drugged and raped by two visitors who later stole her credit cards to spend money on their trip.

The Miami Herald reports the 24-year-old Pennsylvania woman was found “semi nude” and dead Thursday in her hotel room in Miami Beach after visitors from across the country flocked to the area over spring break.

Two men, Evoire Collier, 21, and Dorian Taylor, 24, of Greensboro, North Carolina, were reportedly seen on surveillance video entering the room with the woman. They left less than an hour later, according to police.

“The defendant was holding her from behind, holding her by the neck so she could stand,” Miami Beach Detective Luis Alsina told a judge at a hearing.

Police said they found Collier on Ocean Drive wearing the same pants he was wearing in the video.

According to the report, Collier told police he met the woman at a local restaurant and “went along with [Taylor] as they planned to have sex with the victim.”

He said Taylor gave the woman a “green pill” believed to be Percocet, and that they both had sex with the woman. Collier claims Taylor forced himself on the woman when she appeared to be unconscious, police said.

“The fact that the victim was under the influence of alcohol and narcotics, she could not have consented to sex with the defendants,” police said in the report.

Police said the men stole the woman’s cash, credit cards and phone, and left her in the room “without any concern for her welfare or safety.”

The men allegedly spent her money at various locations throughout Miami, including South Beach Liquors, where Taylor was captured on surveillance video.

The woman’s phone and green pills were in Taylor’s possession when police arrested him, the Herald reported.

According to the newspaper, Collier and Taylor are facing charges of burglary with battery, sexual battery, petty theft and credit card fraud. They could also face murder or manslaughter charges if tests show the woman died of an overdose from the pill they supplied.

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In a largely African-American section of Houston called Kashmere Gardens, Barry Williams, 66, a retired pastor, went to a voting site early on Super Tuesday, about an hour after the polls opened. Houston’s mayor, Sylvester Turner, had endorsed Mr. Bloomberg, but Mr. Williams was supporting Mr. Biden, explaining that his work in the Obama administration was the key factor.

“I believe he’s a proven person,” Mr. Williams said. “He has the actual hands-on approach. With his past record, he has shown that he is a person that can handle this position.”

Mr. Biden’s campaign had just four field offices in Texas, in Houston, Austin, Dallas and San Antonio. Though the campaign’s overall staff on the ground was relatively small, its effort was augmented by a large coterie of local elected officials who endorsed Mr. Biden, like Representatives Marc Veasey, Colin Allred and Sylvia Garcia, who organized their own get-out-the-vote efforts for Mr. Biden, particularly during early voting.

Mr. Biden’s campaign received its most significant endorsements on Monday in Dallas, when three of his former rivals — Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, former Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Ind., and former Representative Beto O’Rourke of Texas — all announced their backing of the former vice president. Late Tuesday night, when results were still trickling in but looked promising for Mr. Biden, he attributed his success in the state to Mr. O’Rourke.

“We won Minnesota because of Amy Klobuchar. And we’re doing well in Texas because of Beto O’Rourke,” Mr. Biden told a buzzing crowd at his campaign’s election-night rally in Los Angeles.

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São Paulo – Brasília and Copenhagen are the two finalists to host the 8th World Water Forum, in 2018. The event is attended by government officials, business delegates and researchers who convene to discuss the best ways to use and conserve water, trends, needs, and alternatives for making fresh water available to all people. In case Brasília wins, it will be the first time a city in the Southern Hemisphere hosts the forum.

The Federal District governor Agnelo Queiroz has said this Tuesday (11th), at the headquarters of the Brazilian Infrastructure and Base Industries Association (ABDIB), in São Paulo, that the federal capital has the chance to show that it is a city committed to sustainability. Brazil, in turn, could showcase its successful water resource management projects.

Marcos Carrieri/ANBA

Queiroz: advantages to city and country alike

The advantages of hosting the forum are manifold, ranging from the actual debate to the positive image that stems from displaying the sustainability [of Brasília], which is an important asset for attracting investment,” he said. Queiroz said Brazil possesses vast quantities of fresh water, but needs to manage different realities within its territory. Water is abundant in the North and South, but scarce in some areas of the Northeast. The theme of Brazil’s candidacy, “Sharing Water,” was designed to discuss ways to use water as pertains to consumption, food production, nature, and in regions with different characteristics and degrees of availability.

Queiroz said Brazil’s strengths in water resource management include advanced laws, master plans specifically targeting water, the National Water Agency (ANA, in the Portuguese acronym), and the fact that water is the main source of electric power. On the other hand, he noted that the country must expand its sewage treatment network.


According to ABDIB vice president Newton de Lima Azevedo, the forum is important to other Southern Hemisphere countries as well, such as Latin American countries. “The region is still underrepresented when it comes to debating water usage, and is still struggling when it comes to managing its water resources,” said Azevedo, who is one of the World Water Council’s 36 governors, the organization in charge of hosting the forum. The governors will vote to choose the host city.

The next voting session and the announcement of the winning city will take place in South Korea, which will host the forum on February 25th, 2015. Out of the 36 governors, nine are from the Americas, 12 are from Asia, three are from Africa, and 12 are from Europe. The first edition of the event was held in Marrakech, Morocco, in 1997. In 2000, Hague, in the Netherlands, hosted the event, as did Kyoto, Japan, in 2003, Mexico City (2006), Istanbul, Turkey (2009), and Marseille, in France (2012).

For the 2018 edition, Colombia, Syria, Qatar, Russia, Denmark, Brazil, Slovenia, Slovakia, and Myanmar expressed interested in hosting the forum, but only Brazil, Russia, Qatar and Denmark have presented actual bids. Out of these four countries, only Brazil’s Brasília and Denmark’s Copenhagen are finalists. The government of Brasília is expecting to receive 30,000 people during the Forum in case it wins. According to the governor, the city already boasts the necessary infrastructure for hosting the event.

*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum

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Investigators believe the man who killed a retired Massachusetts State Police trooper and a U.S. Air Force veteran in Winthrop on Saturday was motivated by hate and acted alone.

Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins said that David L. Green and 60-year-old Ramona Cooper were “executed” by 28-year-old Nathan Allen. He was later fatally shot by police after he crashed a stolen work truck into a building.

The shootings are being investigated as possible hate crimes because Rollins said “troubling white supremacist rhetoric” in Allen’s handwriting was discovered by investigators. That handwriting contained antisemitic statements and racist statements against Black people, according to Rollins.

Rollins said the only people killed by Allen were Black.

“It’s easy for you to possibly think, ‘This type of thing only happens in Charlotte, or, when we saw the insurrection on Jan. 6, that those were individuals from down south. This happened in Suffolk County,” Rollins said Monday. “This person had some very disturbing beliefs, white supremacist beliefs, regarding… members of our Jewish population as well as Black individuals.”

From the outside and on social media, sources tell 5 Investigates Allen exhibited no warning signs and had no criminal background.

They say there was nothing to indicate Allen was tied to any established hate group. Investigators believe he worked alone.

In response to the attack, officials announced several resources and events being made available to the community. Meredith Hurley, Winthrop’s Director of Public Health, said her office’s crisis intervention team will go door-to-door in the neighborhood and there will be drop-in services offered Wednesday at the Senior Center from 7 p.m. through 8 p.m.

A vigil is also scheduled for 7 p.m. Thursday at Winthrop Town Hall.

Winthrop police Chief Terence Delehanty said his department received a call shortly before 2:45 p.m. Saturday about the crash involving the stolen truck that leveled a building. He confirmed that no one was inside the building at the time of the crash.

After the crash, authorities said Allen exited the vehicle and proceeded to get away. At some point shortly thereafter, Allen is believed to have shot Cooper and Green. Green was pronounced dead at the scene, while Cooper was transported to Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, where she was later pronounced dead.

Delehanty said one victim, later identified as Cooper, was found by Winthrop police on Shirley Street, about a half-block away from the scene of the crash. Green, meanwhile, was engaged by the suspect in an alleyway between two houses that was further down the street.

According to Rollins, Cooper was shot three times in the back and Green was shot four times in the head and three times in his torso.

Police then engaged Allen, who Delehanty said was armed with two weapons, and at least one officer, a Winthrop police sergeant, shot him at the intersection of Shirley Street and Veterans Road. Allen was transported to Mass General, where he died of his injuries.

At this time, investigators believe Allen acted alone in the crash and shootings. Rollins said Allen was “not on my radar” and that he had a lawful license to carry that transferred to another town, meaning he had nothing on his background check.

In a statement, MSP Superintendent Col. Christopher Mason said Green was murdered outside of his Beach Road home.

According to Mason, Green had an honorable 36-year career in law enforcement and retired on Dec. 31, 2016. He became a Metropolitan District Commission police officer in 1980 and became a state trooper 12 years later when the MDC police were merged into the MSP.

Green spent much of his MSP career assigned to the Boston State Police Barracks at Leverett Circle, Mason said.

Rollins said law enforcement stood around Green’s body at the scene of the shooting. Police officers, firefighters and emergency medical technicians lined Albany Street in Boston as Green’s body was being transported to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.

People also left flowers at the site of the crash and the spot where Green was fatally shot.

“Trooper David Green more than upheld the ideals of integrity, professionalism, and service to others that are the hallmarks of a great Trooper. We are heartbroken by his loss and offer our condolences to his family and friends,” Mason said in his statement.

Nick Tsiotos, a longtime friend of Green’s, says he had coffee with him Saturday morning and that the retired trooper, who was also a military veteran, was sitting with friends when he heard the crash and decided to help.

“He thought there was a crash and did not have his weapon with him, obviously,” Tsiotos said. “He went out and tried to do what he was doing for 36 years with the state police: trying to help save lives and help save people.”

Witnesses say once Green realized Allen was armed, he tried to stop the gunman from hurting his friends and neighbors, ultimately losing his life in the process.

“I really believe he saved people’s lives because this gunman was deranged,” Tsiotos said. “Dave probably stopped him from going into homes and killing people.

“There was no better human being than Dave Green,” Tsiotos added. “He really fulfilled everything that was good, the best of humanity.”

