House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., may not bring the bipartisan infrastructure bill to the House floor Monday as she had previously committed to, she said Sunday.

“I’m never bringing to the floor a bill that doesn’t have the votes,” Pelosi told ABC “This Week” anchor George Stephanopoulos, adding it could be Monday.

“You cannot choose the date,” Pelosi said. “You have to go when you have the votes in a reasonable time, and we will.”

Pelosi had previously agreed to put the bipartisan infrastructure bill on the floor to be considered by Sept. 27, after moderates in her caucus demanded a vote.

Still, she said of the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill, “Let me just say, we’re going to pass the bill this week.”

House progressives have warned leadership they will not vote on the bipartisan bill until the larger $3.5 trillion human infrastructure bill is also ready for a vote. Pressed by Stephanopoulos, Pelosi acknowledged, “In order to move forward, we have to build consensus.”

Pelosi said it “seems self-evident” the price tag for that larger bill could drop in negotiations with concessions.

“We’ll see how the number comes down and what we need in that regard, but we have agreed on an array of pay-fors in the legislation,” Pelosi said. “This will be paid for.”

“Obviously with negotiations there will have to be some changes with that, the sooner the better so that we can build our consensus to go forward, and we will do that,” she also said.

On Saturday, the House Budget Committee approved a $3.5 trillion budget resolution that calls for investments in climate change policy, childcare and other social programs.

Pelosi told her colleagues in a letter on Saturday they “must” pass the bill this week along with a separate bipartisan infrastructure bill.

“The next few days will be a time of intensity,” she wrote.

Pelosi said on “This Week” that the House must first deal with the looming potential government shutdown on Oct. 1. The House previously approved a bill that would fund the government until Dec. 3, and it would also suspend the debt limit through December 2022.

Senate Republicans are expected to block a procedural vote on Monday because they have said for months now that they want Democrats to handle the debt limit on their own.

Stephanopoulos pressed Pelosi on whether her caucus will pass the funding bill.

“Are you confident right now Democrats can pass it on their own?” Stephanopoulos asked.

“We want this to be bipartisan,” Pelosi responded. “If we didn’t want it to be bipartisan, we would have put it in the reconciliation bill.”

She added about Republicans, “Isn’t that irresponsible beyond words? The full faith and credit in the United States should not be questioned. That’s in the Constitution of the United States.”

Pelosi insisted she wants to raise the debt limit in a bipartisan manner and ruled out lifting the debt limit by using the process of reconciliation, which would only require a simple majority of votes but requires weeks of procedural time.

“This is beyond a big deal,” Pelosi said. “So let’s hope some of the Republicans — enough of them — find some level of responsibility to our country to honor what’s in the Constitution, that we not question the full faith and credit of the United States of America.”

“They know full well what the consequences are,” Pelosi said.

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Millions of Germans are heading to the polls on Sunday in an election that will change the face of Germany, and Europe, as Chancellor Angela Merkel prepares to leave office after 16 years in power.

Voting in polling stations across Germany takes place between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. local time, but many have cast their votes already via postal ballots. Exit polls giving an indication of the election result will be released shortly after the polls close.

Recent German elections have failed to throw up any real surprises and Merkel’s re-election was usually assured. Since announcing she would step down, however, the election race has been wide open with voters forced to look elsewhere for new leadership.

Voter polls in the run-up to the Sept. 26 vote have fascinated pundits and the public alike. The Green Party enjoyed a bounce in popularity and took the lead in the polls at one point in April to then be overtaken by the Social Democratic Party, which has managed to hang on to a slight lead in recent weeks.

In the meantime, Merkel’s ruling conservative alliance of the Christian Democratic Union and Christian Social Union has failed to break away from the pack and recent opinion polls have seen the party trailing in second place behind the SPD.

Still, the vote is too close to call with polls in the last week putting the SPD with 25% of the vote and the CDU-CSU with around 22%, while the Green Party is seen with around 16%.

Further behind lies the pro-business, liberal Free Democratic Party with 11%, with the right-wing Alternative for Germany seen with the same vote share. The far-left Die Linke party is seen with 6% of the vote.

The contenders

German voters are known to favor stability over charismatic leadership, with Merkel in power for 16 years and presiding over what many Germans have seen as the country’s “golden age.”

Olaf Scholz, the SPD’s candidate for chancellor, is likely to have benefitted from this preference for a “safe pair of hands” in power, given that he has been Germany’s finance minister and vice chancellor in the current government given the SPD’s role in the current coalition with the CDU-CSU.

The other candidates for chancellor — the CDU-CSU’s Armin Laschet and the Green Party’s Annalena Baerbock — have seen more mediocre successes during their election campaigns with both of them hit by several controversies and questions over their suitability to lead.

The CDU’s Laschet, in particular, has seen his ratings dive due to a disappointing campaign trail and lackluster performance on the public stage. Being caught on camera laughing during a visit to a German town hit by devastating floods, for which he later apologized, did nothing to boost his public persona either.

Three TV debates between the leading candidates have failed to translate into a reversal of the CDU-CSU’s popularity, despite outgoing Merkel trying to revive Laschet’s chances of succeeding her.

Coalition ahead

The 2021 vote is again more unpredictable for a variety of factors, such as the split in the votes that signals no obvious winner, and the amount of mail-in votes expected this year.

Mail-in voting was already common in Germany before the pandemic but election organizers expect as many as 50% mail-in ballots this time around, up from 28.6% in the 2017 election, given the Covid-19 situation, Deutsche Welle reported.

What’s certain is that the next government will be a coalition, with no one party expected to gain enough seats to govern alone. Analysts have spent many months speculating on what form a coalition government could take, and whether the CDU-CSU could find itself in opposition after many years in power. Coalition talks in any case are likely to take weeks, and potentially months.

