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Illinois governor JB Pritzker granted more than 11,000 pardons for low-level marijuana convictions on Tuesday, describing the step as a first wave of thousands of such expungements anticipated under the state’s new marijuana legalization law.

The expungement process is a key part of the law, which takes effect on Wednesday and makes Illinois the 11th state to legalize marijuana for people 21 or older. Lawmakers said they wanted to repair some of the damage caused by efforts to combat sale and use of the drug, particularly in minority communities.

Pritzker, a Democrat, announced the pardons at a church on Chicago’s South Side. He said clearing the misdemeanor offenses from individuals’ records would make it easier for them to get jobs, housing and financial aid for college.

Officials estimate 116,000 convictions for possession of 30g or less of marijuana are eligible for pardons under the new law.

“We are ending the 50-year-long war on cannabis,” Pritzker said. “We are restoring rights to many tens of thousands of Illinoisans. We are bringing regulation and safety to a previously unsafe and illegal market. And we are creating a new industry that puts equity at its very core.”

Other states that have begun permitting marijuana’s sale and use created procedures to expunge minor drug offenses, but Illinois officials wanted the process to be almost automatic for people with non-violent marijuana arrests or convictions on their records.

“We know that black Illinois residents are far more likely to be arrested and convicted for marijuana possession than whites,“ said Ben Ruddell, criminal justice policy director for the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois. “This is a good step forward as we begin the legal sales of recreational marijuana.”

Pritzker’s office said 92 of 102 counties were represented among the pardons announced.

“The 11,017 pardons that Governor Pritzker is granting today are thousands of lives forever changed – and hundreds of thousands more will be changed in the coming months,“ said Toi Hutchinson, a former state senator now an adviser to Pritzker on marijuana policy.

“Those who were unfairly targeted by discriminatory drug laws can finally get ahead and build a new future for themselves and their families.”

People who have been convicted of offenses involving more than 30g of marijuana in Illinois can file court petitions to clear those records. Local prosecutors and legal aid organizations also can take that step. State officials estimate 34,000 records are eligible.

Illinois regulators said 34 dispensaries have been issued licenses to sell recreational marijuana but not all plan to participate immediately. Industry leaders have warned consumers to expect long lines and potential shortages.

“This is day one of the end of prohibition,” said Kelly Cassidy, a Chicago Democrat who sponsored the legislation in the House. “This is not a finished product on day one.”

Cassidy noted that the Illinois law ensures that the needs of patients who depend on marijuana for medical use will be met. She says advocates have acknowledged since the beginning that supply will be an issue at first.

“There will always be hiccups,” she said.

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Donald Trump’s attacks on Republican officials in Georgia and insistence his defeat by Joe Biden must be overturned are disgusting, the Republican lieutenant governor of the southern state said on Sunday.

“It’s not American,” Geoff Duncan told CNN’s State of the Union. “It’s not what democracy is all about. But it’s reality right now.”

The president staged a rally in Valdosta, Georgia on Saturday night. He began his speech, which lasted more than 90 minutes, by falsely claiming he won the state, which in fact he lost by around 12,000 votes in a result certified by Republican secretary of state Brad Raffensperger more than two weeks ago.

“They cheated and they rigged our presidential election, but we will still win it,” Trump falsely insisted. “And they’re going to try and rig this [Senate] election too.”

Two Georgia Republicans face 5 January runoffs which will decide control of the Senate. On Sunday evening, Kelly Loeffler will debate Rev Raphael Warnock, her Democratic challenger. Amid controversy over stock trades made by both Republicans during the Covid-19 pandemic, David Perdue has declined to debate his challenger, Jon Ossoff.

In Valdosta, the president invited Perdue and Loeffler on to the stage. Neither reiterated his baseless claims about election fraud, Perdue coming closest by saying: “We’re going to fight and win those seats and make sure you get a fair and square deal in Georgia.”

As Perdue spoke, the crowd chanted: “Fight for Trump!”

Some suggest Trump’s assault on the presidential election could depress Republican turnout.

“I think the the rally last night was kind of a two-part message,” Duncan told CNN. “The first part was very encouraging to listen to the president champion the conservative strategies of Senators Loeffler and Perdue, and the importance of them being re-elected.

“The second message was concerning to me. I worry that … fanning the flames around misinformation puts us in a negative position with regards to the 5 January runoff. The mountains of misinformation are not helping the process. They’re only hurting it.”

CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Duncan: “At a certain point, does this disgust you?”

“Oh, absolutely it disgusts me,” Duncan said.

In Valdosta, Trump read from a prepared list of nonsensical evidence he said highlighted his victory. This included arguing that by winning Ohio and Florida he had in fact won the entire election, and also that winning an uncontested Republican primary was proof he beat Biden in November.

Trump lost the electoral college 306-232 and trails in the popular vote by more than 7m. His campaign has launched legal challenges in various states. The majority have been rejected or dropped. The campaign filed a new lawsuit in Georgia on Friday.

Trump vented fury at Republican governor Brian Kemp, a one-time ally who he called from the White House on Saturday to demand the Georgia result be overturned.

“Your governor could stop it very easily if he knew what the hell he was doing,” Trump told supporters, adding: “For whatever reason your secretary of state and your governor are afraid of Stacey Abrams.”

Abrams, a staunch voting rights advocate who Kemp beat for governor in 2018, helped drive turnout and secure the state for Biden, the first Democrat to win it since 1992.

On Sunday, Duncan was asked if Kemp would do as Trump asks, and call a special session of the state general assembly to appoint its own electors for Trump, a demand one critic called “shockingly undemocratic”.

“I absolutely believe that to be the case that the governor is not going to call us into a special session,” Duncan said.

In an angry intervention earlier this week, Georgia elections official Gabriel Sterling said of Trump’s attacks on Kemp, Raffensperger and other Republicans: “Someone’s gonna get hurt, someone’s gonna get shot. Someone’s gonna get killed. And it’s not right. It has all gone too far.”

Duncan said “we’ve all all of us … got increased security around us and our families [but] we’re going to continue to do our jobs. Governor Kemp, Brad Raffensperger and myself, all three voted and campaigned for the president, but unfortunately he didn’t win the state of Georgia.”

Duncan sidestepped a question about the wisdom of holding a rally where many attendees did not wear masks, as coronavirus cases surge. But he did call Biden’s request that Americans to wear masks for 100 days “absolutely a great step in the right direction”.

On Saturday, the Washington Post found only 27 of 249 congressional Republicans were willing to acknowledge Biden’s victory. Duncan did so.

“On 20 January Joe Biden’s going to be sworn in as the 46th president and the constitution is still in place,” Duncan said. “This is still America … as the lieutenant governor and as a Georgian I’m proud that we’re able to look up after three recounts and be able to see that this election was fair.”

Raffensperger told ABC’s This Week: “We don’t see anything that would overturn the will of the people here in Georgia.”

It was “sad, but true”, he added, that Trump had lost.

“I wish he would have won. I’m a conservative Republican and I’m disappointed but those are the results.”

In Valdosta, Trump did seem at points to recognise the end is near. With reference to policy on Iran and China, he described “what we would have done in the next four years”. He also said that if he thought he had lost the election, he would be “a very gracious loser”.

“I’d go to Florida,” he said. “I’d take it easy.”

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She said it ever so subtly, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., made clear this past week she is ready to compromise on border funding.

She will not do it, though — she cannot do it — unless she is given a way to save face.

“There’s not going to be any wall money in the legislation,” she said. “However, if they have some suggestions about certain localities, technology, some infrastructure … that’s part of the negotiation.”

Pelosi did not directly propose a “fence” instead of a “wall,” but she implied nearly as much. “There’s 600 miles of something,” she said. “Three hundred miles of them are Normandy fences. If the president wants to call that a wall, he can call it a wall. … So, again, if there’s a place where enhanced fencing, Normandy fencing, would work? Let them have that discussion.”

Pelosi went from there to discuss the cost-benefit analysis of border barriers, implying that a fence would be cheaper and more efficient than a wall.

She may be right, and on some parts of the border, very right. Meanwhile, President Trump is right that a country has a right to control its borders, which in many cases will involve a wall or physical barrier.

Democrats are under a lot of political pressure to prevent Trump from coming out of this debate with anything resembling a win. They were, after all, elected to oppose him. And many Democrats (not all, but including Pelosi) have gone so far as to make the idiotic argument that a border wall is immoral. That’s rather a stretch, considering the hundreds of miles that already exist, which Democrats voted for not long ago, but that’s where we are today.