Cooper’s son said she was a mother, grandmother and sister, adding, “My mother was a good person. She would help anyone who needed it. She was caring and selfless.”

Rollins said Cooper rose to the rank of staff sergeant in the Air Force and that she was still involved in the military.

One of Cooper’s neighbors, who is also a military veteran, tells NewsCenter 5 that Cooper was a Veterans Affairs employee.

“This is a sad day,” Rollins said Sunday. “These two people protected our rights. They fought for us to be safe and to have the opinions that we have, and they were executed. We will find out why and find out more about this man that did this.”

Another vehicle was involved in the crash with the stolen truck. The two occupants of that vehicle were transported to an area hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

According to Rollins, Allen was traveling at a rate twice the speed limit in the stolen truck and was heading in the direction of Jewish temples.

“We don’t know where he was going. That is mere speculation,” Rollins said Sunday. “We do know that he had antisemitic rhetoric written in his own hand.”

Sources tell 5 Investigates Allen went out Friday night and never came home.

Allen’s license to carry a weapon was renewed in Winthrop last year, according to 5 Investigates’ sources.

A Winthrop police sergeant who shot Allen was taken to an area hospital to be evaluated, but Delehanty said the officer was not seriously injured.

“It was extremely heroic. He’s a great police officer. He’s a great sergeant. He isolated a significant threat to this community and ended that threat,” Delehanty said Sunday.

“It’s something that we don’t wake up in the morning wishing to do,” the police chief added. “Again, (no officer) was physically harmed, but we are emotionally harmed by our actions that are necessary to protect the community. We want to make sure he’s taken care of today, tomorrow and in the future.”

The sergeant will be placed on administrative leave while Rollins’ office investigates the shooting, per standard procedure. Rollins did say that investigators believe the officer who shot Allen told the suspect to put his gun down multiple times.

The Winthrop Police Department, Massachusetts State Police and Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office are investigating the shooting.

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via press release:



Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval present the Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production

Miami – July 31, 2014 – Telemundo presents “Muriendo por Cruzar”, a documentary that investigates why increasing numbers of immigrants are dying while trying to cross the US-Mexican border near the city of Falfurrias, Texas, this Sunday, August 3 at 6PM/5 C.  The Telemundo and The Weather Channel co-production, presented by Noticias Telemundo journalists Carmen Dominicci and Neida Sandoval, reveals the obstacles immigrants face once they cross into US territory, including extreme weather conditions, as they try to evade the border patrol.  “Muriendo por Cruzar” is part of Noticias Telemundo’s special coverage of the crisis on the border and immigration reform.


“‘Muriendo por Cruzar’” dares to ask questions that reveal the actual conditions undocumented immigrants face as they try to start a new life in the United States,” said Alina Falcón, Telemundo’s Executive Vice President for News and Alternative Programming.  “Our collaboration with The Weather Channel was very productive. They have a unique expertise in covering the impact of weather on people’s lives, as we do in covering immigration reform and the border crisis. The result is a compelling documentary that exposes a harrowing reality.”

“Muriendo por Cruzar” is the first co-production by Telemundo and The Weather Channel.  Both networks are part of NBCUniversal.

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    Joe Biden has expressed optimism that young children would soon become eligible for Covid-19 inoculations, while urging unvaccinated Americans to take the “gigantically important” step of getting their shots as the virus surges across the US.

    Speaking at a televised town hall in Cincinnati on Wednesday, hosted by CNN, Biden said that children under 12, who are currently ineligible for the three coronavirus vaccines available in the US, could get shots by August or later in the fall.

    Last week, an FDA official told NBC News that Covid-19 vaccine approval for younger children could come by midwinter. Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech both launched trials of their Covid-19 vaccines for kids under 12 in March, with results expected in the fall.

    “They’re not promising me any specific date, but my expectation, talking to the scientists,” Biden said at the town hall, “is that sometimes, maybe in the beginning of the school year, at the end of August, beginning of September, October, you’ll get a final approval” for vaccinating kids. But, he added, the ultimate decision lay with officials at the FDA and CDC. “I do not tell any scientists what they should do. I do not interfere,” Biden said.

    Meanwhile, he said, the CDC would probably recommend that “everyone under the age of 12 should probably be wearing masks in school”.

    Responding to a question posed by a Democrat running for school board, Biden said: “That’s probably what’s going to happen. Secondly, those over the age of 12 who are able to get vaccinated – if you’re vaccinated, you shouldn’t wear a mask, if you aren’t vaccinated, you should be wearing a mask.” The CDC currently recommends that “masks should be worn indoors by all individuals (age 2 and older) who are not fully vaccinated”.

    Covid-19 cases have nearly tripled in the US over the past two weeks, and the seven-day rolling average for daily new cases rose to more than 37,000 on Tuesday, up from less than 13,700 on 6 July, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. Only 56.2% of Americans have gotten at least one dose of the vaccine, according to the CDC.

    The president expressed frustration that many Americans who were eligible for vaccines were not getting them. “We have a pandemic for those who haven’t gotten the vaccination – it’s that basic, that simple,” Biden said. “If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the IC unit, and you’re not going to die.”

    Some public health experts pointed out that Biden’s statement was not quite true: although the majority of coronavirus cases and hospitalizations are among unvaccinated individuals and “breakthrough” infections among the vaccinated are rare, the virus can still pose a deadly risk to them, especially for the many immunocompromised people for whom vaccines don’t provide adequate protection.

    “So it’s gigantically important that we all act like Americans who care about our fellow Americans,” and get vaccinated, Biden said.

    The flagging vaccination rates come as vaccine misinformation remains a major issue. Biden recently said that tech giants like Facebook were “killing people” by failing to curb rampant online misinformation about the safety and efficacy of the Covid-19 vaccine.

    At the town hall, Biden also made an indirect reference to high-profile conservative personalities at Fox News who are now more openly speaking to their skeptical guests and viewers about the benefits of getting vaccinated. Sean Hannity recently told viewers: “I believe in the science of vaccination” and urged them to take the disease seriously. Steve Doocy, who co-hosts Fox & Friends, this week told viewers the vaccination “will save your life”.

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    La relación entre los creadores de noticias y su principal distribuidor está roto. Un medio le dice a una industria lo que, para el medio, más importa, disfrazado de lo que le importa a sus usuarios. Esto dicta la forma en la que los recursos del medio informativo se gastarán y qué historias serán contadas. No se trata de teorías: si Facebook (FB) dice que va priorizar video, todos los medios que puedan darse el lujo, construirán un equipo de video. Si hacen Live, todos los presentadores tendrán un asistente para las transmisiones en vivo. Seguidores de audiencia siguiendo las reglas de un amo.

    Estamos envueltos en un mundo golpeado por una crisis que alimenta el sentimiento xenófobo en países democráticos, que menosprecia a las economías de los países que dependen de la venta de sus recursos naturales y en el que los regímenes autoritarios aplastan o generan suficiente #ruidoblanco de un tema para desvanecer los pensamientos disidentes. A estos acontecimientos que contribuyen al décimo año de detrimento global respecto a la libertad de expresión, se suman las nuevas herramientas de distribución digital. Esas en las que algunos ponemos nuestra fe, para liberar el acceso a la información, pero también entregamos el poder con el que nos pueden distraer de obtener dichas noticias.

    Para algunas empresas de tecnología las noticias y el contenido es, lamentablemente, lo mismo. Eso fue lo que entendí claramente de lo mostrado por Will Cathcart, Gurú del News Feed de Facebook, durante su charla llamada “Creando valor para los editores de noticias y los lectores en Facebook”. Un valor extraño que medios y comunicadores tratan de alcanzar, sin entender; pero al que hay que tratar de atinarle porque ahí es donde la gente está comentando y compartiendo las noticias.

    Will empezó su recorrido de este lugar, News Feed, lleno de tecnología y custodiado por algoritmos de selección de contenido e interacción con un video innovador e inmersivo de 360 grados, dentro de un campamento de refugiados sirios. Durante dicho recorrido no mencionó mucho sobre la ubicación, la experiencia que están viviendo los que realmente están inmersos en ese campamento, ni pudimos escuchar los comentarios del, también inmerso, videoreportero. Pueden decir que mostraba las capacidades técnicas de la plataforma, pero cuando hablas de crear valor para periodistas y lectores, ellos están pensando en la narrativa, no en la iluminación del escenario, o las cortinas que lo enmarcan.

    Hoy en día 600 millones de personas ven una noticia en FB por semana, de acuerdo a la empresa. Sus usuarios interactúan con algún medio (hacen algo, lo que sea) mil millones de veces al día. Y claro, de acuerdo al gurú, Cathcart, la gente va, a su jardín cercado con vallas de publicidad interactiva, para hablar sobre información noticiosa. Tal vez sería mejor que escucharan #ruidoblanco, con sus amigos (más bien conocidos, digo yo).

    Optimizamos los glifos al traer todos una cámara en el celular. Al utilizar Snapchat, Instagram y el endulzado News Feed que FB nos ofrece. Me pregunto si como sociedad nos estamos dando cuenta del decaer de la libertad de expresión y de las conversaciones que giran sobre su propio eje. Cada quien hablándose a sí mismo y tal vez recibiendo emojis, respuestas de una línea o a lo más, otro Snap.  

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    Taxpayers are accustomed to receiving big refunds after filing, but experts warn that with new laws more people could end up owing the IRS. Veuer’s Justin Kircher has the details.

    You finally finished your taxes and are learning – for better or worse – the ins and outs of the new law.

    But wait, the law isn’t done with you. There’s another complication coming out later this year: The Internal Revenue Service is changing how you adjust your paycheck withholdings, and early indicators show it won’t be easy.

    The agency plans to release a new W-4 form that better incorporates the changes ushered in by the new tax law so that the amount held back for taxes in each of your paychecks is more accurate.

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    The agency’s goal: A taxpayer shouldn’t owe or be owed come tax time.

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    But the changes won’t be simple, says Pete Isberg, head of government affairs at ADP, the payroll and human resources company.

