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“The threatened expulsion and loss of credits, predicated on numerous material violations of the contract between Semprevivo and Defendant, has precluded Semprevivo from receiving a degree from Georgetown, deprived his family of over $200,000 … and may forever bar Semprevivo from transferring his earned credits to another university,” according to the lawsuit.

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Domingo, 13 de Abril 2014  |  11:30 am

Ceremonia Miss Per Universo 2014

As fue la ceremonia donde fue coronada Jimena Espinoza como la Miss Per Universo 2014. | Fuente: RPP | RPP/Marcos Reategui

La modelo del programa ´A todo o nada´ fue elegida la mujer más bella del país.

Conoce a las candidatas a Miss Per Universo 2014| RPP

Miss Per y sus bellas rivales se lucen en sensuales trajes de bao| EFE

Jimena Espinoza fue elegida como la Miss Perú Universo 2014, en una ceremonia celebrada en el Parque de la Amistad, en Surco.

La modelo fue la más elogiada en las diferentes pruebas, que incluyeron también el desfile en lencería y traje de noche.

Las ex reinas Nicole Faverón, Elba Fashbender y Cindy Mejía también asistieron a la ceremonia.

Por otro lado, Jimena representará a nuestro país en el concurso Miss Universo, cuya actual corona pertenece a la venezolana Gabriela Isler.



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Una cicatriz en el corazón de Centroamérica o una nueva arteria para inyectarle sangre a la región. Depende de quién lo mire, el proyecto del Gran Canal de Nicaragua, que busca competir con el de Panamá, es una u otra cosa.

El canal tiene el apoyo del presidente del país, Daniel Ortega. Según el gobierno ofrecerá muchos beneficios económicos al país y acabará con la extrema pobreza y el desempleo. Pero hay quienes sospechan que no es económicamente viable y expertos en medioambiente creen que podría tener un negativo impacto ambiental.

Por lo pronto, este lunes fue finalmente aprobada la ruta del canal que prevé unir los océanos Atlántico y Pacífico y abrir una nueva vía para el transporte de las grandes cargas de mercancías que alimentan el comercio mundial.

No está claro aún cuán factible es que el proyecto termine de concretarse ni si se logrará hacer en tiempo y forma.

BBC Mundo le ofrece una mirada a algunas de las cifras que involucra la obra y dan cuenta del desafío que presenta.


Esos son los millones de dólares que se prevé demandará la construcción del canal de Nicaragua, según HKND, la compañía de Hong Kong que está a cargo del proyecto.


El largo previsto del canal de Nicaragua en kilómetros. El de Panamá tiene 77 kilómetros, con lo que el nuevo canal será más de tres veces y media más largo.


El Gran Lago de Nicaragua.

Superficie del Gran Lago Nicaragua en km2. La ruta del canal atravesará esta masa de agua dulce, la mayor de América Central, lo que ha generado críticas por parte de ambientalistas.


Lea: Las dudas ambientales sobre el proyecto chino del canal de Nicaragua


La cantidad de años que se prevé que dure la obra, según lo anunciado por sus promotores. El plan es iniciar la construcción a fines de 2014 y que el canal comience a operar en 2020.


Los años que demoró Estados Unidos en construir el Canal de Panamá, completado en 1914.


La cantidad de personas que, según HKND, empleará la obra del canal. La empresa dice que además creará 200.000 empleos indirectos.

¿Un posible cliente del canal de Nicaragua?


La profundidad máxima, en metros, que tendrá el canal, cuyo ancho variará entre los 230 y los 520 metros.


Wang Jing es director y CEO de Xinwei Telecom Enterprise Groups y de HKND.

La edad de Wang Jing, el misterioso hombre de negocios que dirige HKND, quien ha sido cuestionado por su falta de experiencia en emprendimientos de este tipo, que suponen un enorme desafío para la ingeniería.


Lea más sobre Wang Jing


La duración en años de la concesión cedida por Nicaragua a HKND, que puede extenderse por otros 50.


Primera mención oficial en Nicaragua sobre el proyecto de construcción de un canal interoceánico, en un decreto del 10 de diciembre de ese año. Una sociedad formada en Holanda estaría a cargo de la obra.


Lea también: “Es más fácil llegar a la Luna que construir un canal en Nicaragua”

El Canal de Panamá, con el que prevé competir el de Nicaragua se completó en 1914.

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Los electores del distrito de Pomata, provincia de Chucuito-Juli, acudieron ayer a las urnas para elegir al alcalde de la jurisdicción. 

PUEDES VER: Hoy eligen a autoridades municipales en Pomata

Según la ONPE, al 100 % de actas procesadas, Fredy Gualberto Castillo Venegas (Confia) sería el virtual alcalde. Logró el apoyo de 3,365 electores que equivale a 36.42 % de los votos válidamente emitidos. 

Le sigue Fredy Choque Apaza (Pico), quien sacó 3,255 votos que representa al 35.23 % de los votos emitidos. 

En tercer lugar se encuentra Lucas Pari Morales (Restauración Nacional) con 1050 voto y finalmente Edwin Calisaya Quispe (Acción Popular) con 876 votos.

Los cuatro postularon en las elecciones regionales y municipales de octubre de 2014, pero el proceso se anuló porque los votos nulos y blancos superaron los dos tercios de los votos emitidos tras la quema de ánforas y cédulas de votación en varios locales. 

A diferencia del año pasado, el proceso se desarrolló en medio de un clima de paz y extremas medidas de seguridad. 

Para garantizar la seguridad, el Director del Frente Policial de Puno, General,  Wilman Carrasco Becerra, dispuso de 300 efectivos de diversas unidades. El Ejército también envió un número significativo de personal.

Fueron 43 mesas de votación que se instalaron en tres colegios. La primera mesa se instaló a las 07:35 horas. 


Fiscalizadores de la ONPE en el colegio Manuel Quiroga, pusieron trabas a los medios de comunicación. 

Exigieron a los periodistas que indiquen el número de teléfono de la empresa donde trabajan para corroborar si efectivamente son periodistas o  no

De nada valió el credencial y DNI. No sucedió lo mismo en los otros dos colegios de votación. Al cierre de la presente edición aún no se emitieron los resultados oficiales del proceso electoral. 

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Aparecen sonrientes, informando y conduciendo los noticieros de Estrella TV (el Canal 62 de Los Ángeles), pero detrás de cámaras, dos presentadoras alegan que fueron víctimas de hostigamiento sexual por parte del director de noticias, al que han demandado junto con la empresa dueña de la cadena, Liberman Broadcasting Inc.

La noticia de las denuncias legales por acoso sexual alcanzó esta semana tintes nacionales al ser publicada por la revista Forbes. Una semana atrás fue divulgada por el portal de noticias legales, courthousenews.

Karla Amezola, una de las presentadoras de televisión que demandó a la televisora, habló del caso públicamente durante un foro en la Universidad del Sur de California (USC) recientemente.

“Aunque sé que esta demanda puede dañar mis probabilidades de ser contratada en la industria, tomé la decisión de presentar una demanda para detener el acoso y motivar a otras en mi situación a hacer lo mismo”, dijo Amezola a los estudiantes reunidos, según reportó Forbes.

Karlama Amezola aparece en una fotografía promocional. (Foto: Tomada de la web)

En la demanda, Amezola nombra al vicepresidente de noticias, Andrés Ángulo, por el supuesto acoso sexual.

La exreportera y expresentadora Adriana Ruggiero interpuso una querella similar contra Ángulo y la empresa Liberman.