The last thing the nation needs is another major government shutdown. In order to prevent it, both Pelosi and Trump need to negotiate within the realm of reason. They need to work for a deal instead of repeating what they did in round one — working to avoid a deal so as to break their respective counterpart.

Trump needs to negotiate for something that lets Pelosi walk away able to say she succeeded — “ no new wall” — while still allowing the construction of barriers at the border, whatever we want to call them. A particular need, based on the Border Patrol’s account, is to fill in between the existing segments of wall — er, fence — that are already scattered throughout South Texas along the Rio Grande.

If either side insists on total victory — on pulverizing and humiliating the other side — then we’re heading for another shutdown, and this time, the party that brings it on should expect to blamed.

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Tragedy as man, 28, jumps 800ft to his death off the popular Grand Canyon Skywalk tourist attraction

  • A man, 28, jumped to his death from the Grand Canyon Skywalk on Saturday
  • The horseshoe-shaped glass walkway juts out about 70 feet over the canyon 
  • Signs warn not to get too close to the edge and risk a 500- to 800-foot fall 
  • Rescuers now are searching for the body of the man who had taken the jump 

A 28-year-old man jumped off a skywalk attraction at the Grand Canyon and fell 500- to 800-feet to his death, say rescuers who are now searching for his body. 

Authorities said the man had climbed over a safety barrier at the Grand Canyon Skywalk on Saturday. The man’s name was not released. 

He had been a tourist who visiting to the popular attraction on the Hualapai reservation outside Grand Canyon National Park and jumped around 4.30pm.

A 28-year-old man jumped off a skywalk at the Grand Canyon (pictured above) and fell 500- to 800-feet to his death, say rescuers who are now searching for his body

Authorities said the man had climbed over a safety barrier at the Grand Canyon Skywalk on Saturday. Skywalk, opened in 2007, is picture above

The horseshoe-shaped glass walkway (shown above) juts about 70 feet over the canyon overlooking the Colorado River

A Grand Canyon West spokesman says a body recovery effort began Sunday morning.

Skywalk opened in 2007. 

The horseshoe-shaped glass walkway juts about 70 feet over the canyon overlooking the Colorado River.

Signs warn tourists not to venture too close to the edge as a vertical drop from the Skywalk is between 500 feet and 800 feet.

A Chinese tourist fell to his death in March when he stumbled while trying to take a photo close to Skywalk.

A helicopter ended up air lifting the body of the Hong Kong man from 1,000 feet below the rim at Grand Canyon West.


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A couple embrace Thursday while touring an area devastated by the Almeda Fire in Phoenix, Ore.

John Locher/AP

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A couple embrace Thursday while touring an area devastated by the Almeda Fire in Phoenix, Ore.

John Locher/AP

At least 24 people have died as a result of fires consuming large swaths of the West Coast, with hundreds of thousands under evacuation orders to get to safety.

One hundred large fires are burning in 12 states across the West — but just five of them have been contained, according to the National Interagency Fire Center.

The unprecedented fire season has prompted federal fire officials to call in the U.S. military for help. Residents near 42 large fires are currently under evacuation orders to flee their homes.

Forecasters in the Pacific Northwest are hoping that dry winds have died down, and are optimistic that rain could help turn the tide next week. California also has reported that improved weather conditions have helped firefighters gain ground.

Fires inch closer to Portland suburbs

More than 40,000 Oregonians have evacuated and about 500,000 are in evacuation zones, Oregon’s governor said Friday. Firefighters are battling more than 3o fires there that have burned more than 850,000 acres.

The fires are most widespread in the northwest part of the state, and as Jonathan Levinson of NPR member station Oregon Public Broadcasting reported, they’re getting closer to the suburbs of Portland.

Some of the evacuees from Clackamas County, south of Portland, said they don’t know what they’re going back to or even if their homes are still standing, as Levinson reported. Nancy Price told him that she and her husband had to leave so quickly they didn’t have time even to pack medication.

“The thing that’s bothering me the most is, we don’t know what’s going on, how soon we can get back in to see, just to know if we have a home,” the 69-year-old from Molalla told Oregon Public Broadcasting. “We don’t know. The thing I dread the most is not knowing.”

Earlier this week, the Almeda Fire devastated communities in the towns of Phoenix and Talent in southern Oregon. Hundreds of homes and businesses are believed to be burned, Jefferson Public Radio reported.