    Filling out the new form will be a lot like doing your taxes again.

    “It’ll be a much bigger pain,” he says. “The accuracy will be 100 percent, but the ease-of-use will be zero.”

    What’s changing?

    While the new form hasn’t been released yet, the IRS last summer put out a draft version and instructions  seeking feedback from tax preparation companies and payroll firms. Instead of claiming a certain amount of allowances based on exemptions – which have been eliminated – the draft form asked workers to input the annual dollar amounts for:

    • Nonwage income, such as interest and dividends
    • Itemized and other deductions
    • Income tax credits expected for the tax year
    • For employees with multiple jobs, total annual taxable wages for all lower paying jobs in the household

    “It looked a lot more like the 1040 than a W-4,” Isberg says.

    The new form referenced up to 12 other IRS publications to fill it out. It was so complex and different from the previous W-4 form that Ernst & Young worried employees would struggle to fill it out correctly and employers may need to offer training beforehand.

    Why is it taking so long?

    The tax and payroll community expressed many concerns about the draft form aside from its complexity.

    Many cited privacy issues because the form asked for spousal and family income that workers might not want to share with their employers. Other employees may not want to disclose they have another job or do side work outside their full-time job.

    To avoid disclosing so much private information, taxpayers instead could use the IRS withholding calculator, but it’s “not easy to use and the instructions are confusing,” according to feedback from the American Payroll Association.

    In September, the IRS scrapped plans to implement the new W-4 form for 2019 and instead is planning to roll it out for 2020.

    What to expect

    Another draft version of the new W-4 is expected by May 31, according to the IRS, which will also ask for public comment.

    “We encourage taxpayers to take advantage of that opportunity and send us comments on the redesign,” says agency spokeswoman Anny Pachner.

    The IRS will review the comments and plans to post a second draft later in the summer. The final W-4 version will be released by the end of the year in time for the 2020 tax year.

    Once it arrives, you’ll probably need the following information on hand, says Kathy Pickering, executive director of H&R Block’s Tax Institute. That may mean lugging in past 1099 forms, paystubs or last year’s tax returns to fill it out correctly.

    • Your filing status
    • Number of dependents
    • Information about your itemized deductions such as home mortgage interest, state and local taxes, and charitable deductions
    • Earnings from all jobs
    • Information about nonwage income such as business income, dividends, and interest.

    “If you’re married, and both you and your spouse work, it will also be helpful to know information about your spouse’s income,” she says.

    You may also need to fill out a new state income withholding form. Many states use the current W-4 for withholding, but they may need to release their own forms, too.


    If you owe the government taxes, you may find that paying Uncle Sam with a credit card is actually advantageous.


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    (CNNMxico) — Diversos medios de noticias por todo el mundo, entre ellos CNNMéxico, sufrieron este jueves un hackeo parcial por parte del Ejército Electrónico Sirio (SEA, por sus siglas en inglés).

    Además de CNNMéxico, medios como The Guardian, The Telegraph, Independent, Forbes, Daily Telegraph, Al Jazeera, LA Times y la cadena estatal de medios de Canadá CBC, reportaron fallas en parte de sus sitios web.

    Gigya, plataforma para la optimización de medios de comunicación social y que brinda servicios a todos estos sitios, reconoció la violación a su registrador de dominios.

    “Para ser absolutamente claro: ningún usuario, administrador o los datos operativos se han visto comprometidos y nunca estuvo en riesgo la plataforma”, afirmó Gigya en su blog.

    En su cuenta electrónica, el Ejército Electrónico Sirio también se acreditó la intervención como un mensaje a la prensa por el Día de Acción de Gracias.

    No es la primera vez que SEA lanza ataques contra medios de comunicación.

    En abril de 2013, la cuenta Twitter de la agencia de noticias Associated Press (AP) publicó mensajes falsos que fueron reivindicados por ese grupo en el que informaba falsamente de dos explosiones en la Casa Blanca y heridas al presidente Barack Obama.

    Este hecho provocó fuertes caídas en Wall Street y obligó a Twitter a reforzar las medidas de seguridad para sus usuarios.