Los abogados de Amezola, Elie Ghodsi y Jonathan Delshad, dijeron a La Opinión que esperan que esta querella no solo repare los daños causados a la presentadora, sino que ayude a acabar con el acoso sexual en Estrella TV y ayude a cambiar las prácticas en la televisión hispana de presionar a las periodistas para que sean valoradas por su físico y no por sus habilidades.


Entre las evidencias que prueban el presunto acoso contra Amezola, los abogados tienen una serie de grabaciones secretas en las que supuestamente se  escucha a Ángulo hostigar sexualmente a la reportera y presentadora. Debido a que en California no es legal presentar como prueba grabaciones que se hacen sin consentimiento de las dos partes, los abogados tendrán que pelear para que el juez las apruebe.

Amezola presentó la demanda en  junio en la Corte Superior del Condado de Los Ángeles mientras que Ruggiero hace un par de semanas.

Amezola Fue contratada en marzo de 2011 para Estrella TV y Ángulo en junio de 2013. “El acoso sexual comenzó poco después de que Ángulo llegó a Estrella y continuó escalando”, señala en la querella.

En la lista de actos inapropiados citados en la demanda destacan:

“Ángulo describió en detalle sus experiencias sexuales con sus colegas de Estrella, algunas de ellas casadas. Ángulo le dijo a Amezola que se había acostado hasta con seis de sus colegas”.

También se indica que le mostró fotografías de desnudos con mujeres con las que había tenido relaciones, incluyendo de sus compañeras de Estrella TV.

En múltiples ocasiones, señala el documento legal,Ángulo tocó sexual e inapropiadamente a Amezola”.

En una ocasión, la asaltó físicamente, “empujándola, la tomó por la cintura, y la besó a pesar de sus protestas”.

Cuando Amezola le pidió un aumento salarial, Ángulo le dijo que sí lo tendría “para que rentará un departamento y le diera una copia de la llave”, alega la querella.

Los estudios de Estrella TV en Burbank, cadena que ha sido demandada por supuesto acoso sexual por parte de dos expresentadoras. (Foto: Aurelia Ventura/La Opinión)

Cuando Amezola se armó de valor y le pidió respeto y que parara el acoso sexual, Ángulo supuestamente le advirtió que Recursos Humanos no creería sus acusaciones.


Después de llevar el caso a Recursos Humanos, Amezola fue removida como presentadora del noticiero de las 5:00 de la tarde y hubo represalias para otros empleados que trataron de ayudarla como testigos, indica la demanda. A otra reportera que también se quejó en Recursos Humanos del supuesto comportamiento inapropiado de Ángulo, ya no le renovaron el contrato, dicen los documentos de la corte.

Al no obtener respuesta de su empresa, Amezola acudió a los abogados Delshad y Ghodsi, quienes entablaron la demanda. Solo después de que sus abogados enviaron una carta a Estrella TV, la compañía comenzó una investigación independiente y externa.

La demanda de Karla busca, entre otras cosas, que se reparen los daños por el estrés emocional, daños compensatorios y que se castigue a Liberman Broadcasting por el horrendo acoso y las venganzas tomadas contra Karla. Busca una orden para asegurar que Liberman no permita que el acoso sexual y las represalias ocurran de nuevo en el futuro”, dijo el abogado Ghodsi, experto en casos de hostigamiento sexual.

El abogado dijo que no podía comentar sobre el estado emocional de Amezola, quien continúa como presentadora para el noticiero local de las 11:00 de la noche de Estrella TV.

Sin embargo, puedo imaginar lo extremadamente difícil que puede ser para cualquier mujer tener el valor de quejarse del acoso sexual de su jefe y ser forzada a continuar viendo a su acosador a diario porque la compañía ha escogido protegerlo en lugar de a la víctima”, expresó Ghodsi.

Karla Amezola es una de las presentadores que demandó al canal hispano. (Foto: Tomada de YouTube)

Presionada para vestirse más sexi

Adriana Ruggiero es identificada como “Jane Doe” en la acusación contra Estrella TV por acoso sexual. En la demanda se señala que trabajó como presentadora entre el 13 de julio de 2013 al 30 de abril de 2016 cuando se prescindió de sus servicios luego de que reportara el acoso, discriminación, intimidación y represalias de parte del director de noticias Andrés Ángulo.

Incluso al ser promovida como presentadora del noticiero nacional, Ángulo le dijo que no estaba seguro al cien por ciento de ese ascenso porque “su apariencia era demasiado conservadora” y Liberman quería que se mirara más sexi. ¿Qué quieres decir con eso?, le preguntó, que tienes un par de bellas tetas y debes mostrarlas más”, dice en la demanda.

Marco Antonio González, vicepresidente de Relaciones Públicas de LBI Media/Estrella TV dijo a La Opinión que por políticas de la empresa no hacen comentarios con respecto a litigios pendientes.

La expresentadora Adriana Ruggiero también demandó a la empresa. / Tomada de YouTube

Un historial de acoso sexual

En un artículo escrito por la periodista Verónica Villafañe, para la revista Forbes, Lupita Peimbert, una exreportera de Telemundo 48 en San José, quién antes se identificaba por su apellido de casada – Figueiredo – reveló que Ángulo, entonces un productor de los noticieros locales, le hizo proposiciones sexuales en 2002.

Peimbert dijo a Forbes que al rechazarlo, Ángulo le hizo la vida muy difícil en el trabajo. Incluso lo reportó a recursos humanos, pero la queja fue desechada por falta de evidencias. Peimbert señaló que decidió compartir lo que a ella le había pasado después de leer los detalles de la demanda de Adriana Ruggiero.

Para el caso de Amezola, habrá una audiencia de arbitraje en la Corte Superior de Los Ángeles el 8 de diciembre.

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PARIS (AP) — Sorrow for the dead and dying, fear of more infections to come and hopes for an end to the coronavirus pandemic were — again — the bittersweet cocktail with which the world said good riddance to 2021 and ushered in 2022.

New Year’s Eve, which used to be celebrated globally with a free-spirited wildness, felt instead like a case of deja vu, with the fast-spreading omicron variant again filing hospitals.

At the La Timone hospital in the southern French city of Marseille, Dr. Fouad Bouzana could only sigh Friday when asked what 2022 might bring.

“Big question,” he said. “It’s starting to become exhausting, because the waves come one after another.”

The pandemic game-changer of 2021 —- vaccinations — continued apace, with some people getting jabs while others stocked up on drinks and treats for subdued feasting. Some milestones were met: Pakistan said it had fully vaccinated 70 million of its 220 million people this year and Britain said it met its goal of offering a vaccine booster shot to all adults by Friday.

In Russia, President Vladimir Putin mourned the dead, praised Russians for their strength in difficult times and soberly warned that the pandemic “isn’t retreating yet.” Russia’s virus task force has reported 308,860 COVID-19 deaths but its state statistics agency says the death toll has been more than double that.

“I would like to express words of sincere support to all those who lost their dear ones,” Putin said in a televised address broadcast just before midnight in each of Russia’s 11 time zones.

Elsewhere, the venue that many chose for New Year’s celebrations was the same place they became overly familiarly with during lockdowns: their homes. Because of omicron’s virulence, cities cancelled traditional New Year’s Eve concerts and fireworks displays to avoid drawing large crowds.

Pope Francis also canceled his New Year’s Eve tradition of visiting the life-sized manger set up in St. Peter’s Square, again to avoid a crowd. In an unusual move for Francis, the 85-year-old pontiff donned a surgical mask for a Vespers service of prayer and hymns Friday evening as he sat in an armchair. But he also delivered a homily standing and unmasked.

