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House Democrats, led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, have released their own version of the Senate’s stimulus package in response to the coronavirus crisis. Pelosi is seen here on March 13 ahead of an earlier aid package deal.

J. Scott Applewhite/AP

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House Democrats, led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, have released their own version of the Senate’s stimulus package in response to the coronavirus crisis. Pelosi is seen here on March 13 ahead of an earlier aid package deal.

J. Scott Applewhite/AP

Updated at 6:05 p.m. ET

In the midst of Senate negotiations on a massive stimulus package in response to the coronavirus pandemic, House Democrats have drafted their own counterproposal titled the Take Responsibility for Workers and Families Act.

In a statement, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the Republican bill before the Senate puts “corporations first, not workers and families.”

The Democrats’ latest draft obtained by NPR, which is more than 1,400 pages long, would prevent corporations from using taxpayer money for stock buybacks, boost unemployment insurance, strengthen the child and earned income tax credits and inject nearly $40 billion into schools and universities to stabilize funding. It also directs billions of dollars in grant funding for states to carry out this year’s election through the Election Assistance Commission.

Some elements of this proposal already exist in the bill that the Senate is negotiating.

The proposal comes after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blamed Democrats for delaying progress on a response bill. Senate Democrats have said the final product of the GOP-backed bill didn’t meet their minimum demands.

Pelosi’s move to release this bill could be a strategic effort to increase pressure on the Senate to reach a deal.

Republicans have criticized Pelosi for wanting to add unrelated provisions to the bill and have argued that Democrats are trying to take advantage of the crisis for their own wish list of items they couldn’t pass through the normal process.

You can read the bill yourself here.

Editor’s Note: This bill has been updated since we originally published this story.

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The government will close all shops selling non-essential goods, Johnson said, including clothing stores, as well as other premises including libraries, playgrounds and outdoor gyms, and places of worship.

The tougher tone followed evidence at the weekend that many were ignoring official guidelines about social distancing as they flocked to parks and beauty spots.

Under the new measures, the government will stop all gatherings of more than two people in public who do not live together, and stop all social events​, including weddings and baptisms but not funerals.

Parks would remain open for exercise but gatherings would be dispersed, Johnson said.

Later on Monday, Britain’s lower house of parliament is expected to approve emergency legislation giving authorities sweeping powers to tackle the outbreak, including the right to detain people and put them in isolation to protect public health.

“Without a huge national effort to halt the growth of this virus, there will come a moment when no health service in the world could possibly cope; because there won’t be enough ventilators, enough intensive care beds, enough doctors and nurses,” Johnson said in his address.

Earlier, in a letter pleading with him to increase PPE supplies, more than 6,000 frontline doctors warned they felt like “cannon fodder” and were being asked to put their lives at risk with out-of-date masks, and low stocks of equipment.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock admitted there had been issues but promised action was being taken. He said the army would drive trucks throughout the day and night to get supplies to medical staff.

“It’s like a war effort – it is a war against this virus and so the army have been incredibly helpful in getting those logistics so we can get the supplies to protect people on the front line,” he told the BBC, saying the health service now had 12,000 ventilators, 7,000 more than at the start of the crisis.

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Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo said on “America’s Newsroom” on Monday that U.S. equity markets are “nervous” about the coronavirus pandemic and it has essentially led to a shutdown of the U.S. economy with “no end in sight.”

Bartiromo made the comments as U.S. equity markets slid on Monday, even after the Federal Reserve announced “extensive new measures” to support the U.S. economy.

At one point on Monday, stocks were down nearly 5 percent in volatile trading on Wall Street as investors wait for Democrats and Republicans to settle their differences and pass a nearly $2 trillion economic rescue package.

“These markets do not like uncertainty and the whole idea of having this closed-door shut down for a couple of weeks with no end in sight has markets nervous, as you would expect,” Bartiromo explained, adding that “If we were to see an end date, if we were to understand when this ends” perhaps that would alleviate the situation.