    Con información de AFP

    Source Article from

    ‘:””},t.getDefinedParams=function(e,t){return t.filter(function(t){return e[t]}).reduce(function(t,n){return l(t,function(e,t,n){return t in e?Object.defineProperty(e,t,{value:n,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}):e[t]=n,e}({},n,e[n]))},{})},t.isValidMediaTypes=function(e){var t=[“banner”,”native”,”video”];return!!Object.keys(e).every(function(e){return(0,b.default)(t,e)})&&(!||!||(0,b.default)([“instream”,”outstream”],},t.getBidderRequest=function(e,t,n){return(0,v.default)(e,function(e){return e.bids.filter(function(e){return e.bidder===t&&e.adUnitCode===n}).length>0})||{start:null,auctionId:null}},t.getUserConfiguredParams=function(e,t,n){return e.filter(function(e){return e.code===t}).map(function(e){return e.bids}).reduce(s,[]).filter(function(e){return e.bidder===n}).map(function(e){return e.params||{}})},t.getOrigin=function(){return 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i=r+n.toUpperCase()+r,o=new RegExp(i,”g”);e=e.replace(o,t)}),e};var x,j=(x=0,function(){return++x});t.getUniqueIdentifierStr=i,t.generateUUID=function e(t){return t?(t^16*Math.random()>>t/4).toString(16):([1e7]+-1e3+-4e3+-8e3+-1e11).replace(/[018]/g,e)},t.getBidIdParameter=function(e,t){return t&&t[e]?t[e]:””},t.tryAppendQueryString=function(e,t,n){return n?e+(t+”=”)+encodeURIComponent(n)+”&”:e},t.parseQueryStringParameters=function(e){var t=””;for(var n in e)e.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(t+=n+”=”+encodeURIComponent(e[n])+”&”);return t},t.transformAdServerTargetingObj=function(e){return e&&Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).length>0?c(e).map(function(t){return t+”=”+encodeURIComponent(d(e,t))}).join(“&”):””},t.getTopWindowLocation=function(){if(t.inIframe()){var e=void 0;try{e=t.getAncestorOrigins()||t.getTopFrameReferrer()}catch(e){logInfo(“could not obtain top window location”,e)}if(e)return(0,y.parse)(e,{decodeSearchAsString:!0})}return 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You cannot mix “all” with “iframe/image” configs; they are mutually exclusive.’),!1;var n=e.all?e.all:e[t],r=e.all?”all”:t;if(!n)return!1;var i=n.filter,o=n.bidders;return i&&”include”!==i&&”exclude”!==i?(u.logWarn(‘UserSync “filterSettings.’+r+”.filter\” setting ‘”+i+”‘ is not a valid option; use either ‘include’ or ‘exclude’.”),!1):!!(“*”===o||Array.isArray(o)&&o.length>0&&o.every(function(e){return u.isStr(e)&&”*”!==e}))||(u.logWarn(‘Detected an invalid setup in userSync “filterSettings.’+r+”.bidders\”; use either ‘*’ (to represent all bidders) or an array of bidders.”),!1)}(n,e)){f[e]=!0;var r=n.all?n.all:n[e],i=”*”===r.bidders?[t]:r.bidders,o=r.filter||”include”;return{include:function(e,t){return!(0,d.default)(e,t)},exclude:function(e,t){return(0,d.default)(e,t)}}[o](i,t)}return!1}(e,t))return u.logWarn(“Bidder ‘”+t+”‘ is not permitted to register their userSync “+e+” pixels as per filterSettings config.”)}else 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t.fn===e})}};return”string”==typeof n&&(o[n]=s),r(function(){for(var n=arguments.length,r=Array(n),i=0;i\n \n \n wrapper\n \n “+(n?””:””)+”\n \n \n \n “)}}Object.defineProperty(t,”__esModule”,{value:!0}),,t){var n={};(0,i.ajax)(o.config.getConfig(“cache.url”),(a=t,{success:function(e){var t=void 0;try{t=JSON.parse(e).responses}catch(e){return void a(e,[])}t?a(null,t):a(new Error(“The cache server didn’t respond with a responses property.”),[])},error:function(e,t){a(new Error(“Error storing video ad in the cache: “+e+”: “+JSON.stringify(t)),[])}}),JSON.stringify(n),{contentType:”text/plain”,withCredentials:!0});var a},t.getCacheUrl=function(e){return o.config.getConfig(“cache.url”)+”?uuid=”+e};var i=n(7),o=n(3)},21:function(e,t,n){n(102),e.exports=n(13).Array.findIndex},22:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;function r(e,t){var n=document.createElement(“script”);n.type=”text/javascript”,n.async=!0,t&&”function”==typeof 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e.apply(t,arguments)}}},33:function(e,t){e.exports=function(e){try{return!!e()}catch(e){return!0}}},34:function(e,t,n){var r=n(32),i=n(35),o=n(54),a=n(36),u=n(55);e.exports=function(e,t){var n=1==e,s=2==e,c=3==e,d=4==e,f=6==e,l=5==e||f,p=t||u;return function(t,u,g){for(var h,v,b=o(t),y=i(b),m=r(u,g,3),_=a(y.length),A=0,w=n?p(t,_):s?p(t,0):void 0;_>A;A++)if((l||A in y)&&(v=m(h=y[A],A,b),e))if(n)w[A]=v;else if(v)switch(e){case 3:return!0;case 5:return h;case 6:return A;case 2:w.push(h)}else if(d)return!1;return f?-1:c||d?d:w}}},35:function(e,t,n){var r=n(24);e.exports=Object(“z”).propertyIsEnumerable(0)?Object:function(e){return”String”==r(e)?e.split(“”):Object(e)}},36:function(e,t,n){var r=n(37),i=Math.min;e.exports=function(e){return e>0?i(r(e),9007199254740991):0}},37:function(e,t){var n=Math.ceil,r=Math.floor;e.exports=function(e){return isNaN(e=+e)?0:(e>0?r:n)(e)}},38:function(e,t,n){var r=n(24);e.exports=Array.isArray||function(e){return”Array”==r(e)}},39:function(e,t,n){“use 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e.key}).concat(v.TARGETING_KEYS).filter(c.uniques)}function l(e,t,n,r){return Object.keys(t.adserverTargeting).filter(p()).forEach(function(n){var r,i;e.length&&e.filter((i=n,function(e){return e.adUnitCode===t.adUnitCode&&e.adserverTargeting[i]})).forEach((r=n,function(e){h.isArray(e.adserverTargeting[r])||(e.adserverTargeting[r]=[e.adserverTargeting[r]]),e.adserverTargeting[r]=e.adserverTargeting[r].concat(t.adserverTargeting[r]).filter(c.uniques),delete t.adserverTargeting[r]}))}),e.push(t),e}function p(){var e=s();return function(t){return-1===e.indexOf(t)}}function y(e){return r({},e.adUnitCode,Object.keys(e.adserverTargeting).filter(p()).map(function(t){return r({},t.substring(0,_),[e.adserverTargeting[t]])}))}var m={};return m.resetPresetTargeting=function(t){if((0,c.isGptPubadsDefined)()){var r=n(t),i=e.getAdUnits().filter(function(e){return(0,g.default)(r,e.code)});window.googletag.pubads().getSlots().forEach(function(e){b.forEach(function(t){i.forEach(function(n){n.code!==e.getAdUnitPath()&&n.code!==e.getSlotElementId()||e.setTargeting(t,null)})})})}},m.getAllTargeting=function(e){var t,o,p,A,w,E,S,I,T,x=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:a(),j=n(e),O=(E=j,S=x,I=m.getWinningBids(E,S),T=s(),{return r({},e.adUnitCode,Object.keys(e.adserverTargeting).filter(function(t){return void 0===e.sendStandardTargeting||e.sendStandardTargeting||-1===T.indexOf(t)}).map(function(t){return r({},”hb_deal”===t?(t+”_”+e.bidderCode).substring(0,_):t.substring(0,_),[e.adserverTargeting[t]])}))})).concat((A=j,w=x,w.filter(function(e){return(0,g.default)(A,e.adUnitCode)}).map(function(e){return u({},e)}).reduce(l,[]).map(y).filter(function(e){return e}))).concat(d.config.getConfig(“enableSendAllBids”)?(t=j,o=x,p=v.TARGETING_KEYS.concat(f.NATIVE_TARGETING_KEYS),i(o,c.getHighestCpm).map(function(e){if(e.adserverTargeting&&t&&(h.isArray(t)&&(0,g.default)(t,e.adUnitCode)||”string”==typeof t&&e.adUnitCode===t))return r({},e.adUnitCode,(n=e,p.filter(function(t){return void 0!==e.adserverTargeting[t]}).map(function(e){return r({},(e+”_”+n.bidderCode).substring(0,_),[n.adserverTargeting[e]])})));var n}).filter(function(e){return e})):[]);return{Object.keys(e).map(function(t){e[t].map(function(e){-1===b.indexOf(Object.keys(e)[0])&&(b=Object.keys(e).concat(b))})})}),{return r({},Object.keys(e)[0],e[Object.keys(e)[0]].map(function(e){return r({},Object.keys(e)[0],e[Object.keys(e)[0]].join(“, “))}).reduce(function(e,t){return u(t,e)},{}))}).reduce(function(e,t){var n=Object.keys(t)[0];return e[n]=u({},e[n],t[n]),e},{}),j.forEach(function(e){O[e]||(O[e]={})}),O},m.setTargetingForGPT=function(e,t){window.googletag.pubads().getSlots().forEach(function(n){Object.keys(e).filter(t?t(n):(0,c.isAdUnitCodeMatchingSlot)(n)).forEach(function(t){return Object.keys(e[t]).forEach(function(r){var i=e[t][r].split(“,”);(i=i.length>1?[i]:i).map(function(e){return h.logMessage(“Attempting to set key value for slot: “+n.getSlotElementId()+” key: “+r+” value: “+e),e}).forEach(function(e){n.setTargeting(r,e)})})})})},m.getWinningBids=function(e){var t=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:a(),r=n(e);return t.filter(function(e){return(0,g.default)(r,e.adUnitCode)}).filter(function(e){return e.cpm>0}).map(function(e){return e.adUnitCode}).filter(c.uniques).map(function(e){return t.filter(function(t){return t.adUnitCode===e?t:null}).reduce(c.getHighestCpm,o(e))})},m.setTargetingForAst=function(){var e=m.getAllTargeting();Object.keys(e).forEach(function(t){return Object.keys(e[t]).forEach(function(n){if(h.logMessage(“Attempting to set targeting for targetId: “+t+” key: “+n+” value: “+e[t][n]),h.isStr(e[t][n])||h.isArray(e[t][n])){var r={};[0-9]/)(0,c.timestamp)()},function(e){return e&&(e.status&&!(0,g.default)([y,m],e.status)||!e.status)});t.targeting=a(l.auctionManager)},42:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;function r(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{default:e}}function i(e,t){t.timeToRespond>e.getTimeout()+y.config.getConfig(“timeoutBuffer”)&&e.executeCallback(!0)}function o(e,t){T.emit(x.EVENTS.BID_RESPONSE,t),e.addBidReceived(t),i(e,t)}function a(e){var t=y.config.getConfig(“mediaTypePriceGranularity.”