“A sense of being lost has grown in the world during the pandemic,” Francis told the faithful in St. Peter’s Basilica.

Face masks again became mandatory Friday on the streets of Paris, a rule widely ignored among afternoon crowds that thronged the sunbathed Champs-Elysées, where a planned fireworks display was cancelled. With nearly 50% of Paris-region intensive care beds filled by COVID-19 patients, hospitals were ordered to postpone non-essential surgeries.

France, Britain, Portugal and Australia were among that countries that set new records for COVID-19 infections as 2021 gave way to 2022.

France’s unprecedented 232,200 new cases Friday marked its third day running above the 200,000 mark. The U.K. was close behind, with 189,846 new cases, also a record. In London, officials said as many as 1 in 15 people were infected with the virus in the week before Christmas. Hospitalizations of COVID-19 patients in the U.K. rose 68% in the last week, to the highest levels since February.

Yet boisterous New Year’s Eve celebrations kicked off in the Serbian capital of Belgrade where, unlike elsewhere in Europe, mass gatherings were allowed despite fears of the omicron variant. Large crowds gathered Friday evening for outdoor concerts, fireworks and a light show, and hotels and bars were packed. One medical expert predicted that Serbia will see thousands of new COVID-19 infections after the holidays.

More than 300,000 visitors were expected in Las Vegas for events including a New Year’s Eve fireworks show on the Strip that was canceled last year due to the pandemic.

Australia went ahead with its celebrations despite reporting a record 32,000 new cases. Thousands of fireworks lit up the sky over Sydney’s Harbor Bridge and Opera House at midnight. Yet amid the virus surge, crowds were far smaller than in pre-pandemic years.

Neighboring New Zealand opted for a more low-key approach, replacing its fireworks show in Auckland with a lights display projected onto landmarks including the Sky Tower and Harbor Bridge.

In Japan, writer Naoki Matsuzawa said he would spend the next few days cooking and delivering food to the elderly because some stores would be closed. He said vaccinations had made people less anxious about the pandemic, despite the new variant.

“A numbness has set in, and we are no longer overly afraid,” said Matsuzawa, who lives in Yokohama, southwest of Tokyo. “Some of us are starting to take for granted that it won’t happen to me.”

People thronged temples and shrines, most of them wearing masks. Some shrugged off the virus, dining and drinking in downtown Tokyo and flocking to shops, celebrating being freed from recent virus restrictions.

In South Korea’s capital, Seoul, the annual New Year’s Eve bell-ringing ceremony was canceled for the second straight year due to a surge in cases, and a pre-recorded video was instead broadcast online and on television.

South Korean authorities also closed many beaches and other tourist attractions along the east coast, which usually swarm with people hoping to catch the year’s first sunrise, and extended tough distancing rules for another two weeks.

In India, millions of people rang in the new year from their homes, with nighttime curfews and other restrictions taking the fizz out of celebrations in New Delhi, Mumbai and other large cities. Authorities have imposed restrictions to keep revelers away from restaurants, hotels, beaches and bars amid a surge in cases fueled by omicron.

Many Indonesians were also forgoing their usual festivities for a quieter evening at home, after the government banned many New Year’s Eve celebrations.

In Hong Kong, a New Year’s Eve concert featuring local celebrities including boy band Mirror was the first big New Year’s Eve event since 2018, after events were canceled in 2019 due to political strife and last year because of the pandemic.

In mainland China, the Shanghai government canceled an annual light show along the Huangpu River that usually draws hundreds of thousands of spectators. There were no plans for public festivities in Beijing, where popular temples have been closed or had limited access since mid-December.

Popular temples in the eastern Chinese cities of Nanjing, Hangzhou and other major cities canceled traditional New Year’s Eve “lucky bell-ringing” ceremonies and asked the public to stay away.

In the Philippines, a powerful typhoon two weeks ago wiped out basic necessities for tens of thousands of people ahead of New Year’s Eve. More than 400 were killed by Typhoon Rai and at least 82 remain missing.

Leahmer Singson, a 17-year-old mother, lost her home to a fire last month, and then the typhoon blew away her temporary wooden shack in Cebu city. She will welcome the new year with her husband, who works in a glass and aluminum factory, and her 1-year-old baby in a ramshackle tent in a clearing where hundreds of other families erected small tents from debris, rice sacks and tarpaulins.

Asked what she wants for the new year, Singson had a simple wish: “I hope we won’t get sick.”


Perry reported from Wellington, New Zealand.


Associated Press reporters Daniel Cole in Marseille; Vladimir Isachenkov in Moscow; Frances D’Emilio in Rome; Sylvia Hui in London; Darko Vojinovic in Belgrade, Serbia; Yuri Kageyama in Tokyo; Hyung-jin Kim in Seoul, South Korea; Ashok Sharma in New Delhi; Niniek Karmini and Edna Tarigan in Jakarta, Indonesia; Hau Dinh in Hanoi, Vietnam; Zen Soo in Hong Kong; Tassanee Vejpongsa in Bangkok; Jim Gomez in Manila, Philippines; and AP researcher Chen Si in Shanghai contributed to this report.

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The Justice Department on Thursday moved to drop its case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, in a stunning development that comes after internal memos were released raising serious questions about the nature of the investigation that led to Flynn’s late 2017 guilty plea of lying to the FBI.

The announcement came in a court filing “after a considered review of all the facts and circumstances of this case, including newly discovered and disclosed information,” as the department put it. DOJ officials said they concluded that Flynn’s interview by the FBI was “untethered to, and unjustified by, the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into Mr. Flynn” and that the interview was “conducted without any legitimate investigative basis.”

Later Thursday afternoon, Flynn tweeted a video of his grandson reciting The Pledge of Allegiance, along with the message, “and JUSTICE for ALL.”

The federal judge overseeing the case would have to make the final determination to dismiss it.


The retired Army lieutenant general for months has been trying to withdraw his plea, aided by a new attorney aggressively challenging the prosecution’s case and conduct. But, the case has been plodding through the court system with no resolution ever since his original plea, even amid speculation about whether President Trump himself could extend a pardon.

The DOJ move to dismiss the case would appear to put an end to that process.


Earlier Thursday, the top prosecutor on the case, Brandon Van Grack, abruptly withdrew from the case, without explanation, in a brief filing with the court.

Breadcrumbs were being dropped in the days preceding the decision that his case could be reconsidered. Documents unsealed a week ago by the Justice Department revealed agents discussed their motivations for interviewing him in the Russia probe – questioning whether they wanted to “get him to lie” so he’d be fired or prosecuted, or get him to admit wrongdoing. Flynn allies howled over the revelations, arguing that he essentially had been set up in a perjury trap. In that interview, Flynn did not admit wrongdoing and instead was accused of lying about his contacts with the then-Russian ambassador – to which he pleaded guilty.

The latest DOJ filing noted Flynn’s false statement plea pertained to a crime that required a statement “to be not simply false, but ‘materially’ false with respect to a matter under investigation.” The filing showed that the government “is not persuaded that the January 24, 2017 interview was conducted with a legitimate investigative basis and therefore does not believe Mr. Flynn’s statements were material even if untrue.”

The U.S. attorney reviewing the Flynn case, Jeff Jensen, recommended dropping the case to Attorney General William Barr last week and formalized the recommendation in a document this week.