Bartiromo noted that during an appearance on her Fox Business show “Mornings with Maria” on Monday, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told her that he is “very hopeful” that the U.S. can beat coronavirus within 10 to 12 weeks.

“I’m very hopeful that we’re going to kill this virus in that time period, if not shorter,” Mnuchin said. “I spoke to the president last night, he’s very pleased with medical professionals and the movement, some of these new drugs, so this legislation prepares us for the 10 to 12 week period, but I hope we don’t need to last that long.”


Speaking on “America’s Newsroom” on Monday, Bartiromo mentioned that Mnuchin told her that the fiscal stimulus package that is currently being debated in the Senate will create help for the dislocations that will happen in the economy over that 10 to 12 week period.

“He gave us that positioning, that end date, this is going to handle things for the next to 10 to 12 weeks,” she explained.

Bartiromo then asked, “So what happens then?”

She noted that she asked Mnuchin on Monday if he expects to ask Congress for more money.

“If this lasts longer, we’ll go back to Congress,” he said on her show on Monday. “We are determined to support American business and American workers. This is no fault of their own.”

“We’ll have to see what happens so there may very well be more stimulus in place,” Bartiromo said on “America’s Newsroom” on Monday.

She also noted the action the Federal Reserve is taking to try and stabilize the economy.

The central bank said on Monday that it would purchase Treasury securities and agency mortgage-backed securities in the “amounts needed to support smooth market functioning and effective transmission of monetary policy to broader financial conditions and the economy.”

In addition, the Fed launched three new lending facilities that will provide up to $300 billion in new financing to support the flow of credit to employers, consumers and businesses.

“The Federal Reserve says we will buy anything, we are ready to buy securities,” Bartiromo said on Monday, adding that the Federal Reserve is essentially saying, “’We are there … we don’t have an end date, we are just going to keep at it.’”

She then noted that there are calls right now to say, “let’s shut the country down for 30 days, give businesses an end date so that they know in 30 days they’ll reopen again.”

Bartiromo went on to say that “there’s still that overlying uncertainty about the virus itself.”

“Are we going to get our arms around this with antivirals? What does the pharmaceutical sector have to say? And should we be worried about a second wave? Should we be worried about coronavirus coming back in the fall?” she asked, noting that “that’s what you’re seeing play out in markets today.”

Following the Fed’s latest massive, surprise announcement of support, U.S. stock futures and European stocks got a bump higher, but the gains quickly vanished.

With Monday’s losses, the stock market has lost more than a third of its value since its record last month, as more businesses shut down with the goal of trying to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Economists increasingly say a recession seems unavoidable.

Markets are likely to remain incredibly turbulent as long as the number of new infections accelerates. In the interim, investors are looking for both central banks and governments to do their parts to support the economy.

Bartiromo noted that on Monday morning, U.S. equity futures pared their losses and turned higher on the news from the Federal Reserve.

“We were down about 600 points, but, when the Federal Reserve came out with its emergency commentary and what it was going to be doing, unveiling this expansion of market support, immediately you saw a complete reversal and you actually saw a swing of 1,000 points.”

She said that the Federal Reserve “is expanding its balance sheet and what this is telling us basically is the Federal Reserve is throwing everything at this economic slowdown, everything at this coronavirus crisis right now.”

“They can’t go much lower on interest rates, but they have a lot of other tools to work with,” she said. “They announced those tools today and by all accounts markets certainly like that.”

Last week, the Federal Reserve slashed its benchmark federal fund rate by a full percentage point to near zero in an aggressive step to insulate the U.S. economy from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Bartiromo also noted on Monday that “there are calls right now to shut the whole country down,” and that is causing markets to “remain quite nervous even with that extraordinary move by the Federal Reserve today.”

When Bartiromo asked acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf on Sunday if President Trump is considering a full shutdown of the country for a period of time, he said: “Not at this time.”