Fire potential in Oregon and Washington is expected to tick down slowly over the next few days, reaching a “normal” to “very low” risk throughout the region by Tuesday.

“The dry east winds are over, and with that the worst fire weather conditions are done,” the National Weather Service in Portland said Friday. “Marine air [is] gradually working inland [the] next few days, pushing the worst of the smoke out.” The weather forecaster said the best news is there’s a chance of showers early next week.

Multnomah County, where Portland is located, hasn’t issued an evacuation order. But on Thursday, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler issued an order closing parks to the public to prevent more fires from starting. He also called for evacuation sites to be readied in the area.

The Oregon Convention Center in Portland said it is preparing to host wildfire evacuees.

A man walks through a neighborhood destroyed by the Almeda Fire on Friday in Talent, Ore.

John Locher/AP

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7 new fatalities in California as state breaks record for largest blaze

In California on Friday, nearly 15,000 firefighters were battling 28 major wildfires in the state. According to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, or Cal Fire, five of the top 20 largest wildfires in the state’s history have happened in 2020. The amount that has burned so far this year is 26 times more than the same period last year – and would cover an area larger than Connecticut, fire officials said.

“As weather conditions improve, firefighters continue to gain ground on the many wildfires that began three weeks ago,” Cal Fire reported Friday.

California has reported 19 fatalities this fire season – including seven additional deaths confirmed Thursday in Butte County, north of Sacramento, from the Bear Fire.

That blaze has killed at least 10 people and forced more than 20,000 to flee after rapidly expanding earlier this week, according to Capital Public Radio. Twenty-six are still missing.

“The fire exploded to six times its previous size between Tuesday and Wednesday thanks to gusting winds,” Capital Public Radio reported. “Authorities say the fire is advancing more slowly Friday after the winds eased and smoke from the blaze shaded the area and lowered the temperature, allowing firefighters to make progress.” The North Complex, which includes the Bear Fire, is 23% contained as of Friday afternoon.

Despite progress in other areas of California, the August Complex in Tehama County became the largest fire in the state’s history on Thursday, at 746,607 acres. It was originally 37 separate fires caused by lightning in mid-August. Fire officials said “a large-scale wind event” on Tuesday and Wednesday caused the fire to push through the fire lines and expand.

The massive fire is just 25% contained.

Washington air quality plunges

Washington is also seeing large fires, concentrated inland in the state. Earlier this week, a fire consumed nearly every structure in the small town of Malden.

Satellite images show much of western Washington blanketed in a thick cloud of smoke.

NPR member station KUOW posted photos of Seattle covered in a massive plume of smoke Friday. Seattle air quality had reached “very unhealthy” levels by late morning, according to The Seattle Times.

As blazes rage in all of the West Coast states, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown said that people should expect more fire seasons such as this due to climate change.

“I wish the 2020 wildfires were an anomaly – but this will not be a one-time event. Unfortunately, it is a bellwether of the future,” Brown tweeted on Thursday. “We are seeing the devastating effects of climate change in Oregon, on the entire West Coast, and throughout the world.”

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La Policía chilena trabajaba hoy en la búsqueda de una decena de sujetos que junto a otros cuatro, ya capturados, robaron de una tienda de calzado centenares de zapatos, sin percatarse de que todos correspondían a un mismo pie.

El robo ocurrió ayer martes en un local situado en el sector de La Reina, en Santiago de Chile, al que unos quince individuos ingresaron tras forzar la entrada y procedieron a apoderarse de todos los zapatos que estaban en exhibición.

Lo que no sabían los ladrones es que la empresa solo exhibe un zapato de cada modelo, todos del mismo pie.

Vecinos del sector avisaron a la Policía, que pudo detener en el momento a cuatro de los delincuentes, de entre 15 y 18 años, informaron hoy las autoridades, que prosiguen la búsqueda de los demás, que fueron grabados por las cámaras de seguridad del establecimiento.

Los afectados valoraron el robo en unos 7.500 dólares.

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President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump considering executive order on citizenship question for Census US women’s soccer star Alex Morgan says verdict on Trump White House invite will be team decision China renews demands that US lift all tariffs for trade deal MORE said Friday that a teleprompter malfunction was to blame for remarks he made during his Fourth of July address Thursday, in which he mistakenly claimed Revolutionary War soldiers “took over airports” in 1775. 