“Each of the two major parties (the SPD and CDU/CSU) could form a coalition with the Greens and the center-right Liberals (FDP),” Carsten Nickel, deputy director of research at Teneo Intelligence, said in a note Wednesday.

“A left-of-center government of SPD, the Greens, and the post-communist Left (Die Linke) – and perhaps even another grand coalition of SPD and CDU/CSU – might also be possible numerically, but will not be the first choice,”

“Party leaderships will assess the official results in meetings on Monday morning, formally offering exploratory talks to potential coalition partners. These talks, as well as subsequent coalition negotiations, might take several weeks, given the likely need to forge an untested three-way coalition. As in 2017, coalition negotiations could still fail at a late stage, necessitating the search for alternative combinations,” Nickel noted.

Factors to watch will be whether the slight improvement in the polls for CDU-CSU turns into some last-minute momentum on election day, Nickel said, as well as how the Greens fare.

“Since Annalena Baerbock fell back into third place, she has put in solid performances in the TV debates, presenting herself as an alternative to her two male contenders wrangling with each other; combined with the expected high turnout in cities and via postal ballot, the Greens’ result could potentially still surprise.”

The economy

As for the economy, Europe’s largest, whoever takes the helm at the chancellery will have challenges on their hands, Barclays’ Macro Research Analyst Mark Cus Babic noted Thursday.

“A robust economic recovery is underway and the short-term outlook remains solid, in our view, irrespective of the election outcome but with the drawdown of pandemic savings and supply disruptions as key risks. However, several challenges loom. The medium-term outlook will depend on how the new government tackles them,” he said.

“Germany faces key challenges such as implementing and paying for the green transition, the need for digital transformation, a rapidly ageing population, sluggish productivity growth, and reliance on exports, including to China.”

Whether Germany remains the engine of European growth will likely depend on economic policies that the next German government puts in place to overcome these key challenges, Cus Babic noted. “Uncertainty on the outcome of the elections is high, with polls suggesting the new German government will likely be a three-party coalition whose economic policy agenda will be defined during the coalition talks, with the first consequences materialising from 2023.”

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In this Saturday, Sept. 4, 2021 file photo, people take part in the Zurich Pride parade in Switzerland. Swiss voters will wrap up a referendum on Sept. 26, 2021, to decide whether to allow same-sex marriage.

Michael Buholzer/AP

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In this Saturday, Sept. 4, 2021 file photo, people take part in the Zurich Pride parade in Switzerland. Swiss voters will wrap up a referendum on Sept. 26, 2021, to decide whether to allow same-sex marriage.

Michael Buholzer/AP

GENEVA (AP) — Switzerland voted by a wide margin to allow same-sex couples to marry in a referendum on Sunday, bringing the Alpine nation into line with many others in western Europe.

Official results showed the measure passed with 64.1% of voters in favor and won a majority in all of Switzerland’s 26 cantons, or states.

Switzerland’s parliament and the governing Federal Council supported the “Marriage for All” measure. Switzerland has authorized same-sex civil partnerships since 2007.

Supporters said passage would put same-sex partners on equal legal footing with heterosexual couples by allowing them to adopt children together and facilitating citizenship for same-sex spouses. It would also permit lesbian couples to utilize regulated sperm donation.

Opponents believe that replacing civil partnerships with full marriage rights would undermine families based on a union between one man and one woman.

At a polling station in Geneva on Sunday, voter Anna Leimgruber said she cast her ballot for the “no” camp because she believed “children would need to have a dad and a mom.”

But Nicolas Dzierlatka, who voted “yes,” said what children need is love.

“I think what’s important for children is that they are loved and respected — and I think there are children who are not respected or loved in so-called ‘hetero’ couples,” he said.

The campaign has been rife with allegations of unfair tactics, with the opposing sides decrying the ripping down of posters, LGBT hotlines getting flooded with complaints, hostile emails, shouted insults against campaigners and efforts to silence opposing views.

Switzerland, which has a population of 8.5 million, is traditionally conservative and only extended the right to vote to all its women in 1990.

Most countries in Western Europe already recognize same-sex marriage, while most of those in Central and Eastern Europe don’t allow wedlock involving two men or two women.

Supporters say it could still be months before same-sex couples can get married, mainly because of administrative and legislative procedures.

Also on Sunday, voters dismissed a proposal spearheaded by left-wing groups to raise taxes on returns from investments and capital such as dividends or income from rental properties in Switzerland as a way to ensure better redistribution and fairer taxation.

Results showed 64.9% voting against it in a country known for its vibrant financial sector and relatively low taxes, and as a haven for many of the world’s richest people. No canton voted in favor.

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WASHINGTON—A slew of high-stakes deadlines will collide on Capitol Hill this week, setting up potentially chaotic negotiations against the backdrop of expiring government funding and the threat of a possible U.S. default.

Even by the standards of a Capitol used to operating under pressure, this week’s maelstrom of legislative and fiscal crosscurrents is setting the stage for an extraordinary sprint. Democratic leaders are trying to shepherd two complicated legislative packages: a roughly $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill and a sprawling healthcare, education and climate package whose proposed $3.5 trillion price tag and contents are still under intense debate within the party.

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Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard called on President Biden to “apologize” after his vow to punish Border Patrol officers over false “whipping” claims Saturday night on “Watters’ World.” 

Gabbard warned that Biden’s hasty actions to chastise the officers are the antithesis of “innocent unless proven guilty” – undermining the country’s democratic process. “How can they expect to have any kind of fair outcome to an investigation when the president of the United States has already declared their guilt and that they will be punished?” she asked. 

The former congresswoman and presidential candidate expressed concern over the direction of the country after the president quickly laid down the gavel on his own agents. 


“What he essentially did was act as judge, jury and executioner for these Customs and Border Patrol agents on horseback,” she said. 