Speaking on “Sunday Morning Futures” in an exclusive interview, Wolf added that the Trump administration wants to “take aggressive steps” in the hardest-hit communities that are seeing large numbers of coronavirus cases “so that we don’t have to take those measures elsewhere if we don’t need to.”

Fox Business’ Jonathan Garber, Evie Fordham and the Associated Press contributed to this report.

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The stock market has lost $8 trillion in value in the last month and analysts estimate more than 2 million people have filed for unemployment insurance last week.

#Economy #StockMarket #Unemployment

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Trump is also unhappy that Fauci has grabbed the spotlight from him and appears to be much more trusted by the public, the New York Times reported Monday, citing two Trump insiders.

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TV host Dr. Mehmet Oz touted a “game-changer” drug combination as a potential “treatment” for the coronavirus Monday on Fox & Friends, and less than an hour later on the program, the U.S. Surgeon General warned viewers against seeking dubious remedies.

Surgeon General Jerome Adams appeared on the Fox News morning show after Oz did, and criticized co-host Steve Doocy and the daytime TV doctor for promoting coronavirus “treatments” that are clinically untested in the United States. Earlier in the program, Oz, who is also a Columbia University professor, gushed over a French doctor’s recent tests that used a malaria treatment, a hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin combination, in hopes of finding a coronavirus treatment. Adams warned Doocy and Fox News viewers to stop talking about pursuing treatments and vaccines and to start talking about halting the current spread of COVID-19.

Fox & Friends co-host Doocy asked the Surgeon General Monday: “We had Dr. Oz on at the top of this hour and what he talked about was how promising he thinks a malaria drug—when used in concert with Z-pack—how a French doctor treated 36 people and their viral level all went from 100 down to zero in just five or six days. He said his biggest problem right now, and he’s starting his own clinical trials right now at Columbia, he worries that we don’t have enough pills yet in this country if that works.”

“Here’s the thing about those drugs: there is “may” and there is “actually does,'” replied Surgeon General Adams, who began his tenure in September 2017 under President Trump. “So, these may be promising and we’d try to make them as available as possible to people across the country but we have to verify through studies across the country that they actually work. But I also again want to go back to the fact—it’s not practical to think we’re going to treat our way out of this problem with new drugs, more ventilators and more supplies.”

Preliminary tests of the anti-malaria drug combination were touted by President Donald Trump during a White House press briefing last week as “very, very encouraging. But Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country’s top expert on infectious diseases, contradicted him just minutes later at the same podium saying “the answer is no and the evidence that you’re talking about is anecdotal evidence.” Oz said on Fox News Monday morning that while some French cities are “moving forward without clinical trials,” they can’t be legally replicated in the U.S.

The Surgeon General also noted his appeals to millennials and Generation Z celebrities for help in promoting self-quarantining.

“We need to lower demand, we need more people talking about staying at home, it’s why I reached out to Kylie Jenner last week. It’s why my kids say reach out to Loren Gray and Roman Atwood to help these millennials understand they are spreading the virus and the more they spread, the more we’re going to need these drugs, the more we’re going to need ventilators and masks.”

Speaking earlier in the program Monday, Oz promoted his upcoming interview with the French doctor who conducted the tests, Dr. Didier Raoult, professor of medicine at Aix-Marseille University. He also touted his own hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin drug combination tests at Columbia. The Fox News chyron segment was entitled: “Possible drug combo that could shorten coronavirus.”

“I read the study and I was stunned, literally my jaw dropped, I didn’t know it was possible,” Oz said. “He took concepts that the Chinese had been working with and some anecdotal ideas and then constructed this trial. Now, in his mind, this data is so powerful that he doesn’t believe a randomized trial is worth it. And in France, some cities are moving forward without clinical trials. However, as a physician and in America, we feel strongly about randomized trials.”

“I spent the weekend working with a team at Columbia…and we’re going to test if these two drugs—a malaria drug plus Z-pack, basically, can reduce the chance of having a virus that lasts in your body for longer than five days,” Oz continued.

Columbia University’s Irving Medical Center and Surgery wing did not immediately respond to Newsweek’s request for comment Monday morning.