+e),n=”string”==typeof e&&t?”string”==typeof t?t:”custom”:y.config.getConfig(“priceGranularity”),r=pbjs.bidderSettings;return 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r&&(s(n,a(t.mediaType),t),e&&r[e]&&r[e][x.JSON_MAPPING.ADSERVER_TARGETING]&&(s(n,r[e],t),t.sendStandardTargeting=r[e].sendStandardTargeting)),t.native&&(n=l({},n,(0,h.getNativeTargeting)(t))),n}function s(e,t,n){var r=t[x.JSON_MAPPING.ADSERVER_TARGETING];return n.size=n.getSize(),S._each(r,function(r){var i=r.key,o=r.val;if(e[i]&&S.logWarn(“The key: “+i+” is getting ovewritten”),S.isFn(o))try{o=o(n)}catch(e){S.logError(“bidmanager”,”ERROR”,e)}(void 0===t.suppressEmptyKeys||!0!==t.suppressEmptyKeys)&&”hb_deal”!==i||!S.isEmptyStr(o)&&null!=o?e[i]=o:S.logInfo(“suppressing empty key ‘”+i+”‘ from adserver targeting”)}),e}function c(e){var t=e.bidderCode,n=e.cpm,r=void 0;if(pbjs.bidderSettings&&(t&&pbjs.bidderSettings[t]&&”function”==typeof pbjs.bidderSettings[t].bidCpmAdjustment?r=pbjs.bidderSettings[t].bidCpmAdjustment:pbjs.bidderSettings[x.JSON_MAPPING.BD_SETTING_STANDARD]&&”function”==typeof pbjs.bidderSettings[x.JSON_MAPPING.BD_SETTING_STANDARD].bidCpmAdjustment&&(r=pbjs.bidderSettings[x.JSON_MAPPING.BD_SETTING_STANDARD].bidCpmAdjustment),r))try{n=r(e.cpm,l({},e))}catch(e){S.logError(“Error during bid adjustment”,”bidmanager.js”,e)}n>=0&&(e.cpm=n)}function d(e,t){return e[t.adUnitCode]||(e[t.adUnitCode]={bids:[]}),e[t.adUnitCode].bids.push(t),e}Object.defineProperty(t,”__esModule”,{value:!0}),t.addBidResponse=t.AUCTION_COMPLETED=t.AUCTION_IN_PROGRESS=t.AUCTION_STARTED=void 0;var f=”function”==typeof Symbol&&”symbol”==_typeof(Symbol.iterator)?function(e){return void 0===e?”undefined”:_typeof(e)}:function(e){return e&&”function”==typeof Symbol&&e.constructor===Symbol&&e!==Symbol.prototype?”symbol”:void 0===e?”undefined”:_typeof(e)},l=Object.assign||function(e){for(var t=1;t=1})&&(S.logInfo(“Bids Received for Auction with id: “+v,g),b=C,t(!1,!0))}var r=e.adUnits,i=e.adUnitCodes,o=e.callback,a=e.cbTimeout,u=e.labels,s=r,c=u,f=i,l=[],g=[],h=void 0,v=S.generateUUID(),b=void 0,m=o,_=void 0,P=a,U=[];return{addBidReceived:function(e){g=g.concat(e)},executeCallback:t,callBids:function(){function e(e){var t=!0,n=y.config.getConfig(“maxRequestsPerOrigin”)||R;return e.bidRequests.some(function(e){var r=1,i=void 0!==e.src&&e.src===x.S2S.SRC?”s2s”:e.bidderCode;return k[i]&&(!1===k[i].SRA&&(r=Math.min(e.bids.length,n)),B[k[i].origin]+r>n&&(t=!1)),!t}),t&&,t}function r(e,t){void 0===e[t]?e[t]=1:e[t]++}var i=this;b=j,;var o=I.makeBidRequests(s,h,v,P,c);S.logInfo(“Bids Requested for Auction with id: “+v,o),o.forEach(function(e){var t;t=e,l=l.concat(t)});var a={},u={bidRequests:o,run:function(){var u,c;u=t.bind(null,!0),c=setTimeout(u,P),_=c,b=O;var d={timestamp:h,auctionId:v,timeout:P};T.emit(x.EVENTS.AUCTION_INIT,d),I.callBids(s,o,D.bind(i),function(e){var t=e;return(0,p.delayExecution)(function(){(0,A.default)(l,function(e){return t===e.bidderRequestId}).doneCbCallCount+=1,n()},1)}.bind(i),{request:function(e,t){r(B,t),r(a,e),k[e]||(k[e]={SRA:!0,origin:t}),a[e]>1&&(k[e].SRA=!1)},done:function(t){B[t]–,N[0]&&e(N[0])&&N.shift()}},P)}};e(u)||(S.logWarn(“queueing auction due to limited endpoint capacity”),N.push(u))},bidsBackAll:n,addWinningBid:function(e){U=U.concat(e),I.callBidWonBidder(e.bidder,e)},getWinningBids:function(){return U},getTimeout:function(){return P},getAuctionId:function(){return v},getAuctionStatus:function(){return b},getAdUnits:function(){return s},getAdUnitCodes:function(){return f},getBidRequests:function(){return l},getBidsReceived:function(){return g}}},t.getStandardBidderSettings=a,t.getKeyValueTargetingPairs=u,t.adjustBids=c;var p=n(0),g=n(31),h=n(18),v=n(203),b=n(12),y=n(3),m=n(17),_=n(20),A=r(n(10)),w=r(n(5)),E=m.userSync.syncUsers,S=n(0),I=n(8),T=n(9),x=n(4),j=t.AUCTION_STARTED=”started”,O=t.AUCTION_IN_PROGRESS=”inProgress”,C=t.AUCTION_COMPLETED=”completed”;T.on(x.EVENTS.BID_ADJUSTMENT,function(e){c(e)});var R=4,B={},k={},N=[],D=t.addBidResponse=(0,_.createHook)(“asyncSeries”,function(e,t){var n,r,a,s,c=this.getBidRequests(),d=this.getAuctionId(),h=(0,p.getBidderRequest)(c,t.bidderCode,e),m=function(e){var t=e.adUnitCode,,r=e.bidRequest,i=e.auctionId,o=r.start,a=l({},n,{auctionId:i,responseTimestamp:(0,p.timestamp)(),requestTimestamp:o,cpm:parseFloat(n.cpm)||0,bidder:n.bidderCode,adUnitCode:t});a.timeToRespond=a.responseTimestamp-a.requestTimestamp,T.emit(x.EVENTS.BID_ADJUSTMENT,a);var s=r.bids&&(0,A.default)(r.bids,function(e){return e.adUnitCode==t}),c=s&&s.renderer;c&&c.url&&(a.renderer=b.Renderer.install({url:c.url}),a.renderer.setRender(c.render));var d,h=y.config.getConfig(“mediaTypePriceGranularity.”+n.mediaType),v=(0,g.getPriceBucketString)(a.cpm,”object”===(void 0===h?”undefined”:f(h))?h:y.config.getConfig(“customPriceBucket”),y.config.getConfig(“currency.granularityMultiplier”));return a.pbLg=v.low,,a.pbHg=v.high,,a.pbDg=v.dense,a.pbCg=v.custom,a.bidderCode&&(a.cpm>0||a.dealId)&&(d=u(a.bidderCode,a)),a.adserverTargeting=l(a.adserverTargeting||{},d),a}({adUnitCode:e,bid:t,bidRequest:h,auctionId:d});”video”===m.mediaType?(n=this,r=m,a=h,s=!0,y.config.getConfig(“cache.url”)&&(r.videoCacheKey?r.vastUrl||(S.logError(“videoCacheKey specified but not required vastUrl for video bid”),s=!1):(s=!1,(0,[r],function(e,t){e?(S.logWarn(“Failed to save to the video cache: “+e+”. Video bid must be discarded.”),i(n,r)):(r.videoCacheKey=t[0].uuid,r.vastUrl||(r.vastUrl=(0,v.getCacheUrl)(r.videoCacheKey)),a.doneCbCallCount+=1,o(n,r),n.bidsBackAll())}))),s&&o(n,r)):o(this,m)},”addBidResponse”)},45:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;var r=n(14),i=n(34)(5),o=”find”,a=!0;o in[]&&Array(1)[o](function(){a=!1}),r(r.P+r.F*a,”Array”,{find:function(e){return i(this,e,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}}),n(27)(o)},46:function(e,t){e.exports=function(e){if(“function”!=typeof e)throw TypeError(e+” is not a function!”);return e}},47:function(e,t,n){var r=n(48),i=n(53);e.exports=n(23)?function(e,t,n){return r.f(e,t,i(1,n))}:function(e,t,n){return e[t]=n,e}},48:function(e,t,n){var r=n(49),i=n(50),o=n(52),a=Object.defineProperty;t.f=n(23)?Object.defineProperty:function(e,t,n){if(r(e),t=o(t,!0),r(n),i)try{return a(e,t,n)}catch(e){}if(“get”in n||”set”in n)throw TypeError(“Accessors not supported!”);return”value”in n&&(e[t]=n.value),e}},49:function(e,t,n){var r=n(15);e.exports=function(e){if(!r(e))throw TypeError(e+” is not an object!”);return e}},5:function(e,t,n){n(59),e.exports=n(13).Array.includes},50:function(e,t,n){e.exports=!n(23)&&!n(33)(function(){return 7!=Object.defineProperty(n(51)(“div”),”a”,{get:function(){return 7}}).a})},51:function(e,t,n){var r=n(15),i=n(19).document,o=r(i)&&r(i.createElement);e.exports=function(e){return o?i.createElement(e):{}}},52:function(e,t,n){var r=n(15);e.exports=function(e,t){if(!r(e))return e;var n,i;if(t&&”function”==typeof(n=e.toString)&&!r( i;if(“function”==typeof(n=e.valueOf)&&!r( i;if(!t&&”function”==typeof(n=e.toString)&&!r( i;throw TypeError(“Can’t convert object to primitive value”)}},53:function(e,t){e.exports=function(e,t){return{enumerable:!(1&e),configurable:!(2&e),writable:!(4&e),value:t}}},54:function(e,t,n){var r=n(25);e.exports=function(e){return Object(r(e))}},55:function(e,t,n){var r=n(56);e.exports=function(e,t){return new(r(e))(t)}},555:function(e,t,n){e.exports=n(556)},556:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;function r(e,t,n){e.defaultView&&e.defaultView.frameElement&&(e.defaultView.frameElement.width=t,e.defaultView.frameElement.height=n)}function i(e,t,n){var r={};r.reason=e,r.message=t,n&&(,S.logError(t),x.emit(N,r)}function o(e){e.forEach(function(e){if(void 0===e.called)try{,e.called=!0}catch(e){S.logError(“Error processing command :”,”prebid.js”,e)}})}var a,u=”function”==typeof Symbol&&”symbol”==_typeof(Symbol.iterator)?function(e){return void 0===e?”undefined”:_typeof(e)}:function(e){return e&&”function”==typeof Symbol&&e.constructor===Symbol&&e!==Symbol.prototype?”symbol”:void 0===e?”undefined”:_typeof(e)},s=Object.assign||function(e){for(var t=1;t0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:{},t=e.bidsBackHandler,n=e.timeout,r=e.adUnits,i=e.adUnitCodes,o=e.labels;x.emit(B);var a=n||g.config.getConfig(“bidderTimeout”);if(r=r||w.adUnits,S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.requestBids”,arguments),i&&i.length?r=r.filter(function(e){return(0,_.default)(i,e.code)}):i=r&&{return e.code}),r.forEach(function(e){var t=Object.keys(e.mediaTypes||{banner:”banner”}),{return e.bidder}),r=I.bidderRegistry,i=g.config.getConfig(“s2sConfig”),o=i&&i.bidders,a=o?n.filter(function(e){return!(0,_.default)(o,e)}):n;e.transactionId||(e.transactionId=S.generateUUID()),a.forEach(function(n){var i=r[n],o=i&&i.getSpec&&i.getSpec(),a=o&&o.supportedMediaTypes||[“banner”];t.some(function(e){return(0,_.default)(a,e)})||(S.logWarn(S.unsupportedBidderMessage(e,n)),e.bids=e.bids.filter(function(e){return e.bidder!==n}))}),A.adunitCounter.incrementCounter(e.code)}),r&&0!==r.length){var u=h.auctionManager.createAuction({adUnits:r,adUnitCodes:i,callback:t,cbTimeout:a,labels:o});return u.callBids(),u}if(S.logMessage(“No adUnits configured. No bids requested.”),”function”==typeof t)try{t()}catch(e){S.logError(“Error executing bidsBackHandler”,null,e)}}),w.addAdUnits=function(e){S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.addAdUnits”,arguments),S.isArray(e)?w.adUnits.push.apply(w.adUnits,e):”object”===(void 0===e?”undefined”:u(e))&&w.adUnits.push(e),x.emit(C)},w.onEvent=function(e,t,n){S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.onEvent”,arguments),S.isFn(t)?!n||W[e].call(null,n)?x.on(e,t,n):S.logError(‘The id provided is not valid for event “‘+e+'” and no handler was set.’):S.logError(‘The event handler provided is not a function and was not set on event “‘+e+'”.’)