Gabbard went on to say that the failure to enforce laws could have dire consequences for the country. 

“If we are no longer a country of laws, the increasing feeling that a lot of us have, is that we are losing our democracy and moving closer and closer to what essentially is an autocracy,” she warned. 

She went on to condemn the powerful elites working with the media and deep state for putting their own interests above the interests of the country. 

“They are getting away with it,” she said. “They are unwilling to sacrifice their interests for the interests of the country.” 


“They have no business being in positions of leadership at any level in our society because who suffers as a result of this? It’s the American people. It’s our democracy. And they don’t care about the cost and the toll that that takes.”

Gabbard concluded by pointing out what she believes is essential for the country right now: “leadership that puts service above self, that puts the interest of the American people in our country first.”

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WASHINGTON (AP) — What will it cost to enact President Joe Biden’s massive expansion of social programs?

Congress has authorized spending up to $3.5 trillion over a decade, but Biden is prodding Democrats to fully cover the cost of the legislation — by raising taxes on corporations and the wealthy, negotiating the price of prescription drugs and dialing up other sources of federal revenue such as increased IRS funding.

The idea is that entire package should pay for itself.

Defending a bill not yet fully drafted, Democrats are determined to avoid a deficit financed spending spree. They are growing frustrated by the focus on the proposed $3.5 trillion spending total, arguing far too little attention is being paid to the work they are doing to balance the books. Biden on Friday said he would prefer the price tag described as “zero.”

“We pay for everything we spend,” Biden said at the White House. “It’s going to be zero. Zero.”

But the revenue side of the equation is vexing, and it’s emerged as a core challenge for Democratic bargainers as they labor to construct one of the largest legislative efforts in a generation. Their success or failure could help determine whether the bulk of Biden’s agenda becomes law and can withstand the political attacks to come.

Republicans, lockstep in opposition, aren’t waiting for the details. They’ve trained their focus on the $3.5 trillion spending ceiling set by Democrats, pillorying that sum as fiscally reckless, misguided, big government at its worst.

“The radical left is pushing in all their chips — they want to use this terrible but temporary pandemic as a Trojan horse for permanent socialism,” Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said Thursday. “Trillions upon trillions more in government spending when families are already facing inflation.”

Part of the problem for Democratic leaders is the lack of a consensus about which programs to fund and for how long. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., acknowledge the price will likely come down and say they have a “menu” of revenue raisers to pay for it. But without certainty on what initiatives will be included, no final decisions can be made.

“This is not about price tag,” Pelosi said Thursday. “This is about what’s in the bill.”

Biden and administration officials stress the plan is as much about fairness as dollars and cents. By taxing the wealthy and corporations, they hope to fund paid family leave and child tax credits that help those reaching for the middle class, all while adopting environmental and economic policies that help the U.S. compete with China. But the haggling over a final spending target is overshadowing the policy goals they are trying achieve.

Washington Rep. Pramila Jayapal, a lead negotiator for House progressives, said Friday that reporters should not depict the measure as costing trillions of dollars when the accompanying proposed tax increases would cover the cost.

“I just believe that this is going to be a zero-dollar-bill — that’s the No. 1 priority,” she said.

Sharron Parrott, president of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a liberal think tank based in Washington, warned Democrats that emphasizing the $3.5 trillion figure could detract from what they are trying to achieve.

“The debate so far has been overly focused on a single number: the $3.5 trillion in gross new investments over the next ten years — including both spending increases and tax cuts — that may be included in the package,” Parrott wrote in an August blog post. “True fiscal stewardship requires a focus on the net cost of the package and, even more fundamentally, a focus on the merits of the investment and offset proposals themselves.”

What Biden is really pushing are two goals that can easily come into conflict. He wants to restore the middle class to the epicenter of economic growth, but do so without worsening the national debt or raising taxes on people earning less than $400,000 a year.

Further complicating things is that many of his spending policies are actually tax cuts for the poor and middle class, which means he is raising taxes for one group in order to cut them for another.

Democrats also have to contend with how the measures are assessed by the Congressional Budget Office, the final arbiter of how the legislation will affect the federal balance sheet.

The Democrats’ expanded child credit and dependent care credits, enacted earlier this year, are counted as costs in a CBO score. Biden wants to extend these programs as part of the budget, which he is now arguing amounts to one of the largest middle-class tax cuts in U.S. history.

“It’s reducing taxes, not increasing taxes,” Biden said Friday.

It’s not entirely clear whether Biden’s claim of “zero” cost is feasible under the 10-year outlook used by the CBO to assess the economic impacts of legislation. Biden’s own budget officials earlier this year estimated that his agenda would increase the national debt by nearly $1.4 trillion over the decade.

Biden on Friday described the multi-tiered talks with legislators as at a “stalemate.” More meetings are expected in coming days.

In the evenly split Senate, key Democratic senators such as West Virginia’s Joe Manchin and Arizona’s Kyrsten Sinema have qualms about the total spending. Democratic moderates are jockeying for advantage against their liberal counterparts. With time running short, Biden is asking for more patience to get the numbers right so that the votes will follow.

“This is a process,” he said. “But it’s just gonna take some time.”

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JOPLIN, Mont. — At least three people were killed Saturday afternoon when an Amtrak train that runs between Seattle and Chicago derailed in north-central Montana, toppling several cars onto their sides, authorities said.

The westbound Empire Builder train derailed about 4 p.m. near Joplin, a town of about 200, Amtrak spokesman Jason Abrams said in a statement. The accident scene is about 150 miles (241 kilometers) northeast of Helena and about 30 miles (48 kilometers) from the border with Canada.

Liberty County sheriff’s dispatcher Starr Tyler told The Associated Press that three people died in the derailment. She did not have more details. Amtrak said in a statement that there were multiple injuries.