“But this is a game-changer,” Oz said. “Because if you can take a combination of two already existing pills, re-purpose them to use for the American public to shorten the amount of time you’re infectious and hopefully reduce complications. This becomes more like the flu than coronavirus.”

In a segment Oz later aired on his own Fox program Monday, he introduced the potential wonder drug to his audience.

“President Trump started a ripple effect when he touted the potential benefits of the drug hydroxychloroquine, a common anti-malaria drug as a treatment for coronavirus,” Oz said.

“And it’s shown very encouraging—very, very encouraging—early results,” Trump said of the untested drug combination during a press briefing last week, before immediately being rebuked by Dr. Fauci.

Last Tuesday, Oz appeared in a TMZ video telling Americans that if they are holed up in quarantine with their significant other they should engage in copious amounts of sex as a health measure.

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Dr Anthony Fauci, the head of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has not been fired.

That might not seem much in the way of news but Dr Fauci is the public face of the US scientific community in the face of the coronavirus outbreak, and as such must regularly appear alongside Donald Trump at the White House podium.

Across the US media, the doctor’s reaction to every Trumpian claim, exaggeration or outright lie is frantically parsed for meaning, his occasional absence from the podium subject to national debate.

In a brief interview with Science magazine published on Sunday, Dr Fauci, 79, was asked how it felt to “stand there as the representative of truth and facts [when] things are being said that aren’t true and aren’t factual”.

“I can’t jump in front of the microphone and push him down,” he said. “OK, he said it. Let’s try and get it corrected for the next time.”

That, Dr Fauci said, involved members of the White House coronavirus task force who, “the next time they sit down with him and talk about what he’s going to say, they will say, ‘By the way, Mr President, be careful about this and don’t say that.’”

In one notable recent example, Trump spoke from the podium on Friday about the idea that hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malarial drug, might treat the coronavirus. Dr Fauci then knocked the claim down, gently.

“Many of the things out there are what I have called ‘anecdotal reports,’” he said. “The information that you’re referring to specifically is anecdotal. It was not done in a controlled clinical trial, so you really can’t make any definitive statement about it.”

He subsequently told the New York Times he did not want to “embarrass” Trump, adding: “I don’t want to act like a tough guy, like I stood up to the president. I just want to get the facts out. And instead of saying, ‘You’re wrong,’ all you need to do is continually talk about what the data are and what the evidence is.”

Fauci told Science he was “sort of exhausted. But other than that, I’m good. I mean, I’m not, to my knowledge, coronavirus infected. To my knowledge, I haven’t been fired.”

Asked how he hadn’t been fired, having corrected the president so many times, he said: “Well, that’s pretty interesting because to his [Trump’s] credit, even though we disagree on some things, he listens. He goes his own way. He has his own style. But on substantive issues, he does listen to what I say.”

Dr Fauci also described the process by which Trump prepares for briefings, which some say should not be carried live, given the president’s use of the podium to attack reporters and his political enemies.

“We sit down for an hour and a half,” Dr Fauci said, “go over all the issues on the agenda. And then we proceed from there to an anteroom right in front of the Oval Office to talk about what are going to be the messages, what are the kind of things we’re going to want to emphasize?

“Then we go in to see the president, we present to him and somebody writes a speech. Then he gets up and ad libs on his speech. And then we’re up there to try and answer questions.”

Asked how often he disagreed with the president, Dr Fauci said: “I don’t disagree in the substance. It is expressed in a way that I would not express it, because it could lead to some misunderstanding about what the facts are about a given subject.”

He was also asked about a moment on Friday when Trump joked about the “deep state department” and the doctor was seen to smile ruefully then rub his brow and jaw. It became an internet meme.

Dr Fauci declined to comment.

He was also asked about Trump’s decision to refer to the coronavirus, the scientific name of which is Covid-19, as the “Chinese virus”. Would he ever do the same?