“Through the course of my review of General Flynn’s case, I concluded the proper and just course was to dismiss the case,” Jensen said in a statement. “I briefed Attorney General Barr on my findings, advised him on these conclusions, and he agreed.”

President Trump reacted from the Oval Office just minutes after the DOJ filing surfaced. “He was an innocent man… Now, in my book, he’s an even greater warrior,” Trump said, while criticizing Obama administration officials. “They’re human scum. … It’s treason.”

Trump critics decried the decision Thursday.

Former FBI Director James Comey tweeted: “The DOJ has lost its way.”

And House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, who was a key figure during Trump’s impeachment proceedings, called the decision “outrageous.”

“The evidence against General Flynn is overwhelming,” Nadler, D-N.Y., said in a statement, while urging an inspector general investigation.

Meanwhile, the DOJ on Wednesday released a mostly unredacted version of former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s August 2017 “scope memo,” outlining the authority then-Special Counsel Robert Mueller had for his investigation. That document revealed for the first time that Mueller’s authority went significantly beyond what was known previously.

Rosenstein’s memo was known to have authorized Mueller to investigate “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump,” and “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation,” and “any other matters within the scope of [obstruction of justice laws].”

But, the new document made clear that Rosenstein authorized a deep-dive criminal probe into the Trump campaign that extended well beyond Russian interference efforts.

The memo revealed that Mueller was, among other things, looking into whether Flynn “committed a crime or crimes by engaging in conversations with Russian government officials during the period of the Trump transition.”

That was an apparent reference to the Logan Act, an obscure statute that has never been used in a criminal prosecution successfully and was intended to prevent individuals from claiming falsely to represent the United States government abroad.


Meanwhile, the handwritten notes showing agents discussing his interview – which the FBI’s former head of counterintelligence Bill Priestap penned after a meeting with then-FBI Director James Comey and then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe – sparked even bigger reverberations for the case.

The notes, released last week, showed agents considered various options in the run-up to the fateful January 2017 interview, including getting Flynn “to admit to breaking the Logan Act” when he spoke to former Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the presidential transition period.

“What is our goal?” one of the notes read. “Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?”

Another note read, “If we get him to admit to breaking the Logan Act, give facts to DOJ + have them decide.” The memo appeared to weigh the pros and cons of pursuing those different paths, while cautioning: “If we’re seen as playing games, WH [White House] will be furious.”

Aside from swiftly being ensnared in Mueller’s investigation in the fallout from that interview, Flynn was fired from his prominent post as national security adviser in February 2017. The resignation came as he was accused of misleading Vice President Pence and other senior White House officials about his communications with Kislyak.

Flynn’s communications with Kislyak in December 2016 had been picked up in wiretapped discussions, apparently unbeknownst to him. The FBI agents in January 2017 questioned him on the communications and later used his answers to form the basis for the false-statement charge and his guilty plea.

Flynn’s supporters have insisted he was innocent but was pressured to plead guilty when his son was threatened with prosecution and he exhausted his financial resources. The release of the handwritten FBI notes fueled accusations from Flynn’s defenders that agents did not conduct themselves properly in the case.


Meanwhile, the Rosenstein scope memo further authorized a Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) review into Flynn’s dealings with Turkey. Prosecutors have suggested Flynn’s guilty plea on one count of false statements to the FBI allowed him to escape liability for a possible FARA charge – in other words, the FARA case may have provided leverage.

FARA prosecutions have picked up dramatically in recent years, and prosecutor Van Grack, who led the DOJ’s case against Flynn, was appointed to head up the new FARA unit at the Justice Department in 2019.

Van Grack has been under scrutiny for claiming to a federal court that he had turned over all relevant exculpatory informing involving Flynn – even though a slew of “exculpatory” documents surfaced last week.

The case has come at an enormous cost for the retired three-star Army lieutenant general and his family, as he racked up millions of dollars in legal bills, was forced to sell his house, lost his job and saw his reputation sullied.

Attorney Sidney Powell told Fox News last week that Flynn paid her first law firm, Covington & Burling, approximately $3.5 million. The total amount of Flynn’s legal bills was unclear, but reports suggested last year that he had more than $4.6 million in unpaid legal bills at that time.

Flynn earlier this year moved to withdraw his guilty plea for making false statements to the FBI regarding his communications with Kislyak. His legal team, at the time, said the move was “because of the government’s bad faith, vindictiveness and breach of the plea agreement.”


In December 2017, and on the brink of financial ruin, Flynn was forced to put his home in Old Town Alexandria, Va. – located just outside Washington ,D.C. – on the market with an asking price of $895,000 to pay his mounting legal bills.

The townhouse sold for $819,995 in September 2018, Zillow showed. Powell confirmed the sale of the house to Fox News.

Fox News’ Gregg Re, Jake Gibson, Bill Mears, David Spunt and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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President Biden is marking Police Week with a statement that includes language about the “deep sense of distrust” toward cops by Black and brown Americans and the “trauma” caused by deaths in police custody — a statement described as “beyond disappointing” by one police group.

Biden’s proclamation marking both Police Week and Peace Officers Memorial Day, begins by praising law enforcement for their wide range of duties in securing public safety.


“Every morning, our Nation’s law enforcement officers pin on a badge and go to work, not knowing what the day will bring, and hoping to come home safely,” the president says, before noting the impact of COVID-19 on the men and women in blue.

“As we recognize Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Week, we honor those who lost their lives in the line of duty, and thank them on behalf of this grateful Nation for their service,” he says.


But after promising to support law enforcement “and work to ensure they have the resources and research tools they need to do their jobs successfully and the funding necessary to enhance officer safety and wellness,” the statement begins talking about the alleged harm caused to minority communities by police.

“This year, we also recognize that in many of our communities, especially Black and brown communities, there is a deep sense of distrust towards law enforcement; a distrust that has been exacerbated by the recent deaths of several Black and brown people at the hands of law enforcement,” he says.

Biden has pushed for police reform in the wake of the death of George Floyd, for which the police officer was convicted of murder, and his Department of Justice has returned to the Obama-era practice of issuing consent decrees to crack down on police departments — amid claims by activists and many Democrats that such deaths are caused by systemic racism.

“These deaths have resulted in a profound fear, trauma, pain, and exhaustion for many Black and brown Americans, and the resulting breakdown in trust between law enforcement and the communities they have sworn to protect and serve ultimately makes officers’ jobs harder and more dangerous as well,” Biden wrote. “In order to rebuild that trust, our State, local, and Federal Government and law enforcement agencies must protect constitutional rights, ensure accountability for misconduct, and embrace policing that reflects community values and ensures community safety.  These approaches benefit those who wear the badge and those who count on their protection.”

The statements are in stark contrast to those from the overwhelmingly positive proclamations issued by the Trump administration, and even the Obama administration — where a 2016 proclamation included no explicit reference to such controversies and said that cops “care deeply about their communities, and together with our partners in law enforcement, we must work to build up our neighborhoods, prevent crime before it happens, and put opportunity within reach for all our people.”


Biden’s proclamation comes amid a police week that was barely marked by the White House — although Biden did invite illegal immigrants protected from deportation by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program to the White House, amid a number of non-cop related events.

“This week we pause to pay respect to our law enforcement officers, particularly those who have made the ultimate sacrifice to protect their communities,” Jason Johnson, president of the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund told Fox News. “It is beyond disappointing to see the president of the United States continue to perpetuate false and hurtful myths about police, rather than uniting as he claimed he would during the campaign. “

Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, accused Biden of expressing a “Bash the Blue” attitude toward law enforcement.