Trump told reporters on Friday that the teleprompter malfunctioned after coming in contact with rain during his Independence Day speech in Washington prompting him to stumble over his words. 

“Actually right in the middle of that sentence, it went out,” Trump told reporters Friday, according to The Boston Globe. “And that’s not a good feeling, when you’re standing in front of millions and millions of people on television.”

Reading from his teleprompter during a rainstorm on Thursday, Trump said: “The Continental Army suffered a bitter winter at Valley Forge, found glory across the waters of the Delaware and seized victory from Cornwallis of Yorktown. Our Army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do.” 

“And at Fort McHenry, under the rocket’s red glare it had nothing but victory,” he continued.

His mistake went viral across Twitter after many noted that the first successful airplane flight by the Wright Brothers did not occur until 1903.

The flub also prompted the hashtag #RevolutionaryWarAirportStories to trend online Thursday night.

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“If you’ve been to the grocery store lately at any time other than three in the morning, you’re running into a fair number of people,” Pritzker said at his daily briefing on the outbreak. “There’s no need to take any risks. And by wearing a mask when you go to the grocery store, for example, you’re really protecting all the other people that are there, as much as you’re protecting yourself. In fact, more so.”

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Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP/Getty Images

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott spoke to reporters outside the Houston church where George Floyd’s public viewing is underway. The governor said he had the opportunity to visit with the Floyd family and said he is committed to working with the family to “ensure we never have anything like this ever occur in the state of Texas.”

“We’re already working with legislators, we are working with his family. His family asked me and I promised his family that I would use and incorporate their family in these discussions, the discussions about the pathway forward,” the governor said.

Abbott said the discussions would not be “taken over by politicians” but be led by Floyd’s family members, victims and people who suffer “because of racism for far too long in the state and in this country.”

The governor said some things are already changing in the state, both in police departments and city halls, to prevent police brutality. Abbott said one of the challenges in the state is inadequate training for police training.

“Some actions have already been taken, other actions are being worked on to make sure that we will not have police brutality like what happened to George Floyd. And then when we get to the Texas legislature discussions have begun. Remember this. Texas has a legacy of success whether it be the Timothy Cole act, the Sandra Bland act and now maybe the George Floyd act to make sure that we prevent police brutality like this from happening in the future in Texas,” Abbott said.

In the meantime, the governor said his state is working on “peace and celebrating the remarkable life” of Floyd.

Abbott said he was on his way to meet with the Floyd family privately where he would be presenting them with the flag that flew over the capitol building in Floyd’s honor.


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CNN was hammered Thursday for accusing Texas Gov. Greg Abbott of claiming “without evidence” that migrants could expose Texans to coronavirus, after officials said this week more than 100 illegal immigrants had tested positive and been allowed to freely travel.

“The Biden administration has been releasing immigrants in south Texas that have been exposing Texans to Covid,” Abbott, a Republican, told CNBC.

“After relaxing state Covid restrictions this week, Abbott alleged, without evidence, that migrants coming into Texas are exposing the state’s residents to the coronavirus,” CNN reported.


Yet multiple outlets, including CNN in the same article it accused Abbott of making a baseless claim, reported more than 100 illegal immigrants released following their arrival at the border tested positive for coronavirus.

Felipe Romero, an official in Brownsville, Texas, told Fox News that the 108 positives represent 6.3% of the number of total migrants who have been rapid-tested at the city’s main bus station, where they are being released by the Border Patrol.

He added that Brownsville did not have the authority to prevent those who tested positive from traveling elsewhere.


Critics of CNN’s framing blasted the outlet on Twitter, with one conservative user calling it “one of the more dishonest articles I’ve seen in some time.”

CNN headlined its partisan story, “Texas Gov. Abbott stalled federal offer to test migrants then blamed them for spreading Covid.” The lack of concern over migrants potentially spreading coronavirus seemed incongruent with CNN’s scolding of Abbott this week for fully opening up the state and reversing its mask mandate.


President Biden referred to Texas and Mississippi revoking their mask mandates as “Neanderthal thinking.”

Fox News’ Greg Norman and Griff Jenkins contributed to this report.

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“We have a violent crime crisis, quite frankly a gun crisis, in the city,” Christopher Geldart, the deputy mayor for public safety and justice, told residents last month at a meeting on Capitol Hill, where three people were fatally shot in separate attacks in October, including one on a sports field after a dispute at a flag football game.

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