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US Surgeon General Jerome Adams on Monday gave a stark warning about the escalating coronavirus crisis, saying, “I want America to understand — this week, it’s gonna get bad.”

“As the nation’s doctor, I’m here to help America understand where we need to respond to this,” Adams told the “Today” show, saying that “every single second counts” in the fight against the pandemic.

“And right now there are not enough people out there who are taking this seriously,” he warned, pointing to people still getting together in parks and on beaches.

“A lot of people think this can’t happen to them,” he said.

“It’s important for people to know: You can get this disease, you can be hospitalized from this disease [and] you can die from this disease. But most importantly, you can spread it to your loved ones. So we need you to really lean in,” Adams stressed.

The surgeon general suggested that the crisis in New York — with New York City its epicenter — highlights the danger of reacting too late.

“When you look at what’s going on in New York … the numbers you see reflect what happened two weeks ago,” he said, complaining that people are “waiting to see spread before they decide to get serious.”

“We don’t want Dallas or New Orleans or Chicago to turn into the next New York,” he said.

“It means everyone needs to be taking the right steps right now. And that means stay at home.”

Adams also gave a “shout-out” to Kylie Jenner, praising the 22-year-old “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” star for “stepping up” after he called on her to send a PSA to fans who might otherwise not see official warnings.

He denied that the Defense Production Act was needed to speed up the production of urgently needed medical supplies, claiming companies were already “at max production.”

“You don’t need to compel people to do what they’re already doing,” he said. “We’re not going to ventilate our way out of this problem; we’re not going to treat our way out of this problem. The way you stop the spread of an infectious disease like this is with mitigation measures and from preventing people from getting it in the first place.”

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Benny Luo, founder and chief executive of NextShark, a website focused on Asian-American news, said the site used to get a few tips a day. Now it is dozens.

“We’ve never received this many news tips about racism against Asians,” he said. “It’s crazy. My staff is pulling double duty just to keep up.” He said he was hiring two more people to help.

No one is immune to being targeted. Dr. Edward Chew, the head of the emergency department at a large Manhattan hospital, is on the front lines of fighting the coronavirus. He said that over the past few weeks, he had noticed people trying to cover their nose and mouth with their shirts when they are near him.

Dr. Chew has been using his free time to buy protective gear, like goggles and face shields, for his staff, in case his hospital runs out. On Wednesday night at a Home Depot, with his cart filled with face shields, masks and Tyvek suits, he said he was harassed by three men in their 20s, who then followed him into the parking lot.

“I heard of other Asians being assaulted over this, but when you are actually ridiculed yourself, you really feel it,” he said the following day.

A writer for The New Yorker, Jiayang Fan, said she was taking out her trash last week when a man walking by began cursing at her for being Chinese.

“I’ve never felt like this in my 27 years in this country,” she wrote on Twitter Tuesday. “I’ve never felt afraid to leave my home to take out the trash because of my face.”

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WASHINGTON – Pressure was building on Congress to break its logjam on a coronavirus rescue package.

Stocks slid again Monday despite the Federal Reserve’s decision to launch an expansion of lending programs to help the economy. 

A week after the U.S. markets posted their worst week since the financial crisis, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was down as much as 500 points in the opening minutes of trading.

The Fed said it plans to purchase an unlimited amount of Treasurys and mortgage securities in a bid to support financial markets. It also said that it would purchase commercial mortgage-backed securities as part of an expansion in its asset purchases, known in the market as quantitative easing.

“We’ve got a lot of promise from the Fed, but they’re still going to need help from Congress,” says Scott Colyer, chief executive at Advisors Asset Management. “Does the Fed’s latest move solve our virus problem? No. Does it solve our unemployment problem? No. But it does allow markets to function. At the end of last week, we were sorely in need of that.”

– Jessica Menton and Ledyard King

Klobuchar’s husband hospitalized with COVID-19

The husband of Sen. Amy Klobuchar has been hospitalized with COVID-19 and pneumonia, the Minnesota Democrat and former presidential candidate announced Monday.