“I’m still DISGUSTED that Biden would use his official Police Week statement to suggest that every Cop is a racist. Democrat hatred for our police is outright REPULSIVE,” he tweeted.


The controversy comes as Biden faces continued pressure on policing from the left of his own party, who have pushed for police departments to be defunded entirely. 

Fox News reported that Missouri Democratic Rep. Cori Bush on Thursday praised a Black Lives Matter activist who advocated “death” for police officers in 2014 and tweeted the BLM chant “pigs in a blanket fry ’em like bacon.” 

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Kirchneristas y religiosos criticaron la tapa de Noticias

La imagen de CFK crucificada alineó a los medios cautivos del Gobierno con el obispo Poli y la comunidad judía.

Francisco le pide a sus interlocutores que cuiden a CFK, mientras ella apuesta cada vez más al “no peronismo” del cada vez más instalado Mauricio Macri con el apoyo del establishment. [ Ver fotogalería ]

Mario Poli, el arzobispo de Buenos Aires, rechazó ayer jueves la tapa de la última edición de REVISTA NOTICIAS, en la que la presidenta Cristina Kirchner aparece crucificada, al considerar que “es de muy mal gusto porque Semana Santa no es para eso” y declarar que “no se debe hacer eso con la figura de ningún presidente”.

Poli lo dijo al término de la misa del Jueves Santo, realizada en el Hospital Neuropsiquiatrico Braulio Moyano, en el barrio de Barracas de esta capital. En el mismo sentido se manifestaron los sacerdotes de la Vicaría para las Villas de Emergencia Lorenzo De Vedia y Guillermo Torre, quienes señalaron que la tapa “banaliza la festividad de la Semana Santa con fines políticos”. Ambos lo hicieron en declaraciones a la agencia del Gobierno, Télam.

“A decir verdad, la Presidenta hubiera preferido un final más heroico de una gestión que, desde que ganó con el 54% de los votos en octubre del 2011, paradójicamente, cayó en picada”, reza el texto de la última edición de NOTICIAS, en la que se utilizó un fotomontaje en tapa de Cristina Kirchner crucificada como símbolo de “la cuenta regresiva final” de su gestión.

Desde la Iglesia Católica, ambos sacerdotes llamaron a “no darle trascendencia ni entrar en el juego mediático” que propone la tapa.”Me parece una imagen poco feliz, es una banalización de la festividad de la Semana Santa con fines políticos”, dijo “Toto” De Vedia, coordinador del Equipo de Sacerdotes para las Villas de Emergencia desde la parroquia de Caacupé, en la villa 21-24 de Barracas, según publicó Télam. “En la villa se respeta la religiosidad y la gente adhiere mucho y este tipo de imágenes hace mal a los religiosos”.

Por su parte, también entrevistado por Télam, el padre “Willy” Torre, de la parroquia Cristo Obrero consideró que “lo importante es estar junto a la gente celebrando la festividad de Semana Santa y a lo que aparece en los medios en este momento de Jueves Santo no hay que darle tanta trascendencia ni entrar en el juego que proponen”.

La “Vía Crisis” de CFK, ilustrada en la tapa de NOTICIAS, propuso, mediante la imagen de la Presidenta crucificada, que despertó el cuestionamiento de oficialistas y de la Iglesia, demostrar las condiciones actuales de una Presidenta a la que el peronismo la deja cada día más sola y le promete un calvario hasta 2015.

Además, en la nota se propone un ranking de quiénes son los próximos Judas y Poncio Pilatos, que vienen marchando detrás de una jefa de Estado que asegura que “Néstor dio la vida y yo la salud, y nadie reconoce nada”: Scioli, Lorenzetti, Gvirtz, Insaurralde, Maradona, Cristóbal López, Oyarbide, Randazzo, Capitanich, Ottavis, Spolski. También revela las charlas de CFK sonre la resistencia de Jesús con el Papa Francisco.

La comunidad judía también se manifestó.  El rabino Marcelo Polakoff, presidente de la Asamblea Rabínica Latinoamericana y líder espiritual de la comunidad judía de Córdoba, dijo, consultado por Télam, que “aún cuando la libertad de expresión sea un valor esencial de toda democracia, tiene que estar acompañada por otros no menos esenciales como el respeto a la religiosidad y la investidura presidencial”.

El rabino Daniel Goldman, de la Comunidad Bet-El, adhirió al lineamiento del monseñor Poli. “Si hay un grupo que sea mayoritario o minoritario que se siente incómodo por algo que tiene que ver con un elemento tan raigal como es la vida religiosa, hay que tener cuidado y respeto por la sensibilidad del otro”, dijo esta mañana Goldman, también a la agencia Télam.

En plena crisis del Relato que sostuvo una década de kirchnerismo ininterrumpido, los ecos políticos de la parábola de Judas resuenan en el debate nacional sobre el futuro incierto del modelo económioco y la sucesión peronista, La figura del traidor ensombrece todos los escenarios del Gobierno, que a cada paso pierde aliados hasta ayer incondicionales.

¿Qué opinás de la última tapa de NOTICIAS? ¡Contanos!

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CHICAGO (CBS) — Five people have died following a workplace shooting in Aurora Friday afternoon.

The suspect, identified as Gary Martin, opened fired at Henry Pratt Company Friday afternoon in Aurora and was shot dead, police said.

Gary Martin was identified as the man who shot five people at an Aurora workplace on Friday. (Facebook)

Martin, 45, is believed to have been employed by the company.

Aurora Police Chief Kristen Ziman said police were notified about the shooting at 1:24 p.m. They arrived on the scene at 1:28 p.m. and were immediately fired upon.

Five officers were shot. A sixth suffered a knee injury.

Five civilians were killed. The names of the victims have not been released.

No motive for the shooting has been given.

At a press conference, Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin said the following:

“I don’t think I can be clearer in saying today is a sad day. We have seen similar situations around our nation. But to experience it first hand is even more painful. A shame these shootings are commonplace, a shame that someone would be so selfish to think he has the right to take an innocent life. We as a society cannot allow the heartless acts to become a spot on the 10 o’clock news.”

Gov. JB Pritzker also attended the press conference.

“There is no way to prepare for the pain of losing innocent people,” Pritzker said. “In the state that you were elected to lead, the state that you were elected to protect, there is no way to prepare. There are no words for the kind of evil that robs our neighbors of their lives.”

A police source told CBS 2 Mike Puccinelli that the first officers to arrive were shot at by Martin as they approached the building. They ran for cover when one of the officers said, ‘I’ve been hit!’

Another officer dragged his injured partner to safety and put a tourniquet on his leg.

Two officers were shot in the leg; another in the hip; one in the neck and a fifth officers was hit in the neck.



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Did Google News really close in Spain? If you consider Google News to be the ability to browse stories by topic, especially from a dedicated home page, yes. But if it’s the ability to search for and find news stories, then arguably, Google News still lives.

Anyone trying to reach the Google News Spain home page gets a closure message, as we covered yesterday. However, Google News as a dedicated vertical search engine continues to operate in two ways.

First, Google is inserting news content into a “En las noticias” box within regular search results of Google Spain, similar to how it does this with “In the news” box for its English language sites. This is all part of Google Universal Search, where Google blends results from its vertical search engines like shopping, images and maps into regular results.

Below is a screenshot from this morning reflecting news about the Pakistan school shooting from publisher El Pais and other news sites:

The other way is that after someone does a search, they can narrow listings down just to news content using the “Noticias” link (which is the same as the News link on English-language sites). This provides them with Google News Spain content, just without the ability to browse stories by topic. Here’s how it looks:

Google tells Search Engine Land that both the “en las noticias” box and the “Noticias” link will remain according to Google.