},w.offEvent=function(e,t,n){S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.offEvent”,arguments),n&&!W[e].call(null,n)||,t,n)},w.registerBidAdapter=function(e,t){S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.registerBidAdapter”,arguments);try{I.registerBidAdapter(e(),t)}catch(e){S.logError(“Error registering bidder adapter : “+e.message)}},w.registerAnalyticsAdapter=function(e){S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.registerAnalyticsAdapter”,arguments);try{I.registerAnalyticsAdapter(e)}catch(e){S.logError(“Error registering analytics adapter : “+e.message)}},w.createBid=function(e){return S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.createBid”,arguments),T.createBid(e)},w.loadScript=function(e,t,n){S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.loadScript”,arguments),(0,p.loadScript)(e,t,n)},w.enableAnalytics=function(e){e&&!S.isEmpty(e)?(S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.enableAnalytics for: “,e),I.enableAnalytics(e)):S.logError(“pbjs.enableAnalytics should be called with option {}”)},w.aliasBidder=function(e,t){S.logInfo(“Invoking pbjs.aliasBidder”,arguments),e&&t?I.aliasBidAdapter(e,t):S.logError(“bidderCode and alias must be passed as arguments”,”pbjs.aliasBidder”)},w.getAllWinningBids=function(){return h.auctionManager.getAllWinningBids().map(d.removeRequestId)},w.getAllPrebidWinningBids=function(){return h.auctionManager.getBidsReceived().filter(function(e){return e.status===v.BID_TARGETING_SET}).map(d.removeRequestId)},w.getHighestCpmBids=function(e){return v.targeting.getWinningBids(e).map(d.removeRequestId)},w.markWinningBidAsUsed=function(e){var t=[];e.adUnitCode&&e.adId?t=h.auctionManager.getBidsReceived().filter(function(t){return t.adId===e.adId&&t.adUnitCode===e.adUnitCode}):e.adUnitCode?t=v.targeting.getWinningBids(e.adUnitCode):e.adId?t=h.auctionManager.getBidsReceived().filter(function(t){return t.adId===e.adId}):S.logWarn(“Inproper usage of markWinningBidAsUsed. It’ll need an adUnitCode and/or adId to function.”),t.length>0&&(t[0].status=v.RENDERED)},w.getConfig=g.config.getConfig,w.setConfig=g.config.setConfig,w.que.push(function(){return(0,f.listenMessagesFromCreative)()}),w.cmd.push=function(e){if(“function”==typeof e)try{}catch(e){S.logError(“Error processing command :”,e.message,e.stack)}else S.logError(“Commands written into pbjs.cmd.push must be wrapped in a function”)},w.que.push=w.cmd.push,w.processQueue=function(){o(w.que),o(w.cmd)}},557:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;function r(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{default:e}}function i(e){var t,n,r,i,u,l,p,g,h,v,b,y,m=e.message?”message”:”data”,_={};try{_=JSON.parse(e[m])}catch(e){return}if(_&&_.adId){var A=(0,d.default)(c.auctionManager.getBidsReceived(),function(e){return e.adId===_.adId});”Prebid Request”===_.message&&(u=A,l=_.adServerDomain,p=e.source,g=u.adId,,v=u.adUrl,b=u.width,y=u.height,g&&(n=(t=u).adUnitCode,r=t.width,i=t.height,[“div”,”iframe”].forEach(function(e){var t,o=(t=e,document.getElementById((0,d.default)(window.googletag.pubads().getSlots().filter((0,s.isSlotMatchingAdUnitCode)(n)),function(e){return e}).getSlotElementId()).querySelector(t)).style;o.width=r,o.height=i}),p.postMessage(JSON.stringify({message:”Prebid Response”,ad:h,adUrl:v,adId:g,width:b,height:y}),l)),c.auctionManager.addWinningBid(A),o.default.emit(f,A)),”Prebid Native”===_.message&&((0,a.fireNativeTrackers)(_,A),c.auctionManager.addWinningBid(A),o.default.emit(f,A))}}Object.defineProperty(t,”__esModule”,{value:!0}),t.listenMessagesFromCreative=function(){addEventListener(“message”,i,!1)};var o=r(n(9)),a=n(18),u=n(4),s=n(0),c=n(29),d=r(n(10)),f=u.EVENTS.BID_WON},558:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;function r(e){(0,d.logMessage)(“DEBUG: “+e)}function i(e){var n=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]&&arguments[1];c.config.setConfig({debug:!0}),r(“bidder overrides enabled”+(n?” from session”:””)),p&&f.addBidResponse.removeHook(p),t.boundHook=p=a.bind(null,e),f.addBidResponse.addHook(p,5)}function o(){p&&(f.addBidResponse.removeHook(p),r(“bidder overrides disabled”))}function a(e,t,n,i){if(Array.isArray(e.bidders)&&-1===e.bidders.indexOf(n.bidderCode))return o=”bidder ‘”+n.bidderCode+”‘ excluded from auction by bidder overrides”,void(0,d.logWarn)(“DEBUG: “+o);var o;Array.isArray(e.bids)&&e.bids.forEach(function(e){e.bidder&&e.bidder!==n.bidderCode||e.adUnitCode&&e.adUnitCode!==t||(n=s({},n),Object.keys(e).filter(function(e){return-1===[“bidder”,”adUnitCode”].indexOf(e)}).forEach(function(i){var o=e[i];r(“bidder overrides changed ‘”+t+”/”+n.bidderCode+”‘ bid.”+i+” from ‘”+n[i]+”‘ to ‘”+o+”‘”),n[i]=o}))}),i(t,n)}function u(e){if(e.enabled){try{window.sessionStorage.setItem(l,JSON.stringify(e))}catch(e){}i(e)}else{o();try{window.sessionStorage.removeItem(l)}catch(e){}}}Object.defineProperty(t,”__esModule”,{value:!0}),t.boundHook=void 0;var s=Object.assign||function(e){for(var t=1;t1?arguments[1]:void 0)}}),n(27)(“includes”)},60:function(e,t,n){var r=n(61),i=n(36),o=n(62);e.exports=function(e){return function(t,n,a){var u,s=r(t),c=i(s.length),d=o(a,c);if(e&&n!=n){for(;c>d;)if((u=s[d++])!=u)return!0}else for(;c>d;d++)if((e||d in s)&&s[d]===n)return e||d||0;return!e&&-1}}},61:function(e,t,n){var r=n(35),i=n(25);e.exports=function(e){return r(i(e))}},62:function(e,t,n){var r=n(37),i=Math.max,o=Math.min;e.exports=function(e,t){return(e=r(e))0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:{},n=t.labels,r=void 0===n?[]:n,o=t.labelAll,a=void 0!==o&&o,s=t.activeLabels,f=void 0===s?[]:s,l=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:[],p=(e=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:d,e.reduce(function(e,t){return”object”===(void 0===t?”undefined”:i(t))&&”string”==typeof t.mediaQuery?matchMedia(t.mediaQuery).matches&&(Array.isArray(t.sizesSupported)&&(e.shouldFilter=!0),[“labels”,”sizesSupported”].forEach(function(n){return(t[n]||[]).forEach(function(t){return e[n][t]=!0})})):(0,u.logWarn)(‘sizeConfig rule missing required property “mediaQuery”‘),e},{labels:{},sizesSupported:{},shouldFilter:!1})),g=void 0;return g=p.shouldFilter?l.filter(function(e){return p.sizesSupported[e]}):l,{active:g.length>0&&(0===r.length||!a&&(r.some(function(e){return p.labels[e]})||r.some(function(e){return(0,c.default)(f,e)}))||a&&r.reduce(function(e,t){return e?p.labels[t]||(0,c.default)(f,t):e},!0)),sizes:g}};var o,a=n(3),u=n(0),s=n(5),c=(o=s)&&o.__esModule?o:{default:o},d=[];a.config.getConfig(“sizeConfig”,function(e){return r(e.sizeConfig)})},65:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;Object.defineProperty(t,”__esModule”,{value:!0}),t.hasNonVideoBidder=t.videoBidder=t.videoAdUnit=void 0,t.isValidVideoBid=function(e,t){var n=(0,o.getBidRequest)(e.adId,t),r=n&&(0,o.deepAccess)(n,””),i=r&&(0,o.deepAccess)(r,”context”);return!n||r&&i!==c?a.config.getConfig(“cache.url”)||!e.vastXml||e.vastUrl?!(!e.vastUrl&&!e.vastXml):((0,o.logError)(‘\n This bid contains only vastXml and will not work when a prebid cache url is not specified.\n Try enabling prebid cache with pbjs.setConfig({ cache: {url: “…”} });\n ‘),!1):i!==c||!(!e.renderer&&!n.renderer)};var r,i=n(8),o=n(0),a=n(3),u=n(5),s=(r=u)&&r.__esModule?r:{default:r},c=”outstream”,d=(t.videoAdUnit=function(e){var t=”video”===e.mediaType,n=(0,o.deepAccess)(e,””);return t||n},t.videoBidder=function(e){return(0,s.default)(i.videoAdapters,e.bidder)});t.hasNonVideoBidder=function(e){return e.bids.filter(function(e){return!d(e)}).length}},7:function(e,t,n){“use strict”;function r(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:3e3,t=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{},n=t.request,r=t.done;return function(t,d,f){var l=arguments.length>3&&void 0!==arguments[3]?arguments[3]:{};try{var p=void 0,g=l.method||(f?”POST”:”GET”),h=document.createElement(“a”);h.href=t;var v=”object”===(void 0===d?”undefined”:o(d))&&null!==d?d:{success:function(){s.logMessage(“xhr success”)},error:function(e){s.logError(“xhr error”,null,e)}};if(“function”==typeof d&&(v.success=d),(p=new window.XMLHttpRequest).onreadystatechange=function(){if(p.readyState===c){
    “function”==typeof r&&r(h.origin);var e=p.status;e>=200&&e0})})}var x,j,O=(x=e,(j=m.deepClone(x)).forEach(function(e){e.bids=e.bids.filter(function(e){return!a()||e.finalSource!==w.SERVER})}),j=j.filter(function(e){return 0!==e.bids.length}));return g.forEach(function(e){var t=m.getUniqueIdentifierStr(),a={bidderCode:e,auctionId:r,bidderRequestId:t,bids:o({bidderCode:e,auctionId:r,bidderRequestId:t,adUnits:O,labels:u}),auctionStart:n,timeout:i},c=E[e];c||m.logError(“Trying to make a request for bidder that does not exist: “+e),c&&a.bids&&0!==a.bids.length&&s.push(a)}),t.gdprDataHandler.getConsentData()&&s.forEach(function(e){e.gdprConsent=t.gdprDataHandler.getConsentData()}),s},t.checkBidRequestSizes=function(e){function t(e){return Array.isArray(e)&&2===e.length&&m.isInteger(e[0])&&m.isInteger(e[1])}return e.forEach(function(e){var n=e.mediaTypes,r=m.getAdUnitSizes(e);if(n&&n.banner){var i=n.banner;i.sizes?(i.sizes=r,e.sizes=r):(m.logError(“Detected a mediaTypes.banner object did not include sizes. This is a required field for the mediaTypes.banner object. Removing invalid mediaTypes.banner object from request.”),delete e.mediaTypes.banner)}else e.sizes&&(m.logWarn(“Usage of adUnits.sizes will eventually be deprecated. Please define size dimensions within the corresponding area of the mediaTypes.