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As the number of confirmed coronavirus cases and deaths in California continues to rise, federal, state and local officials continue taking steps to tighten unprecedented restrictions on people’s movements in an effort to slow the spread of the virus.

Los Angeles Unified School District Supt. Austin Beutner announced on Monday that schools, which closed along with others across California last week to help quell the outbreak, will remain shuttered through May 1.

The closures are a hardship for children and families in a state where 60% of students qualify for free or reduced-price meals because they are members of low-income households. In Los Angeles public schools, the percentage is even higher, with 80% of students who qualify; in Compton, it’s 83%; Pomona, 89%.

“Students are learning in different ways, teachers are teaching in different ways and families are struggling to support their children in their studies while balancing other responsibilities,” Beutner said in a prepared statement. “I wish I could tell you it will all be back to normal sometime soon but it does not look like that will be the case.”

As of early Monday, more than 1,800 cases of coronavirus had been reported in California and 35 people had died. The number of confirmed cases is expected to grow as more testing occurs statewide. Los Angeles County health officials on Sunday confirmed a fifth death from the virus. They also reported 71 new cases in the county, with the total now 411.

To help cities in California beef up their response to the pandemic, President Trump on Sunday approved a request from Gov. Gavin Newsom to declare a major disaster and for the federal government to provide “mass care,” emergency aid, unemployment assistance and disaster legal services.

The president said the Federal Emergency Management Agency would ship mobile hospital units to California within the next 48 hours. The state is in line to get eight of these units, for a total of 2,000 beds.

The Navy hospital ship the USNS Mercy, which is based in San Diego, will be deployed to Los Angeles. The ship can be stationed in the city in “a week or less,” FEMA administrator Peter Gaynor said. Though its facilities will not be used to treat COVID-19 patients, it will accept patients with other medical issues in an attempt to relieve the burden on hospitals, Gaynor said.

Trump also announced that he has signed paperwork to have the federal government pay for National Guard deployments in California, New York and Washington.

Newsom on Friday deployed the California National Guard to assist food banks statewide in serving residents whose needs have not been met due to food shortages.

The governor said the guard would focus on both humanitarian and public safety needs. Newsom specifically pointed out that the state wanted to ensure that “food delivery is happening appropriately” and expressed concern about grocery stores overwhelmed by customers hoarding food and other essential household goods.

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California’s National Guard force of roughly 22,000 troops has often been activated in times of disaster and crisis, particularly in response to devastating wildfires and earthquakes.

Meanwhile, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti urged residents with disposable income to donate to the city’s emergency crisis response fund, which will help pay for childcare for medical workers, grants for families and individuals who need financial assistance and meals for seniors.

Garcetti on Sunday admonished Angelenos who haven’t taken orders to practice social distancing seriously, announcing the closure of the city’s golf courses, parking lots at Venice Beach and organized group sports at city parks as they have continued to attract throngs of people.

“This weekend we saw too many images of too many people crowding beaches or canyons beyond their capacity. Too many people, too close together, too often,” Garcetti said during his daily briefing on the impact of the novel coronavirus. “The longer we do that, the more people will get sick, and the more people will die. There’s no way to sugarcoat that.”

Starting Monday, parking lots near Venice Beach and the boardwalk will be closed, he said. In Santa Monica, the city also decided to close its beach parking lots.

On Sunday night, Long Beach Mayor Robert Garcia announced the closure of Long Beach’s public basketball, tennis and volleyball courts, as well as its dog parks, playgrounds and skate parks.

Officials in Orange County are also tightening regulations after groups of people descended on beaches and public trails over the weekend despite warnings about social distancing.

Laguna Beach city council voted in a closed session meeting Sunday night to close trail access to county wilderness parks as early as Monday morning. The council also directed staff to close all city beaches by Monday night and request that the county do the same for the stretches of sand in their jurisdiction.

“We were unanimous that these steps must be taken now in our city to slow the spread of COVID-19,” said Laguna Beach Mayor Bob Whalen. “I urge everyone to comply with our actions for the health of everyone in our community and beyond.”

The Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority announced over the weekend that it was closing all of its parks and trails, which include the parkland owned by the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy. Access roads and parking lots also will be closed. Many were packed over the weekend, as people — eager to get out of the house and into the warm weather after days of rain — flocked to the outdoor destinations.

In Marin County, health officials have also ordered the immediate closure of all county parks to stem the tide of visitors.

The measures build on Newsom’s sweeping order, issued Thursday, urging Californians to stay home — with a few exceptions — and put distance between themselves and others to slow the spread of COVID-19. Garcetti issued similar orders last week, which have closed most businesses in the city.

Many who flocked to public areas over the weekend insisted that they needed time outdoors in order to maintain their sanity.

Clifford Aquino and Ryan Castro, both 28, couldn’t go to their gyms in Cerritos, as they had closed under government orders. So they decided to go to Long Beach instead, where there are plenty of outdoor gyms and paths for running.

“This is only Day Two,” Castro said. “It sucks.”

“It does suck, but you have to find different ways to stay active,” Aquino replied.

Aquino said he feels safe using the machines because he’s able to keep a safe distance from others. If one area is too busy, he finds another, he said. He wipes down each machine with a Lysol wipe before using it.

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The trillion-dollar coronavirus stimulus package that would help offset the devastating economic effects of the virus hit a roadblock Sunday night as Democrats blocked a procedural vote on the measure.

They argued the proposed aid package favored corporations over workers and health care providers, sending Republicans back to the negotiating table.

The procedural vote was deadlocked at 47, with five Republicans not in the chamber, including Sen. Rand Paul, who announced Sunday that he has the virus.

The tally was well short of the 60 votes needed to move forward.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin had said that the bill — which has grown to as much as $1.8  trillion — includes direct-deposit checks to Americans and expanded unemployment benefits.

But Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer argued the draft package “significantly cut back our hospitals, our cities, our states, our medical workers and so many others needed in this crisis.”

Earlier Sunday, Schumer said that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democrats would put their own bill forward.

Sen. Mitch McConnell, the Republican majority leader, said he was still hoping for a vote Monday on the proposal.

“It’s still some elbowing and maneuvering for room as you can imagine, but this is a pretty solidly bipartisan proposal agreed to by a lot of rank and file Democrats who were involved in drafting it,” the Kentucky Republican told reporters.

“At some point here, we’ll have to stop and that’ll be the bill we vote on and in my opinion that’ll be tomorrow.”

With Post wires 

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Life, Liberty & Levin” host Mark Levin accused House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., of “exploiting this crisis to advance her radical agenda,” after she announced Sunday that Democrats would be introducing their own stimulus bill to address the ongoing economic collapse amid the coronavirus — all while the Republican-controlled Senate considered its own legislation.

“1. Pelosi’s poisonous politics feeds the Wuhan virus. She’s exploiting this crisis to advance her radical agenda.  She must be exposed and condemned for the diabolical huckster that she is,” Levin wrote on Twitter, referencing the city in China where the virus originated.

“2. People are sick and dying and Pelosi is playing games. Apparently the TRILLIONS the Republicans want to spend isn’t enough,” he added. “Sickening.”

Pelosi‘s announcement, which came as the House returned from its weeklong recess, frustrated many Senate Republicans who have worked through their planned recess this week to craft the urgent economic-relief legislation.


Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin indicated an agreement was within reach. But, faced with mounting opposition from Democrats who call the package insufficient, the Senate on Sunday evening failed to move forward with considering the Republicans’ “Phase Three” bill.

Pelosi reportedly was seeking a “laundry list” of items to be included in the legislation, including wiping out up to $10,000 in student loan debt per person and securing election-security funding.


“It’s on the Senate side now because that’s their deadline for a vote, but we’ll be introducing our own bill and hopefully it’ll be compatible with what they discussed on the Senate,” Pelosi told reporters early Sunday.