The train had about 141 passengers and 16 crew members onboard, Abrams said. The train had two locomotives and 10 cars, eight of which derailed, he said.

“We are deeply saddened to learn local authorities are now confirming that three people have lost their lives as a result of this accident,” Abrams said.

Megan Vandervest, a passenger who was going to visit a friend in Seattle, told The New York Times that she was awakened by the derailment.

“My first thought was that we were derailing because, to be honest, I have anxiety and I had heard stories about trains derailing,” said Vandervest, who is from Minneapolis. “My second thought was that’s crazy. We wouldn’t be derailing. Like, that doesn’t happen.”

She told the Times that the car behind hers was tilted, the one behind that was tipped over, and the three cars behind that “had completely fallen off the tracks and were detached from the train.”

Speaking from the Liberty County Senior Center, where some passengers were being taken, Vandervest said it felt like “extreme turbulence on a plane.”

Residents of communities near the crash site quickly mobilized to help the passengers.

Chester Councilwoman Rachel Ghekiere said she and others helped about 50 to 60 passengers who were brought to a local school.

“I went to the school and assisted with water, food, wiping dirt off faces,” she said. “They appeared to be tired, shaken but happy that they were where they were. Some looked more disheveled than others, depending where they were on the train.”

A grocery store in Chester, about 5 miles (8 kilometers) from the derailment, and a nearby religious community provided food, she said.

The passengers were taken by buses to hotels in nearby Shelby, said Ghekiere, whose husband works for the local emergency services agency and was alerted to the crash.

The National Transportation Safety Board will send a 14-member team, including investigators and specialists in railroad signals and other disciplines, to investigate the crash, spokesman Eric Weiss said.

Weiss said the derailment occurred around 3:55 p.m. and no other trains or equipment were involved. The train was traveling on a BNSF Railway main track at the time, he said.

Photos posted to social media showed rail cars on their sides and passengers standing alongside the tracks, some carrying luggage. The images showed sunny skies, and it appeared the accident occurred along a straight section of tracks.

Amtrak said that because of the derailment, the Sunday westbound Empire Builder will terminate in Minneapolis, and the Sunday eastbound Empire Builder train will originate in Minneapolis.

Other recent Amtrak derailments include:

— April 3, 2016: Two maintenance workers were struck and killed by an Amtrak train going more than 100 mph in Chester, Pennsylvania. The lead engine of the train derailed.

— March 14, 2016: An Amtrak train traveling from Los Angeles to Chicago derailed in southwest Kansas, sending five cars off the tracks and injuring at least 32 people. Investigators concluded that a cattle feed delivery truck hit the track and shifted it at least a foot before the derailment.

— Oct. 5, 2015: A passenger train headed from Vermont to Washington, D.C., derailed when it hit rocks that had fallen onto the track from a ledge. The locomotive and a passenger car spilled down an embankment, derailing three other cars and injuring seven people.

— May 12, 2015: Amtrak Train 188 was traveling at twice the 50 mph speed limit as it entered a sharp curve in Philadelphia and derailed. Eight people were killed and more than 200 were injured when the locomotive and four of the train’s seven passenger cars jumped the tracks. Several cars overturned and ripped apart.


Hamada reported from Phoenix. Associated Press Tom Krisher in Detroit contributed to this report.

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Television personality Dog the Bounty Hunter is joining the search for Brian Laundrie, more than 10 days since he was last seen by his family. Laundrie has been named a person of interest in the disappearance and death of his fiancée Gabby Petito.

Dog the Bounty Hunter—whose real name is Duane Chapman—specializes in locating and arresting people who have broken the terms of their bail agreements for his TV show.

Chapman’s team wrote in a statement to Newsweek, “Dog and Francie have experienced extreme loss themselves. Their hearts go out to Gabby’s family for what they’re going through and want to help bring justice for her death.”

Chapman wants anyone with information on Laundrie’s whereabouts to call him at 833-TELLDOG, and all information will be kept confidential, the statement said.

Investigators have been searching for Brian Laundrie in the Carlton Reserve near North Point, Florida, for more than a week. He was reported missing on September 17, and police believe he could survive in the swampland for months, if he’s there.

The FBI issued a federal arrest warrant for Laundrie on Wednesday, urging anyone who knows where he may be to come forward. The warrant was issued following a grand jury indictment for alleged “Use of Unauthorized Access Devices” in late August and early September.

Petito was reported missing on September 11. Her body was found last Sunday in the Spread Creek area of Wyoming. On Tuesday, the Teton County Coroner announced the manner of death to be a homicide.

Last week, Chapman shared his thoughts on the case with Newsweek, saying that “a lot of circumstances point towards him being the defendant.”

“To look at the case, so far, I haven’t got any info yet inside info. But it seemed like she was very verbal when they got into arguments, because there was people that heard her screaming at him,” Chapman told Newsweek.

He said that to find Laundrie, he would need to learn more about his background.

“He went straight home to tell his parents what happened. And then he took off. So we got to look at his background, look at his record, know, his friends, his family. He’s not an experienced runner or criminal. Suicide is a very likely possibility—and it seems like he’s kind of an outdoors kid,” he said.

He said when he searches for people, they often end up close to home.

As the search that has captivated millions of people continues, new details have emerged surrounding his disappearance. One woman claimed that she picked up Laundrie while he was hiking in Wyoming—becoming the second person to say they had given him a lift.

His family was concerned that he might hurt himself after he left home without some key items, including a wallet or cell phone.

Dog the Bounty Hunter is joining the search for Brian Laundrie. Here, FBI agents are seen searching Laundrie’s North Point, Florida, home on September 20.
Octavio Jones/Getty Images

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JERUSALEM (AP) — At least four Palestinian gunmen were killed in shootouts with Israeli security forces during a sweeping West Bank arrest operation cracking down on the Islamic militant group Hamas on Sunday, the Israeli military said.