So, is this still “Google News” living on or merely the highlighting of news stories relevant to a topical query? Google would probably argue the latter. However, we may start to see a debate about whether the new Spanish “anti-piracy” law would apply to these results as well. I suspect the algorithm that powered Google News is still generating results for this box.

By the way, in the wake of the closure of Google News Spain yesterday “external traffic” had fallen 10 to 15 percent, according to data provided to Mathew Ingram by Chartbeat. However overall traffic at the time of the analysis was relatively stable, suggesting direct navigation.

In Germany news publishers saw a dramatic traffic loss upon removal of their “rich snippets” from Google News. It remains to be seen if there’s a comparable impact in Spain as a result of the shuttering of Google News. These early data suggest not.

What’s your view? Is Google maintaining an abbreviated version of Google News on its or is this something different?

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EXCLUSIVE: Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee say there is “significant circumstantial evidence” that the COVID-19 outbreak stemmed from a leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, urging the federal government to put “more pressure on China” to allow for a “full, credible investigation” into the source of the global pandemic. 

Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes, R-Calif., and Republicans on the panel released a report Wednesday, first obtained by Fox News, saying it is “crucial for health experts and the U.S. government to understand how the COVID-19 virus originated” to prevent “or quickly mitigate future pandemics.” 


“International efforts to discover the true source of the virus, however, have been stymied by a lack of cooperation from the People’s Republic of China,” Republicans wrote. “Nevertheless, significant circumstantial evidence raises serious concerns that the COVID-19 outbreak may have been a leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.” 

Republicans pointed to China’s “history of research lab leaks resulting in infections,” and warnings from U.S. diplomats in China as early as 2017 that the Wuhan lab was conducting “dangerous research” on coronaviruses without following “necessary safety protocols, risking the accidental outbreak of a pandemic.” 

Republicans also pointed to public reports that “several researchers in the Wuhan lab were sickened with COVID-19-like symptoms” in Fall 2019, and the Chinese military’s “involvement in the Wuhan Lab.” 

“By contrast, little circumstantial evidence has emerged to support the PRC’s claim that COVID-19 was a natural occurrence, having jumped from some other species to human,” they wrote, saying Chinese authorities “have failed to identify the original species that allegedly spread the virus to humans, which is critical to their zoonotic transfer theory.” 

Committee Republicans also claimed there are “clear signs” that U.S. government agencies and academic institutions “may have funded or collaborated in Gain of Function research” at the Wuhan Lab, claiming that research “was published even after the U.S. government had paused these kinds of studies in the United States due to ethical concerns over their biowarfare applicability and their potential to accidentally unleash a pandemic. 

“To protect American citizens from future pandemics, the U.S. Government must place more pressure on China to allow full, credible investigations of the source of the COVID-19 pandemic and to allow probes of the likelihood that it resulted from a lab leak,” the report states. “The U.S. Government must also provide a full accounting of any American cooperation with the Wuhan lab’s coronavirus research, including the support of these projects through U.S. Government funds.” 

The report was released after Nunes and other GOP members on the committee penned letters to President Biden and Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, accusing the intelligence community of failing to provide timely updates on its investigation into the origins of COVID-19 and of not being “forthcoming” about “what processes it undertook to make seemingly authoritative statements early in the pandemic about the origins of the virus — conclusions that are now in question.” 

The letters demanded that the intelligence community turn over all of its information on COVID-19’s origins, requesting any reporting on a possible “collaboration” between the Wuhan lab and the Chinese military. It asked for any evidence intelligence agencies had to prove coronavirus broke out naturally and originated in animals, and also asked if the intelligence community was involved in any reviews of “gain of function” research and whether it was appropriate to fund such research outside the U.S.

The letters set a deadline of May 31 to begin providing information relevant to the request.


The calls for more information come after the White House last month said it believes that China has “not been transparent” in releasing its findings on the origins of COVID-19, as part of a report it wrote in collaboration with the World Health Organization.

The report dismissed claims that COVID-19 had escaped from a lab in Wuhan and instead called the theory of zoonotic transmission, or transfer of infection from animals to humans, “likely to very likely.”

The White House said the WHO’s China report lacks crucial information and provides just a “partial, incomplete picture” of the virus’s origin.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki last month called on China and the WHO to allow international experts “unfettered access” to data and to allow them to ask questions of people on the ground at the time of the outbreak. Psaki said that U.S. medical experts are still reviewing the report, but the White House believes it “doesn’t meet the moment.”


The report calls the prospect that the virus transmitted from an animal reservoir to an animal host, followed by subsequent spread within that intermediate host that then transmits it to humans, “likely to very likely.” It calls the idea that the virus may have leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology “extremely unlikely.”

The report called for further investigation in every area except the lab leak hypothesis.

Even WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the research team’s assessment on whether coronavirus entered the human population as a result of a laboratory incident was not “extensive enough.”

President Biden said last month he had not spoken to Chinese President Xi Jinping about the origins of COVID-19.

The Associated Press contributed to this report. 

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Carmen Tello se ha convertido sin quererlo en la figura presencial de los desaciertos afectivos y de protocolo que se han originado tras la muerte de la duquesa de Alba. La mujer de Curro Romero quiere dejar clara su postura: “Cayetana era mi amiga, mi hermana mayor, mi familia y, por lo mucho que la he querido y la querré siempre, no voy a entrar en enfrentamientos. No los hay. Los amigos estamos muy tristes y, sobre todo, sus hijos. Lo único que queremos es respetar su memoria”, afirma Carmen Tello a Vanitatis.

Carmen Tello, junto a su hijo Fernando en el entierro (Gtres)

No hay enfrentamientos entre los amigos íntimos y los hijos de la duquesa de Alba, pero sí malentendidos con los que durante los últimos años han sido apoyos incondicionales de Cayetana. Estos desencuentros se han manifestado públicamente a lo largo de las últimas semanas por las destacadas ausencias en los funerales y liturgias religiosas celebradas en Sevilla por el fallecimiento de la duquesa. Como señalan desde el entorno de esta, un funeral no es una boda ni un acontecimiento de carácter social que hay que comunicar a través de un gabinete, pero en el caso de la Casa de Alba sí hubiera sido necesario cumplir tanto con los compromisos institucionales como con los personales y, sobre todo, con los afectivos de la fallecida.

Y es aquí cuando han surgido los problemas. A las personas que más cerca han estado de Cayetana en los últimos años les ha costado procesar ese distanciamiento por parte de algunos miembros de su familia, pero sobre todo algunos feos de la colateral. Hay parientes de la fallecida que no mantenían un trato directo con ella, solo epistolar, a través de felicitaciones en fechas señaladas. Sin embargo, el día de la primera celebración, levantaron de los primeros bancos de la catedral a los verdaderos amigos, como Curro Romero, Carmen Tello, los doctores Muñáiz y Trujillo y Carmen Talegón, aduciendo que ese lugar era “para la familia”. Un malestar que no lo reflejaron públicamente, pero que sí lo percibieron testigos presenciales. Esos ‘primos’ no se habían preocupado de Cayetana nunca y muchos menos en los últimos años, cuando la salud de Cayetana era ya muy baja.

Malestar y tristeza

Seguramente los hijos, y sobre todo el primogénito, actual jefe de la Casa de Alba, deberían haber delegado el organigrama afectivo. No lo hicieron y de ahí el malestar y la tristeza por parte de amigos que, aunque no son familia de sangre, sí lo han sido en esencia.