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    Las dificultades para ayudar en Puerto Rico

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    Los puertorriqueños hacen fila para poder buscar agua en los manantiales naturales de la isla

    Victor J. Blue para The New York Times

    La desesperación y frustración de los puertorriqueños aumenta con el paso de los días, debido a la devastación causada por el huracán María. Muchos refugios se han quedado sin suministros y los residentes hacen fila durante noches enteras para poder comprar una bolsa de agua fría o unos pocos litros de gasolina. La gente se queja de la escasez de productos como lonas para techos o la interrupción de servicios básicos como electricidad y agua corriente.

    Los funcionarios todavía luchan para poder sacar los suministros del puerto y distribuirlos a través de la isla, de 3,4 millones de habitantes, donde casi no hay luz ni servicio telefónico. Además, el funcionamiento del sistema hospitalario peligra porque los generadores de muchos centros de salud se han quedado sin combustible.

    “No dejan que nos movilicemos”, dijo Danny Custodio, un chofer de 37 años, quien el jueves se encontraba en un centro de convenciones esperando las instrucciones de las autoridades para poder ayudar. “Estamos en una crisis. Solo abran el puerto para que podamos transportar lo que necesitamos”.

    Según la Casa Blanca, cerca de 7200 soldados fueron movilizados a la isla, al igual que unos 2800 rescatistas federales. Y el Pentágono anunció que el general Jeffrey Buchanan coordinará a las agencias federales que trabajan en la isla. Para conocer más sobre la situación de Puerto Rico puedes leer este reportaje.

    Estados Unidos retira a gran parte de su personal diplomático en Cuba

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    La embajada estadounidense en La Habana, en enero

    Alexandre Meneghini/Reuters

    El Departamento de Estado anunció el viernes que retira a más de la mitad de su personal de la embajada estadounidense en La Habana a raíz de los misteriosos ataques que le han causado lesiones a 21 empleados.

    La medida se produce tres días después de que el secretario de Estado, Rex Tillerson, se reuniera en Washington con el canciller cubano, Bruno Eduardo Rodríguez Parrilla. Ese encuentro no logró persuadir a Tillerson de que los cubanos podían garantizar la seguridad de los empleados estadounidenses en La Habana, lo que lo obligó a retirar gran parte del personal de la embajada, dijo un funcionario estadounidense.

    La Asociación Estadounidense de Servicio Exterior informó este mes que los síntomas presentados por los empleados incluyen lesión cerebral traumática leve, pérdida auditiva permanente, pérdida de equilibrio, severos dolores de cabeza e hinchazón cerebral.

    Tillerson consideró ordenar el cierre de la embajada —que recientemente volvió a reanudar sus operaciones después de décadas de malas relaciones entre los dos países—. Pero una de las razones por las que la sede diplomática se mantendrá abierta es que los funcionarios estadounidenses no creen que el gobierno cubano sea el responsable de los ataques. Para ahondar más sobre lo sucedido en Cuba, puedes leer este trabajo.

    Una mutación podría explicar la intensidad del zika en América Latina

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    Pedro Miguel Firmo de Lima, nacido con microcefalia en el nordeste de Brasil, en octubre de 2015.

    Adriana Zehbrauskas para The New York Times

    ¿Por qué el zika causó que miles de bebés de América Latina nacieran con microcefalia, cuando los brotes anteriores en África y Asia causaron menos daño?

    Un nuevo estudio practicado en ratones —que ha provocado cierto escepticismo entre los expertos— sugiere que una mutación genética ayudó a transformar al virus de Zika en una fuerza devastadora en América Latina. El informe fue publicado el jueves en la revista Science.

    La mutación, llamada S139N, surgió por primera vez en una cepa asiática del virus en 2013, justo antes de un pequeño brote en la Polinesia Francesa —la primera vinculada a un aumento en los bebés nacidos con microcefalia—.

    Se cree que el zika apareció por primera vez en América Latina en 2013, posiblemente traída por futbolistas de la Polinesia Francesa que compitieron en un torneo en el noreste de Brasil. Según los investigadores, la mutación ha aparecido en todas las cepas del virus en el brote latinoamericano.

    El estudio, realizado por científicos chinos, encontró que las cepas de zika con la mutación S139N causaron más muerte y microcefalia en los ratones que otras muestras. Además, la cepa S139N mató muchas más células humanas que son importantes para el desarrollo del cerebro que una muestra anterior sin la mutación. Para ahondar en la nueva investigación sobre el zika debes leer este trabajo.

    El líder político de Cataluña está listo para el referéndum

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    Carles Puigdemont, líder político de Cataluña, en el Palacio de la Generalitat, en Barcelona

    Samuel Aranda para The New York Times

    Carles Puigdemont dice que está decidido a que los catalanes voten el domingo. En una entrevista exclusiva con The New York Times, el líder político de Cataluña afirma que dejará Barcelona —y posiblemente la política— tan pronto como se asegure la independencia porque quiere “recuperar una cierta normalidad”.

    Por ahora, nada es normal en Cataluña ni en España.

    El referéndum del domingo no se realizará en condiciones normales de votación, si es que llega a producirse. Con el respaldo de los tribunales españoles, Madrid está haciendo todo lo posible para bloquear la consulta. La policía española ha confiscado las papeletas de votación y otros materiales electorales y tiene órdenes de mantener cerradas las urnas.

    “Con Rajoy hay un tema tabú y es la aspiración de Cataluña a decidir su futuro”, dijo Puigdemont. “Es muy irresponsable de su parte negar la realidad de un problema para ver si deja de existir”.

    Sin embargo, independientemente de lo que suceda el domingo, las posibilidades de que Cataluña se independice de España son remotas. Mariano Rajoy, presidente del gobierno español, puede invocar poderes de emergencia para suspender a Puigdemont y otorgarle a Madrid el control administrativo de Cataluña, aunque esa medida puede provocar una reacción negativa.

    “No existe un botón que oprimes y al día siguiente te independizas”, dijo el líder catalán.

    Autoridades mexicanas investigan las edificaciones colapsadas por el sismo

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    Rescatistas mueven escombros en un edificio que se derrumbó en la colonia Del Valle de Ciudad de México, el 25 de septiembre de 2017.

    Rebecca Blackwell/Associated Press

    La Procuraduría General de Justicia de Ciudad de México tiene abiertas 40 carpetas de investigación por los 38 inmuebles que colapsaron por el sismo de magnitud 7,1 afirmó Miguel Ángel Mancera, jefe de gobierno de la capital mexicana.

    “Vamos a llegar hasta sus últimas consecuencias en todas, hasta el final”, dijo Mancera sobre las investigaciones. “No estamos hablando de presumir que haya conductas delictivas; simplemente, trabajamos con los hechos”.

    Uno de los casos más sonados es el del Colegio Enrique Rébsamen, cuya estructura colapsó causando el fallecimiento de 26 personas. La escuela es investigada por una serie de irregularidades en las obras realizadas en ese inmueble.

    Claudia Sheinbaum, autoridad del distrito donde se encuentra el plantel educativo, interpuso una denuncia contra funcionarios de las administraciones anteriores de su jurisdicción por dejar que avanzaran las reformas en esa institución.

    Más en América Latina y el Caribe

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    Keiko Fujimori, dirigente del partido peruano Fuerza Popular

    Cris Bouroncle/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

    • La fiscalía peruana investiga a la dirigente del partido Fuerza Popular, Keiko Fujimori, bajo la ley de crimen organizado. Las autoridades le pidieron a Estados Unidos datos de la sociedad LVF Liberty Institute que en 2015 le transfirió 65.000 dólares al partido de Fujimori. La ley establece que integrar una organización criminal de tres o más personas es un agravante de un grupo de delitos que incluye al lavado de activos, cargo por el cual está siendo investigada la excandidata presidencial.

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    Una mujer gritaba frente a la sede venezolana de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) durante una manifestación en Caracas, el 25 de septiembre de 2017.

    Ricardo Moraes/Reuters

    • La Comisión de Relaciones Exteriores de la Cámara de Representantes de Estados Unidos aprobó el jueves un proyecto de ley que ordena al Departamento de Estado trabajar con organizaciones no gubernamentales para enviar alimentos, medicinas y asistencia técnica a Venezuela. La propuesta será remitida al pleno de la cámara para su votación, cuando lo determine el liderazgo republicano.

    ISIS divulga una grabación de su líder

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    Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, líder del Estado Islámico

    Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

    El Estado Islámico emitió el jueves lo que parece ser la primera grabación en casi un año de su líder, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, una estrategia que parece destinada a silenciar los rumores de su muerte y subir la moral de sus tropas.

    El audio de 46 minutos es la primera vez, desde noviembre pasado, en que los partidarios del grupo yihadista han escuchado la voz de su autoproclamado califa.

    En la grabación, Baghdadi elogió a sus soldados de infantería por librar una tenaz batalla en Mosul.

    “Ellos cumplieron su promesa y su responsabilidad, y no se dieron por vencidos hasta que pasaron por encima de sus cráneos y sus cuerpos”, dijo. “Así que fueron excusados, después de casi un año de luchas y enfrentamientos”.

    Aparte de Mosul, el grupo ha perdido un territorio significativo como gran parte de Al Raqa, Siria.

    Baghdadi acusó a las tropas respaldadas por Estados Unidos de usar la táctica de tierra quemada. “Quemaron gente, árboles y todo lo que hay en el suelo”, dijo, según una traducción proporcionada por el SITE Intelligence Group. Para saber más del líder del Estado Islámico puedes leer este reportaje.

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    A massive $1.9 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill containing $1,400 checks for most Americans along with money for vaccines, testing, schools, states and lower-income families passed the U.S. House Wednesday, its final stop before reaching President Joe Biden’s desk.

    Biden, who made the stimulus bill his first major legislative initiative since taking office in January, said he would sign the measure on Friday.

    “For weeks now, an overwhelming percentage of Americans – Democrats, independents, and Republicans – have made it clear they support the American Rescue Plan,” Biden said in a statement after the vote. “Today, with final passage in the House of Representatives, their voice has been heard.”

    During the debate, Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr., D-9th Dist., said he had heard from constituents asking for assistance to get through the coronavirus-induced economic downturn.