It was the deadliest violence between Israeli troops and Palestinian militants in the occupied West Bank in recent weeks and came amid heightened tensions following this year’s 11-day war between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

The Palestinian Health Ministry said a Palestinian was shot dead near the northern West Bank city of Jenin and three others were killed in Biddu, north of Jerusalem. The Israeli military said an officer and soldier suffered serious injuries during the arrest in Burqin, near Jenin, and were airlifted to a hospital for medical treatment.

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said in a statement that Israeli security forces in the West Bank moved against Hamas operatives “that were about to execute terror attacks in the very immediate future.”

He said the soldiers in the field “acted as expected of them” and said his government gave them full support.

Lt. Col. Amnon Shefler, an Israeli army spokesperson, said Israeli forces involved in a joint operation with the Shin Bet internal security agency and the Border Police came under fire while carrying out arrests in the West Bank.

He said the aim was “to stop a Hamas terrorist organization cell that is operating in Judea and Samaria with an intent to carry out terror attacks,” referring to the West Bank by its biblical names.

He said four Hamas operatives were killed and several others were arrested in the overnight operation.

The official Palestinian news agency WAFA said 22-year-old Osama Soboh was killed during clashes surrounding an arrest in the northern West Bank village of Burqin, near Jenin. There were no immediate details on the deaths in Biddu.

Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, praised those killed as “heroic martyrs” but did not say whether any were members of the militant group. It blamed their deaths on the “continuing coordination” between the internationally recognized Palestinian Authority and the Israeli government.

Hamas spokesman Abdulatif al-Qanou blamed the rival Palestinian Authority, which has limited autonomy over areas of the West Bank, saying recent meetings between Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli officials “encouraged the occupation again to pursue the resistance.”

The Palestinian Authority, whose security forces coordinate with Israel to suppress Hamas and other militant groups, condemned the killings and said the Israeli government was “fully and directly responsible for this bloody morning and the crimes committed by the occupation forces.”

Last month, Israeli troops clashed with Palestinian gunmen during a late night raid in Jenin, killing four Palestinians. Recent months have seen a rise in violence in the West Bank, with more than two dozen Palestinians killed in sporadic clashes with Israeli troops and during protests.

Sunday’s clashes came a week after Israel recaptured the last of six Palestinian fugitives who tunneled out of a maximum-security Israeli prison and were on the lam for over a week. Several of the escapees were from Jenin, and two were caught there after an extensive search.

Israel captured the West Bank in the 1967 Mideast war and in the decades since has established dozens of settlements where nearly 500,000 settlers reside. The Palestinians seek the West Bank as part of their future state and view the settlements as a major obstacle to resolving the conflict.

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  • Former President Donald Trump slammed the US withdrawal from Afghanistan in a rally in Georgia on Saturday.
  • Trump said Democrats think he has a “big mouth” and don’t want him to talk about Afghanistan. 
  • Trump claimed he only speaks the “truth” but delivered a speech filled with inaccuracies and lies. 

Former President Donald Trump said Democrats are “after” him because they think he has a “big mouth” during a rally in Georgia on Saturday. 

“They want to go after me because I have, they think, a big mouth. I don’t have a big mouth, you know what I have, I have a mouth that tells the truth,” Trump told the crowd.


The former president was discussing the US withdrawal from Afghanistan in a speech filled with inaccuracies and false statements. 

Trump recounted a bizarre exchange of what he said happened when Taliban co-founder Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar learned of the US withdrawal. 

“He gets a call or a message. It said the military has left. He said ‘you’re nuts’ in their language,” Trump said of Baradar. 

Trump blamed President Joe Biden for sending people to Afghanistan to help with the withdrawal “who weren’t even familiar with all of it” including 13 service members who were killed in an ISIS-K terror attack.

However, it was Trump who started the process to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, at one point even bragging about it.

Trump falsely claimed those evacuated were not eligible to be evacuated. He also claimed the administration “abandoned hundreds of American citizens in enemy-occupied territory.” 

The US began evacuating Americans and Afghan allies soon after the Taliban took over Kabul on August 15. Biden considered extending the August 31 deadline to withdraw all troops from the country but the Taliban threatened “consequences” if the US did not leave by the deadline.

More than 120,000 people had been evacuated from the country by the time the last US plane left Kabul. Evacuees were vetted before boarding flights out of the country, in secondary stops, as well as before coming into the US, for those who are being processed to be resettled here. 

Trump also criticized Republicans at the rally and reiterated the false claim that the 2020 presidential election was rigged. He was joined by three Republicans who he’s endorsed: Herschel Walker, who recently launched a Senate campaign, Rep. Jody Hice, who he’s endorsed to replace Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, and Sen. Burt Jones, who worked to overturn the election results in Georgia, the Associated Press reported. 

The former president used the rally to slam officials like Raffensperger, a Republican who maintained the election in the state was fair and accurate. 


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A Florida sheriff’s deputy will not survive being shot during a traffic stop, doctors said Saturday.

Deputy Joshua Moyers, 29, was shot in the face and back Friday morning outside of Jacksonville, after pulling over Patrick McDowell.

The 35-year-old suspect was driving a stolen vehicle and is still on the lam, cops said.

Nassau County Sheriff Bill Leeper said doctors determined “there was just nothing they could do for Josh.”

Moyers is being kept alive until a match can be found for his organs, which will be donated.

Hundreds of cops are searching for McDowell, who is believed to have shot a police dog that was on his trail in a rural area, according to The Florida Times-Union.

Patrick McDowell was driving a stolen vehicle and is still on the run, as cops believe he shot a police dog that was on his trail.