La duquesa de Alba, junto a su marido y sus grandes amigos (Gtres)

Para muchos no fue comprensible que Curro Romero, una institución en el mundo taurino, un personaje con relevancia nacional que recibe invitaciones de Casa Real, tuviera que buscar acomodo en cualquier lugar. Y mucho menos que su mujer, Carmen Tello, que en los tiempos de más soledad de la duquesa estuvo siempre a su lado, tampoco tuviera su sitio. Y tampoco que los doctores Trujillo y Muñáiz, que consiguieron que los últimos años de Cayetana fueran físicamente envidiables, no recibieran una llamada de agradecimiento. Desaciertos que en cualquier familia y en momentos de tristeza infinita serían entendibles, pero que en la Casa de Alba deberían haber sabido procesar.

Como indican a Vanitatis, “si los hijos son los primeros en sufrir la pérdida, los amigos íntimos que en ocasiones son más que familia, también llevan su pena”.

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La agencia Reuters, con 165 años de trayectoria internacional, inició un camino que no se presenta fácil para intentar cobrar por los contenidos.

Una encuesta entre 1.230 de sus lectores más fieles mostró que quieren noticias de calidad y desarrollo, pero manifiestan que no quieren pagar por ellas.

Reuters afronta el desafío de lo que llaman “una batalla cultural”: mostrar que la producción de calidad tiene costos y vale.

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Las explosiones ocurrieron en una terminal de contenedores con productos inflamables en la ciudad portuaria de Tianjin.

La tranquilidad de la noche del miércoles en la ciudad china de Tianjin se vio interrumpida por impresionantes explosiones en las que al menos 44 personas murieron y más de 500 resultaron heridas, según informó la prensa estatal.

Según medios estatales, el primer estallido se produjo cuando un cargamento de explosivos estalló a las 23.30 hora local (16:30 GMT).

Aunque las causas del suceso se desconocen por el momento, las informaciones facilitadas por el Departamento de Bomberos de Tianjin apuntan a que las explosiones se produjeron después de que se declarara un incendio en el almacén.

El Departamento de Bomberos de Tianjin afirmó que el incendio comenzó a ultima hora del miércoles y que se produjeron dos grandes explosiones con 30 segundos de diferencia, seguidas de otras menores.

Cientos de personas fueron ingresadas en hospitales cercanos, 32 de las cuales se encuentran en estado crítico.

Tianjin es una zona industrial y uno de los puertos principales al sureste de Pekín, la capital de China.

Las fotos y videos que circulan en las redes sociales muestran una gran bola de fuego y una columna de humo.

La primera explosión fue seguida por otra unos 30 segundos después.

La BBC habló con residentes de Tianjin que aseguraron que los hospitales locales están repletos de afectados.

Un funcionario de la agencia sismológica de China indicó que la fuerza de la primera explosión fue equivalente a tres toneladas de TNT y la segunda de 21 toneladas.

Cientos de personas ingresaron en los hospitales cercanos, según informó la agencia estatal china Xinhua.

Varios edificios cercanos se quedaron sin electricidad, de acuerdo a información del canal de televisión CCTV.

Todo tembló

Una testigo dijo a los medios locales que estaba afuera de compras cuando “de repente vio una gran bola de fuego seguida de una explosión”.

Las explosiones destruyeron edificios y cientos de autos en la terminal portuaria.

“En el momento de la explosión, el suelo se movía con fuerza y los autos y las edificaciones cercanas temblaban, algunas ventanas de edificios se rompieron y todos empezamos a correr”, dijo.

La gente salió a la calle buscando refugio.

Otro testigo, la maestra canadiense Monica Andrews, dijo que se despertó llena de pánico pensando que se trataba de un terremoto.

“Vi fuera de mi ventana y el cielo estaba rojo… Vi la segunda explosión y luego el caos, todo el mundo salía de sus apartamentos pensando que se trataba de un terremoto, autos intentando irse del complejo, era una locura la cantidad de luz que salía del lugar de la explosión”, dijo a la BBC.

La Radio Nacional de China reportó que eran visibles las grietas en edificios cercanos a la explosión.

Varias cuadras del puerto de la ciudad quedaron sin electricidad, según la CCTV.

La explosión ocurrió en un área de depósitos donde son guardados productos peligrosos en la zona en construcción de Binhai, según informa la agencia Xinhua.

Tianjin, cuya población es de unas 15 millones de personas, es un puerto muy importante y un área industrial ubicada al sureste de la capital de China.

En un momento se vio una gran bola de fuego alumbrando la ciudad.

La onda expansiva de las explosiones llegó a sentirse hasta a diez kilómetros de distancia.

Algunos estaban desorientados y mareados.

La onda expansiva reventó cristales, incluso de automóviles.

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Kim Potter, the former Brooklyn Center police officer charged with second-degree manslaughter in the fatal shooting of Daunte Wright, made her first court appearance Thursday.

Potter appeared remotely with her defense attorney, Earl Gray. She wore a flannel, button-down shirt and only spoke when prompted by the judge. Potter is next expected to appear in person at 1:30 p.m. local time May 17 in front of Hennepin County Judge Regina Chu.

During the hearing, Potter was visible only briefly when her attorney pointed his video camera in her direction. Potter was also told she is not allowed to “possess use or transport firearms, ammunitions or explosives” during the duration of the case, Hennepin County District Court Judge Paul R. Scoggin said during the brief appearance. 

Potter, a 26-year-veteran of the force and former head of the local police union, was released from a Hennepin County jail just before 5:40 p.m. local time Wednesday after posting a $100,000 bond.

Kim Potter is expected to be booked into Hennepin County Jail Wednesday. (KMSP)


She was arrested earlier that morning, three days after she is alleged to have fatally shot 20-year-old Wright during a traffic stop in the city of Brooklyn Center. Potter was initially taken into custody at the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension in St. Paul. 

Security fencing remained erected around Potter’s home in Champlin, Minnesota, a suburb of Minneapolis, Wednesday afternoon. Sources told Fox News that Potter and her husband, a police officer in a nearby town, left the residence – but a Champlin Police car was parked in the driveway and uniformed officers were seen standing behind the fencing.

Potter’s defense attorney did not immediately return a message left by Fox News on Thursday.

Though she was not physically present, Thursday’s hearing took place at the Hennepin County Public Safety Facility – which is located in the same heavily fortified complex as the trial for Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer charged in George Floyd’s death. However, Potter and her attorney both appeared virtually from what looked like an office setting.

Gray also represents Thomas Lane, one of the three other former Minneapolis officers charged with aiding and abetting murder and manslaughter in Floyd’s death.

According to the criminal complaint in Potter’s case, Brooklyn Center Police Officer Anthony Luckey, and his field training officer, Potter, conducted a traffic stop on a white Buick at 63rd Avenue North and Orchard Avenue North at approximately 1:53 p.m. Sunday. Both officers were wearing body cameras.

A courtroom sketch shows former Brooklyn Center police Officer Kim Potter, lower right, background, at her first court appearance along with her attorney Earl Gray, over Zoom on Thursday, in the traffic-stop shooting death of Black motorist Daunte Wright in Brooklyn Center, Minn. At the lower left is Hennepin County Judge Paul Scoggin, while other unidentified court personnel are seen at the top left and right. (Cedric Hohnstadt via AP)

Luckey identified the driver as Daunte Demetrius Wright. Luckey conducted a record check and discovered that Wright had a warrant for his arrest “for a gross misdemeanor weapons charge,” court documents say.