    “It’s up to us to help Americans who can’t buy their groceries or pay the rent and are not in prison,” Pascrell said on the House floor. “It’s up to us to protect seniors in nursing homes. It’s up to us to ensure that every American has quality health insurance and is able to get vaccinated.”

    “Americans are crying out for help,” he said. “Can you hear them? They have given us the burden to act.”

    The bill, which the House needed to take up again after the Senate amended it over the weekend, passed along party lines, 220-211. Only one Democrat, Rep. Jared Golden of Maine, opposed the legislation.

    No Republicans in either chamber voted for the measure, which included funds to curb the spread of the virus through vaccines and testing, and to pump billions of dollars into an American economy ravaged by the pandemic.

    “This isn’t a rescue bill,” said House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy of California. “It isn’t a relief bill. It’s a laundry list of leftwing priorities that predate the pandemic and do not meet the needs of American families.”

    Rep. Frank Pallone Jr., chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, said the Republicans got it wrong.

    “If you want to fight the virus, you should be voting yes on this bill,” said Pallone, D-6th Dist., during the debate. “Unlike under President Trump when we had no national plan to fight the virus, under President Biden, for the first time, we have a national plan to fight the virus that does not force state and local governments to compete against each other.”

    The $1,400 direct payments would go to individuals making up to $75,000 and $2,800 to couples filing jointly making up to $150,000. They would phase out and end for individuals making more than $80,000 and couples making more than $160,000.

    Those on unemployment would receive an extra $300 a week through Sept. 6, and those making less than $150,000 would not have to pay federal income taxes on the first $10,200 of unemployment benefits for individuals and $20,400 for married couples. New Jersey does not tax unemployment insurance benefits.

    White House press secretary Jen Psaki said the payments should go out by the end of the month, and they will not contain Biden’s signature, unlike the earlier checks that bore the name of Donald Trump.

    “We are doing everything in our power to expedite the payments and not delay them, which is why the president’s name will not appear on the memo line of this round of stimulus checks,” Psaki said Tuesday at her daily press briefing. “He didn’t think that was a priority or a necessary step. His focus was on getting them out as quickly as possible.”

    Thanks in part to the expanded tax credits for lower-income households with or without children, the legislation would lift an estimated 16 million Americans out of poverty, according to the Urban Institute, a research group.

    The expanded child tax credit alone would bring more than 4 million children of poverty, including 89,000 in New Jersey, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a progressive research group.

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    The legislation would provide $350 billion in long-sought aid for state and local governments, including $10.2 billion for New Jersey and its municipalities.

    “This is a big positive deal for New Jersey,” Gov. Phil Murphy said Wednesday at his coronavirus press briefing. “There’s no other way to put it.”

    The president and chief executive of the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce, Tom Bracken, also applauded the House action.

    “It helps New Jersey in many ways, providing vital aid to those impacted by the pandemic,”  Bracken said.

    Studies by the Brookings Institution and S&P Global said the legislation would return the economy to pre-pandemic levels this summer, and Moody’s Analytics said the plan would help create 7.5 million jobs this year and another 2.5 million next year, fully recovering all the jobs lost due to the coronavirus. More than 150 business leaders endorsed the spending plan.

    Republicans objected to the Democrats’ decision to use a procedure known as reconciliation to consider the bill, allowing the majority to pass the legislation on a party-line vote without the threat of a filibuster.

    The Republicans used the same procedure in 2017 to spend the same $1.9 trillion to cut taxes. That bill, called the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, also targeted New Jersey and other high-tax Democratic-run states by capping the federal deduction for state and local taxes.

    “The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act cut taxes for everybody but mostly for high-income people and corporations,” said Howard Gleckman, a senior fellow with the Tax Policy Center, a research group. “This one cuts taxes mostly for low and moderate-income people.”

    The unanimous GOP opposition on Capitol Hill contrasted with the bill’s strong support among Americans. In a CNN poll released Wednesday as the House prepared to vote, 61% backed the stimulus bill while 37% opposed it. The $1,400 stimulus checks were supported, 76%-23%.

    Among Republicans, 55% supported the checks and 45% opposed them, and among those who leaned Republican, 59% were in favor and 40% were against the direct payments. The poll of 1,009 adults was conducted March 3-8 and had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.6 percentage points.

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    Unos 174 pasajeros pudieron ser rescatados tras el accidente.

    Más de 240 personas, la mayoría de ellos niños, siguen desaparecidos después de que un ferry naufragase en la costa de Corea del Sur el pasado miércoles.

    Este domingo, tras más de tres días de búsqueda, los buzos que participan en el operativo consiguieron entrar en el interior del ferry donde rescataron 26 cuerpos. Con ellos, la cifra de muertos en el naufragio asciende a 58.

    Sin embargo, otras 244 personas continúan desaparecidas desde el hundimiento del ferry el pasado miércoles y la desesperación se apodera de las familias de las víctimas después de que el sábado las autoridades informasen que las labores de rescate podrían tomar hasta dos meses.

    BBC Mundo le presenta las principales preguntas que surgen del hundimiento del barco.

    ¿Por qué se hundió el barco?

    Algunos familiares pudieron ver imágenes de la búsqueda submarina.

    Los pasajeros rescatados aseguran haber oído un fuerte golpe antes de que el barco empezara a inclinarse.

    Esto podría haber sido causado por la colisión del ferry con un objeto sumergido como una roca o un contenedor hundido.

    Sin embargo, el ruido también podría proceder de una gran carga que se soltó a bordo del navío.

    Se sabe que el ferry hizo un pronunciado giro antes de enviar un aviso de emergencia, pero no está claro si el cambio de trayectoria estaba planeado o fue consecuencia de un factor externo, según explicó el ministro surcoreano de Asuntos Marítimos.

    Los expertos consideran que ese giro radical fue lo que podría haber desestabilizado el navío.

    John Noble, un experto en salvamento, asegura que la velocidad a la que se hundió el ferry -en unas dos horas estaba totalmente inclinado hacia un lado- puede dar pistas.

    Noble explica que por las imágenes da la sensación de que el banco se inundó rápidamente. Eso puede indicar un gran daño en el casco o fugas en puertas que deberían ser herméticas.

    La atención también se ha centrado en quién iba al mando en el momento del accidente.

    Según los investigadores, un poco experimentado tercer oficial estaba al timón del ferry y no está claro si el capitán estaba presente.


    Lea también: Los dramáticos mensajes enviados desde el ferry hundido

    ¿Hubo una respuesta adecuada?

    El ferry envió la señal de emergencia en torno a las 09:00 hora local (00:00 GMT) del miércoles.

    Los barcos y helicópteros de rescate estaban en el lugar del accidente poco después.

    “La llamada de emergencia se atendió y hubo una respuesta estructurada por parte de las autoridades”, asegura Bruce Reid, director de la Organización Marítima Internacional (OMI) que promueve la seguridad marítima.

    Sin embargo, asegura, es demasiado pronto para llegar a conclusiones sobre la efectividad de la misión de rescate.

    También han surgido dudas sobre las instrucciones que se les dio a los pasajeros.

    Por norma general, yo siempre le diría a la gente que permanezca en el barco porque es el lugar más seguro. Pero si el barco se está hundiendo rápidamente, entonces la única respuesta es que hay que evacuar.

    John Noble, experto en salvamento

    Varios sobrevivientes han dicho que la tripulación les pidió que permanecieran en sus lugares cuando el barco empezó a tener problemas.

    Además, sólo una de las dos lanchas salvavidas del barco se puso en funcionamiento. Muchos pasajeros tuvieron que ser rescatados tras lanzarse al mar con sus chalecos salvavidas.

    Un miembro de la tripulación, Oh Yong-seok, le dijo a la agencia Associated Press que en un principio trataron de estabilizar el navío. Explicó que pidieron a los pasajeros ponerse los chalecos salvavidas y permanecer en el barco.

    La orden de evacuación sólo se dio 30 minutos después, según Oh, quien reconoció que puede que esta no llegase a todos los pasajeros.

    Sin embargo, los expertos insisten en que aún es temprano para juzgar las decisiones que se tomaron a bordo del barco naufragado.

    En caso de emergencia, la tripulación tiene que tomar decisiones sobre la marcha y algunas pueden parecer cuestionables desde fuera.

    “Es obligatorio que el barco sea evacuado en los siguientes 90 minutos”, explica Noble, “pero por supuesto, esto era totalmente irrelevante en este caso”.

    “De hecho, no hay una regulación estándar”, explica. “La tripulación tiene que reaccionar en función a lo que ve. Hacer una cosa establecida para unas circunstancias puede ser errónea en otras”.

    “Por norma general, yo siempre le diría a la gente que permanezca en el barco porque es el lugar más seguro”, explica. “Pero si el barco se está hundiendo rápidamente, entonces la única respuesta es que hay que evacuar”.

    Los pasajeros y la tripulación aseguran que la velocidad a la que se inclinó el barco hacía más difícil moverse dentro del barco y desplegar las lanchas salvavidas.

    ¿Qué esperanzas hay de encontrar sobrevivientes?

    “El tiempo es el peor enemigo”, explica Reid al advertir que las posibilidad de encontrar sobrevivientes disminuye a cada hora que pasa.

    Las corrientes que han obstaculizado las labores de los buzos son igualmente peligrosas para los pasajeros que puedan haber sido arrastrados lejos del barco.

    “Esas corrientes son bastante rápidas, lo que significa que el área de rescate será muy amplio”, señala.

    Con la experiencia de otros naufragios, los pasajeros han sido rescatados en algunas ocasiones de burbujas de aire.

    Sin embargo, hay pocas posibilidades de supervivencia en aguas gélidas como las de la costa de Corea del Sur.

    Por ello, Reid considera muy improbable encontrar a pasajeros o miembros de la tripulación desaparecidos en burbujas de aire del ferry sumergido.

    “Si alguno lo consiguió, hará ruido instintivamente golpeando metal”, explica. “Estoy bastante seguro de que los rescatistas los escucharán”.

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