“This guy is dangerous. If you’re in a home and he breaks into your home and you have a gun, blow him out the door cause he’s like a rabid animal,” Nassau County Sheriff Bill Leeper said, according to the paper.

“He will kill you with his mindset. What he did to that deputy, was uncalled for, unnecessary and he needs to pay for it.”

With Post wires

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Ms. Frickel said the train, which was headed west, derailed just outside Joplin, Mont., which is about 200 miles north of Helena.

She said that rescuers from six counties were responding to the scene and that as many as five hospitals were on standby to receive injured passengers. There were also a number of medical helicopters standing by, she said.

“Everybody who is alive has been extricated from the wreck,” Ms. Frickel said.

Officials had evacuated survivors to two separate sites and were doing a head count. Emergency responders planned to put people up in hotels once their medical needs had been seen to.

“Every county around is assisting,” said Sheriff Donna Whitt of Toole County, Mont.

Amtrak said in a statement that it was “working with the local authorities to transport injured passengers, and safely evacuate all other passengers.”

Megan Vandervest, who was going to visit a friend in Seattle, boarded the train on Friday night from Minneapolis, where she lives.

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Texas Land Commissioner and state attorney general candidate George P. Bush slammed the idea that horseback Border Patrol agents whipped migrants, sharing a video from a previous border visit to show the agents don’t have “whips.”

Bush blasted the Biden administration’s whipping narrative on Twitter Saturday amid the illegal immigration crisis plaguing the Biden administration.

Bush shared a video of him meeting with horseback Border Patrol agents in the El Paso sector from a few months ago and pushed back on the White House’s “whipping” narrative that has resulted in Del Rio agents having to bench their horses.


Bush told Fox News in a Saturday email that the Biden administration’s “attempts” to “disparage our Border Patrol are out of control.”

“They have advocated for open borders and left our agents outmanned, overwhelmed, and overrun. This is intentional,” Bush said. “With almost 2,000 miles of border with Mexico, our honorable border patrol faces enormous challenges covering this terrain to enforce federal immigration law.”

“Texas is doing everything we can, but the federal government has dropped the ball and continues to put our national security at risk,” the state attorney general candidate added.

“It’s split reins that help give the agents additional control over the horse that they are using as a tool-not a weapon,” Bush tweeted on Saturday. “They’re certainly not whips, as [President] Biden and [Vice President Kamala Harris] want us to believe.”

Bush followed up the tweet with another blasting the president for stripping away “yet another tool from our men [and] women protecting this country” following “false outrage over a misinterpreted photo.”

“Enough is enough,” Bush wrote. “Stop attacking our border patrol [and] give them the resources necessary to secure the border instead of setting them up for failure.”

Bush has been active in pushing back against the Biden administration’s border policies, such as joining the Texas Defense Task Force in July in suing Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas “on grounds of illegally preventing the border wall from being constructed.”


Additionally, Bush granted “emergency authorization” to fund border wall construction on state land and striking deals with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to lease land from the state for patrolling and communications operations.

Neither the White House nor the vice president’s offices immediately responded to Fox News’ request for comment.

Houston Keene is a reporter for Fox News Digital. You can find him on Twitter at @HoustonKeene.

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In a letter to Democrats on Saturday the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, set her sights high, saying Joe Biden’s $3.5tn spending package, a bipartisan infrastructure deal worth $1tn and a measure to expand government funding “must pass” next week.

Calling Friday 30 September “a date fraught with meaning”, Pelosi said: “This week, we must pass a continuing resolution, Build Back Better Act and the” infrastructure deal.

Government funding will run out at midnight on 30 September. Pelosi did not mention legislation to extend the debt ceiling and prevent a US default, another flashpoint with Republicans.

The letter came against a backdrop of unified Republican opposition and bitter splits between Democratic moderates and progressives which threaten to sink Biden’s first-term agenda.

One Washington Post reporter wrote: “Well, this is raising the stakes.”

During an unusual Saturday session at the Capitol in Washington, Democrats pushed the $3.5tn, 10-year spending bill through the House budget committee. At the same time, leaders tried to resolve internal divisions.

Approval by the Democratic-chaired panel was assured, a necessary but minor checking of a procedural box, edging the mammoth bill a step closer to debate by the full House. The committee was not allowed to significantly amend the 2,465-page measure, the product of 13 other committees.

More important work was happening in an opaque procession of calls, meetings and other bargaining sessions among leaders and lawmakers.

Biden, Pelosi and the Senate majority leader, Chuck Schumer, must resolve differences among Democrats over the package’s final price tag, which seems sure to shrink. There are also disputes over which initiatives should be reshaped, among them expanded Medicare, tax breaks for children and healthcare, a push for cleaner energy and higher levies on the rich and corporations.

Wafer-thin majorities in the House and Senate mean compromise is mandatory. Before the measure the budget committee considered on Saturday even reaches the House floor it is expected to be changed to reflect whatever accords are reached.

“The next few days will be a time of intensity,” Pelosi wrote to Democrats on Saturday, adding that the spending plan, the Build Back Better Act, would “make sure the wealthiest and corporations pay their fair share”.

Corporate lobbying against the plan has been widely reported.

The bill embodies Biden’s top domestic goals. The Democratic budget chairman, John Yarmuth, cited “decades of disinvestment” on needs like healthcare, education, childcare and the environment as the rationale for the legislation.

“The futures of millions of Americans and their families are at stake,” Yarmuth said. “We can no longer afford the costs of neglect and inaction. The time to act is now.”

Republicans say the proposal is unneeded, unaffordable amid federal debt exceeding $28tn and reflects Democrats’ drive to insert government into people’s lives. Its tax boosts will cost jobs and include credits for buying electric vehicles, they say, purchases often made by people with comfortable incomes.