Luckey and Potter both approached the driver’s side of the vehicle and asked Wright to exit his vehicle and place his hands behind his back, according to time-stamped body-worn camera footage.

The victim exited the car and initially followed commands, court documents say. Luckey told Wright that he was being arrested for his outstanding warrant. At that time, Luckey and Wright were positioned just outside of the driver’s side door of the vehicle, which remained open during their encounter, and Potter was positioned behind and to the right of Luckey, video shows.

Wright pulled away from the officers and got back into the driver’s seat of the vehicle. Luckey “attempted to maintain physical control of victim,” and Potter “verbalized that she would tase the victim.” Potter “presented her department-issued Glock 9mm handgun in her right hand and pointed it at the victim, verbalizing again that she would tase him,” court documents say.

In this courtroom sketch, former Brooklyn Center police Officer Kim Potter makes her first court appearance on Thursday, over Zoom, in the traffic-stop shooting death of Black motorist Daunte Wright in Brooklyn Center, Minn. (Cedric Hohnstadt via AP)

Potter again verbalized “Taser, Taser, Taser” and then pulled the trigger on her handgun, firing one round into the left side of the victim. Wright then stated, “ah he shot me,” and the vehicle sped away for a short distance before crashing into another vehicle and coming to a stop. The victim was pronounced dead at the scene after medical intervention was unsuccessful.

After discharging her handgun, the body-worn video reports that the defendant allegedly exclaimed, “S—, I just shot him!”

Investigator Sam McGinnis later collected and reviewed the layout of Potter’s duty belt. McGinnis observed that the defendant’s handgun “is holstered on the right side of the belt and her Taser is holstered on the left side of the belt.” Both grips and handles of the defendant’s Taser and handgun face the defendant’s rear, and the Taser is yellow with a black grip.


McGinnis noted Potter’s Taser is set in a straight-draw position, meaning the officer would have to use her left hand to draw the Taser out of its holster. McGinnis met with Hennepin County Medical Examiner Doctor Loren Jackson on April 12. The medical examiner determined the victim’s cause of death to be a gunshot wound, and the manner of death was homicide.

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Texas Lt. Gov Dan Patrick, R., slammed Joe Biden’sNeanderthal thinking” comment on lifting COVID-19 restrictions on “The Faulkner Focus” on Thursday, calling the president a “hypocrite.”

Biden took a swipe at Republican governors in Texas and Mississippi Wednesday, accusing them of “Neanderthal thinking” following their decision to reverse coronavirus safety policies, including mask mandates.

“How dare him attack Texas for our policies when he is allowing the border to be overrun by people coming in here by the hundreds, by the thousands and testing positive and coming on a bus to your state wherever you happen to live in the United States of America,” Patrick said. “What a hypocrite.”


More than 100 illegal immigrants released by the Border Patrol into Texas since January have tested positive for COVID-19 following their arrival, officials on the U.S.-Mexico border told Fox News. 

Felipe Romero, a spokesperson for Brownsville, said Wednesday the 108 positives represent 6.3% of the number of total migrants who have been rapid-tested at the city’s main bus station, where they are being released by the Border Patrol. Rapid testing of the individuals began there on Jan. 25. 

He added Brownsville does not have the authority to prevent those who test positive from traveling elsewhere in the U.S. and is advising them to quarantine, follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, and socially distance. 


Sources at the White House told Fox News on Wednesday it is aware of instances where individuals may continue to travel despite testing positive and being told to quarantine, yet the federal guidance remains for them to isolate.

“What I would call ‘Neanderthal thinking’ would be Governor [Gavin] Newsom in California telling his people not to come out of their cave for a year,” Patrick said.  “I would call ‘Neanderthal thinking’ the Democrat Governor [Andrew] Cuomo of New York sending patients with COVID to nursing homes where he covered up 12,000 people dying.”

He added, “I would call ‘Neanderthal thinking’ of allowing people to cross the border illegally with COVID.”

Patrick went on to say that Biden “didn’t look at the facts,” noting 15 other states don’t have a mask mandate. He added people were still encouraged to socially distance.

“We just joined that group,” he said. “We’re not telling people not to wear masks. We’re just removing a mandate.”


A Biden spokesperson did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.

Fox News’ Caitlin McFall, Greg Norman, Peter Doocy and Griff Jenkins contributed to this report.

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La protesta se concentró frente a la embajada ecuatoriana en La Habana.

Un grupo de varias decenas de cubanos se concentró este viernes frente a la embajada de Ecuador en La Habana para protestar contra el anuncio de que necesitarán visa para viajar al país sudamericano a partir del 1 de diciembre.

Con sus billetes de avión y pasaportes en mano y visiblemente indignados, los manifestantes gritaban “¡Visa!, ¡visa!”, ante la atenta mirada de los miembros de las fuerzas de seguridad.

Los cubanos se quejaban de haber comprado sus tiquetes bajo la política de no exigir visa y ahora de forma repentina se encuentran con esta restricción anunciada por el gobierno de Rafael Correa.

“Ahora están diciendo que no podemos viajar a Ecuador por los cubanos que se están marchando. ¡Eso no es culpa nuestra!”, le dijo Iván Balera a la agencia de noticias Reuters.

Balera, de 51 años, aseguraba haberse gastado más de mil dólares en su billete a Ecuador.

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Los ecuatorianos buscan ayudar a frenar el flujo de cubanos hacia EE.UU.

Ecuador dijo que pondrá en vigor la exigencia de visa como una forma de frenar el flujo de cubanos que inician en ese país su periplo hacia Estados Unidos.

La decisión la adoptó después de una reunión en El Salvador entre ministros de Relaciones Exteriores de los países afectados por el flujo de cubanos.

“Ecuador pedirá visa a los ciudadanos cubanos; no porque tenemos algo en contra de Cuba, lo hacemos para detener violaciones a los derechos humanos y hasta la pérdida de vidas”, manifestó la cancillería ecuatoriana el jueves.

Varios miles de cubanos están atrapados en la frontera entre Costa Rica y Nicaragua, que no permite su paso desde hace tres semanas.

Los cubanos buscan llegar a Estados Unidos donde la Ley de Ajuste les garantiza derecho a permanecer en el país.

Muchos cubanos temen que con la reapertura de relaciones diplomáticas entre Washington y La Habana, Estados Unidos termine con los privilegios migratorios que les otorga la mencionada Ley de Ajuste.

El gobierno de Cuba considera esa norma estadounidense es “genocida” porque incita a la emigración ilegal.

Y en las últimas semanas ha salido a relucir que son miles los cubanos que tratan de llegar a EE.UU. a través de la ruta centroamericana.

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Comienzan en Ecuador, donde pueden volar porque hasta ahora no les exigían visa. E inmediatamente atraviesan el país hasta Colombia, desde donde parten en barco a Panamá.

Los cubanos luego atraviesan luego varios países de Centroamérica hasta llegar a México.

En tierras mexicanas se concentran en Tapachulas, localidad del sur donde conseguían un salvoconducto para atravesar legalemente el país y llegar finalmente a la frontera estadounidense.

A diferencia de los centroamericanos, los cubanos no se esconden de las autoridades migratorias estadounidenses. Al contrario, hacen valer su condición de ciudadanos de la isla y se acogen a la Ley de Ajuste.

Si en 1980 fue el éxodo del Mariel y en 1994 la crisis de los balseros, 2015 parece el año de “los balseros en tierra firme”.

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