Fox News’ Gregg Re contributed to this report.

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Mr. Trump also said during the Sunday conference that he had directed FEMA to supply four large federal medical stations with 1,000 beds for New York, eight large federal medical stations with 2,000 beds for California, and three large federal medical stations and four small federal medical stations with 1,000 beds for the State of Washington.

The stations for New York, to be built in Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in Manhattan, were announced earlier in the day by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo.

As Mr. Trump detailed federal activities, he at times repeated facts and appeared halting as he described a complex list of facts and figures in the millions.

Many state and local officials have pressed Mr. Trump to use his authority under the Defense Production Act to mobilize industry to manufacture scarce goods. On Sunday, Peter T. Gaynor, the FEMA administrator, said the president was not doing so, and instead was using the threat of the act as “leverage to demonstrate that we can.”

At the news conference on Sunday, Mr. Trump defended his decision not to implement the Defense Production Act despite an outcry from state governors and Democrats.

“Call a person over in Venezuela,” Mr. Trump said. “Ask them, how did nationalization of their businesses work out? Not too well. The concept of nationalizing our businesses is not a good concept.”

The president’s top trade adviser said that, in fact, the act had spurred the country’s “industrial base” to voluntarily mobilize, allowing for the quick conversion of corporate production facilities to produce medical supplies.

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Three weeks ago, President Trump seemed poised for victory in November. The economy was strong. The nation was at peace. That is usually a recipe for re-election — despite Trump’s habit of tweeting controversial things.

But then the coronavirus hit. And everything has changed.

Our material prosperity, so carefully cultivated by the president, is now gone. It does not take a Ph.D. in the “dismal science” of economics to know that the nation’s economic outlook over the next weeks and months is dismal.

Our peace is gone, too—an especially ironic development for this president. No leader in a generation has been less inclined than Trump to commit the United States to foreign entanglements. But here we are, entangled with a microbial enemy from overseas.

If we were going by the book, we’d have to conclude that Trump is a goner in November. History tells us that presidents do not win re-election in situations like this.

But the situation is much more complicated.

As much as the Democrats and the dead-end Never Trumpers wish to make it so, the coronavirus is not Trump’s fault. Sure, there were mishaps in testing, but a fair view pins the blame on the government bureaucracy, not the president. Where he had discretion to act early, he did so decisively and beneficially, closing off travel with China. He certainly was too overoptimistic in his early assessments of this plague, but then again, weren’t most of us?

A crisis has been thrust upon this president, much like secession was thrust upon Abraham Lincoln, the Great Depression upon Herbert Hoover, and 9/11 upon George W. Bush. The country is not going to judge the president because of this, but they will judge him on how he responds to it.

That is the ground upon which the 2020 election is going to be fought.

To win re-election, the president must give the country confidence that he is mobilizing the full force of the federal government. He can leave nothing on the table. If the people judge, after the dust has settled, that Joe Biden — the presumptive Democratic nominee ­— could have done a better job, Trump will lose.

Do not underestimate the intelligence of the electorate. They know this is going to be bad. They are not looking for a miracle cure. They are looking for vigor and effectiveness. President Trump must provide that.

But he also has to explain why this has happened to the country. In retirement, President Lyndon Johnson mused that, “martyrs have to die for causes. John Kennedy had died, but his ‘cause’ was not really clear. That was my job.”

Trump has to do likewise. He has to make sense of this virus for the American people. What lessons must we learn from its emergence? What does it say about our current place in the world? What do we need to do to fix it?

This president is the best person to tell a compelling story about this disease. Virtually alone among top politicians, he has been a skeptic of globalization. He has resisted the impulse to let America float along in the currents of the world. He has to make that argument to the people once again. He has to be gentle and tactful, but he must remind them that we are special, that we are a nation set apart, and that we have to act accordingly.

If he can do these two things­ — manage the virus and explain it to the people — he will not only win re-election. He will have won the most consequential re-election in a generation or more.

Jay Cost is a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and Grove City College.

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