“This bill is a disaster for working-class families,” said Jason Smith of Missouri, the top Republican on the budget committee. “It’s a big giveaway to the wealthy, it’s a laundry list of agenda items pulled right out of the Bernie Sanders socialist playbook.”

A moderate Democrat, Scott Peters of California, joined all 16 Republicans on the committee in opposing the legislation on Saturday. His objections included one that troubles many Democrats: a reluctance to back a bill with provisions that will be dropped by the Senate.

A collapse of the measure at the hands of Biden’s own party would be a wounding preview to an election year. Biden conceded on Friday that talks were at a “stalemate”. Pelosi and Schumer were more positive.

To nail down moderate support for an earlier budget blueprint, Pelosi promised to begin consideration of the $1tn infrastructure package by Monday 27 September. The speaker reaffirmed this week that debate would begin on time. As the House convenes late on Monday it would seem likely that a vote will come on Tuesday.

Many moderates who consider the infrastructure bill their top goal want to cut the $3.5tn spending package and trim or reshape some programs. Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema have been among the most visible centrists. Progressives are threatening to vote down the infrastructure bill.

Compromise is a requirement. Democrats can lose no votes in the Senate and a maximum of three in the House. Biden met with more than 20 congressional Democrats this week. The White House press secretary, Jen Psaki, said such meetings would continue.

In her letter, Pelosi insisted she had “never seen as big a consensus as we have around the Build Back Better initiative”. To her party’s warring factions, ahead of a caucus meeting on Monday, she said: “Thank you for your leadership For The People.”

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The huge Fawn Fire north of Redding, California continued to spread on Saturday. It has scorched more than 7,000 acres, according to Cal Fire, and forced hundreds of evacuations.

A 30-year-old woman has been arrested on suspicion of starting the blaze, which as of Saturday was only 10% contained.

Fire crews struggled to protect neighborhoods as high winds pushed flames into homes, burning at least 100 structures and threatening thousands more. Thousands of people remain under mandatory evacuation orders and warnings. 

Flames consume a house near Old Oregon Trail as the Fawn Fire burns about 10 miles north of Redding in Shasta County, California on September 23, 2021.

Ethan Swope/AP

Further south, crews held back another wildfire burning in Sequoia National Park, Jonathan Vigliotti reported for “CBS Saturday Morning.” The world’s largest trees, some now wrapped in flame-repelling foil, were once considered naturally fireproof thanks to their two feet-thick bark. But today’s megafires, fueled by climate change, are burning hotter than the giants can withstand on their own.

“What more evidence do you need of a world that’s heating up?” asked California Governor Gavin Newsom. “Our kids are going to inherit a world with eight degree higher temperatures than they have today. We’re on that path.”

Newsom visited the sequoias, where he announced a $15 billion climate package to help fund fire prevention and water sustainability programs. 

The historic move comes as more than 9,000 crews struggle to extinguish 10 major fires across the state.

What hasn’t been burned by flames has been spoiled by smoke — turning daylight in Los Angeles into a neon night.

“Bring Your Own Brigade”


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GABBY Petito’s fiancé Brian Laundrie stayed in a $78-a-night motel after police stopped them following a domestic violence call, it has been revealed.

Staff at the Bowen Motel in Moab, Utah, confirmed the 23-year-old had stayed at the accommodation after police drove him there on August 12.

Utah police brought Brian Laundrie to Bowen Motel in Moab after responding to a domestic violence call on August 12Credit: YouTube
The motel in Moab, Utah where Laundrie was brought toCredit: YouTube
The couple went on a road trip across the US in July, but only Laundrie returnedCredit: Instagram @gabspetito

Bowen Motel confirmed staff have been co-operating with the police’s investigation into Gabby’s killing.

Laundrie was taken to the motel after Moab police decided not file any charges and instead separated the couple for the night following the roadside stop.

Bodycam shows that Gabby’s fiancé told police he could not afford a hotel for the night.

So he was instead booked a room at the motel which is sometimes used for domestic abuse survivors.


Police in Moab pulled the couple over and spoke to them 13 days before Gabby went missing.

The police stop came on the same day a 911 call was made about a domestic violence incident, with the caller claiming to see Laundrie hitting Gabby.

Harrowing body camera footage was released by the Moab PD, showing officers pulling over the couple in their 2012 white Ford Transit van.

With tears streaming down her face, Gabby told the officer: “We’ve just been fighting this morning. Some personal issues.”

Gabby was visibly distressed as she explained to the officer what they had been arguing about, while Laundrie was seen joking and laughing with the cops.

“We have been fighting all morning and he wouldn’t let me in the car before,” she said, telling the cops Laundrie “really stresses me out” and it had been a “rough morning”.

Gabby admitted hitting Laundrie, who told the officers with a smile that he had pushed Gabby several times in a bid to fend her off.

Scratches are visible on his face and arm, according to a police report.

Elsewhere in the clip, Gabby is interviewed again while sitting in the back of the cop car.

An officer asks her if Laundrie hit her. She responds “I guess” through tears, and then clasps her chin in a grabbing motion to reenact what Laundrie allegedly did.

“He like, did that with his hand,” she says, as the audio cuts out.

She adds that she suffers from “anxiety” and that Laundrie “gets frustrated a lot.”

According to police, Gabby and Laundrie were reluctant to separate but ultimately agreed to do so.

The side of the motel where Laundrie stayed after being separated from GabbyCredit: YouTube
The vlogger looked visibly distressed in the police’s bodycam footageCredit: Instagram

They helped Laundie stay at the Bowen Motel while Petito took possession of the van.

The bodycam footage was captured 13 days before Petito was last seen in person.

Petito, who had been traveling across the country with Laundrie in their camper van since July 2, was last known to have been visiting Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming on August 25.

She was officially reported missing by her mom on September 11, two weeks after she’d last spoken to her daughter on the phone, and ten days after Laundrie returned home to Florida in their van without her.

An autopsy performed on Tuesday confirmed that the body of Gabby had been found in Wyoming.


Laundrie is now being hunted by the FBI after an arrest warrant was issued for the 23-year-old.

Laundrie is accused of swiping Gabby’s Capital One debit card and running up a $1,000 balance from August 31 until September 1.

The statement revealed that “On September 22, 2021, the U.S. District Court of Wyoming issued a federal arrest warrant for Brian Christopher Laundrie.”

“No piece of information is too small or inconsequential to support our efforts in this investigation,” the statement added.

Gabby’s family is asking for donations ahead of her funeral to the future Gabby Petito Foundation.

Attorney Richard Stafford says they can be made electronically at:

Do you have a story for The US Sun team?

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A Texas judge blasted Governor Greg Abbott for “taking his orders” from Donald Trump over the announcement that there would be audits into the state’s presidential election results—which followed a request for a review from the former president.

The Texas Secretary of State announced the audit into the results from Dallas, Harris, Tarrant and Collin counties on Thursday. It came just after Trump urged Abbott to conduct an audit into the state’s election results.

“Despite my big win in Texas, I hear Texans want an election audit!” the former president wrote in a letter to Abbott on Thursday. “You know your fellow Texans have big questions about the November 2020 Election.”

Following the announcement, some Texas county judges expressed frustration, saying they do not know what the audits entail and that they learned about them through a press release from the office of the secretary of state, The Texas Tribune reported.

“This is a weak Governor openly and shamelessly taking his orders from a disgraced former President. Governor Abbott is wasting taxpayer funds to trample on Texans’ freedom to vote, all in order to appease his puppeteer,” Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins, a Democrat, told the Tribune.

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, a Democrat, also criticized the audit as “politically motivated,” telling the Tribune: “Every time we engage in a conversation about these false allegations, we’re lending credence to the lie.”

Tarrant County Judge Glen Whitley, a Republican, also told the same outlet “it’s time to move on,” criticizing “conspiracy theorists who want to come up with all these ways” to doubt the election results.

Biden easily won Dallas County with 65 percent of the vote and Harris County with 56 percent. He flipped Tarrant County, winning 49.3 percent to Trump’s 49.1 percent. Trump won Collin County with over 51 percent of the vote.

Trump won statewide by about six points, despite Democratic hopes of flipping the Lone Star State.

In Texas, county judges preside over a wide range of duties. In addition to overseeing judicial matters, they also serve as heads of emergency management. In smaller counties, they may also serve as budget officers, according to the Texas Association of Counties.

Republicans have audited or pushed for audits in states Biden narrowly won—and states won by Trump—amid unfounded claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. No evidence has been presented to indicate widespread fraud.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a Republican, has previously stated support for an audit.

“There is no reason not to do an audit,” Paxton tweeted this summer. “There is no reason not to know the truth of every election. And, certainly, because there are so many questions about this one—maybe even in Texas, we should do the audit.”

A Texas county judge slammed Governor Greg Abbott following an announcement of an audit into the 2020 presidential election. Here, a woman is seen voting in El Paso.
JUSTIN HAMEL/AFP via Getty Images

Meanwhile, results were released last week in Arizona’s months-long and widely-scrutinized election audit in Maricopa County. The review found that Biden won the county by an even larger margin than the pre-audit numbers indicated.

The hand count found Trump won 45,469 fewer votes than Biden, whereas earlier county results showed he lost by 45,109—a relatively small discrepancy of 360.

Last week, Trump also asked Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to decertify the state’s results, claiming he found 43,000 absentee ballots that violated the chain of custody rules. However, Raffensperger said Friday that Trump “lost the election fair and square.”

Newsweek reached out to the judge’s offices in each of the four counties as well as Abbott’s office for comment but had not heard back by publication. This story will be updated with any response.

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Senator Ted Cruz, R-Texas, torched President Biden for canceling flights scheduled to deport Haitian illegal migrants only to put them “under the bridge” in Del Rio, Texas, instead.

Cruz was the Friday keynote speaker at the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference in Michigan, where the senator spoke on the raging illegal immigration crisis at the southern border.

The Texas senator said the situation at the southern border is an “absolute catastrophe” and harkened back to earlier this month on September 8, where there were “between seven hundred and a thousand illegal immigrants, primarily from Haiti” being held under the Del Rio Bridge.


“The Mexican cartels have been funneling the Haitian illegal immigrants to Del Rio for whatever reason,” Cruz said. “Well, on September 8th, there were roughly nine hundred Haitians preparing to be loaded onto planes to be flown back and deported to Haiti.”

Cruz pointed out that the same day the migrants were to be deported, Biden “canceled the flights” and the “900 Haitians… don’t get on the airplanes,” instead they called and texted “their friends and families” from cell phones.

“That was on September 8th. I was in Del Rio on September 16th, eight days later,” the Texas Republican recalled. “In eight days, the seven hundred illegal immigrants under the bridge had become 10,503.”

“Within a few days later, it had become over 15,000,” Cruz added.


Cruz warned the U.S. is “on a path” to exceed 2 million encounters with illegal migrants at the U.S-Mexico border this year alone, remarking that the country is experiencing “the worst illegal immigration in 21 years” due to “deliberate political decisions” made by Biden.

Biden was also put on blast by Cruz for not going to see the children in “cages” in border facilities or going to the Del Rio bridge when a group of migrants the size of a small town was being held under an overpass.


“Does he look at the Joe Biden cages with thousands of children, 20 percent of whom roughly have COVID? No,” Cruz said. “Does he look at 15000 people under the Del Rio Bridge? No.”

The White House did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.

Houston Keene is a reporter for Fox News Digital. You can find him on Twitter at @HoustonKeene.

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