I had a column in the New York Post Wednesday about the so-called “ISIS bride,” Hoda Muthana, who is detained in a Syrian refugee camp and now pleading to come back home to her family in Alabama. I argued that, despite the fact that she has treasonously waged war against our country, she had a right to be readmitted if she tried to enter because she was – according to the facts available at the time – a natural-born American citizen.

Now Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has announced that Muthana will not be allowed to reenter the U.S. because she is not an American citizen: While born in America, she was the daughter of a diplomat and thus not subject to the jurisdiction of the U.S. As the secretary put it in his statement, “Ms. Hoda Muthana is not a U.S. citizen and will not be admitted into the United States. She does not have any legal basis, no valid U.S. passport, no right to a passport, nor any visa to travel to the United States.”

This conclusion is disputed by Muthana’s family and allies, and they may have a case. I would strongly urge the Justice Department to file an indictment against Muthana for treason, material support to terrorism, and any other readily provable offenses. She is less likely to press the issues of citizenship and right to enter if she understands that she faces prosecution and, very likely, lengthy imprisonment if she succeeds in coming here.


But it’s worth taking a closer look at the citizenship question itself. To my mind, the concept of citizenship implies not just the benefits of being a full-fledged member of the body politic, but also a duty of fealty to the nation. In a rational world, then, a citizen who made war against the United States would be stripped of citizenship.

Alas, that is not the law. As I related in the Post column, Supreme Court precedent holds that natural-born citizens may not have their citizenship revoked without their consent. (This is in contrast to naturalized citizens, who may have their citizenship revoked if they join a subversive organization within five years of being naturalized, but this is not relevant to Muthana’s case).



Source Article from https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/andrew-mccarthy-indict-the-isis-bride

WASHINGTON—As U.S.-China trade talks reach a pivotal point, the Trump administration is counting on the Chinese leader’s special envoy, Liu He, to get Beijing to accept tough new strictures that are increasingly controversial in Beijing.

High-level negotiations resumed in the executive office building next to the White House on Thursday, with both sides focused on reaching a deal before a March 1 deadline that could see 10% tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese imports rise to 25%.

Source Article from https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-bets-on-chinas-special-envoy-in-trade-talks-11550795104

A federal judge has completely barred former Trump political adviser Roger Stone from speaking publicly about his ongoing prosecution on obstruction and false statement charges, after a picture of the judge appeared on Stone’s Instagram this week with what appeared to be crosshairs in the background.

The ruling followed a hearing on Thursday in which Stone took the stand to insist he was “heartfully sorry” for the picture, which Stone said he had reviewed prior to posting it — although he suggested someone else had first selected the image.

U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson tore into Stone during the proceeding, saying she simply didn’t believe his explanation that an unnamed “volunteer” was to blame.

“I have serious doubts about whether you learned anything at all,” Jackson said. “From this moment on, the defendant may not speak publicly about this case — period. No statements about the case on TV, radio, print reporters, or Internet. No posts on social media. [You] may not comment on the case through surrogates. You may send out emails about donating to the Roger Stone defense fund.”

Jackson added an apparent threat to revoke Stone’s bail and send him to jail: “This is not baseball. There will be no third chance. If you cannot abide by this, I will be forced to change your surroundings so you have no temptations.”

Jackson had issued a limited gag order in Stone’s case last week, preventing him from discussing the case near the courthouse. Stone was being questioned Thursday by Jackson and government lawyers as to why Jackson should not take action in response to the image.

On Thursday, Stone made the risky decision to take the stand, after an initial series of questions from Jackson to Stone’s lawyer, Bruce Rogow.

The longtime Trump confidante walked into court wearing his signature circle framed glasses, but took them off before Jackson entered the courtroom. Stone’s wife and daughter sat in the front row.

Under questioning from prosecutors and Jackson, the 66-year-old Stone — who frequently looked directly at Jackson as he spoke — said the image had been selected by a volunteer who was working for him, though he couldn’t say who picked the photo or list the five or six volunteers who have been working for him when he was asked by prosecutors.

He said he had several photos to choose from and posted the image himself to his profile.

“You had a choice?” the judge interjected.

Stone said he picked the photo “randomly,” a suggestion the judge almost immediately dismissed.

“It was an egregious mistake. I obviously wish I could do it over again, but I cannot,” Stone said. “I recognize I let the court down, I let you down, I let myself down. … It was a momentary lapse in judgment.”

He has said the photo was “misinterpreted,” the symbol was actually the Celtic cross, not crosshairs of a gun, and he was not trying to threaten the judge. But, he added, he wasn’t sure what the symbol meant, because “I’m not into the occult.”

Former campaign adviser for President Donald Trump, Roger Stone walks out of the federal courthouse following a hearing, Friday, Jan. 25, 2019, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Stone was arrested Friday in the special counsel’s Russia investigation and was charged with lying to Congress and obstructing the probe. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)
(Associated Press)


At one point during Thursday’s hearing, Rogow called the post that featured Jackson’s image “indefensible.” Jackson replied: “I agree with you there.”

“I am under enormous pressure,” Stone testified. “I now have TV people saying I will be raped if I go to jail. I’m having trouble putting food on the table and paying the rent.” (Indeed, CNN senior political analyst David Gergen pondered on air Monday if Stone — whom he called a “dandy” — would be raped in prison.)

Stone deleted the Instagram photo shortly after posting it, but later posted the same one again, this time without the apparent crosshairs.

In court, Stone said he “didn’t recognize it as a crosshair” and “didn’t notice” a crosshair in the image.

“This was a screwup,” Stone said. “I admit it.”


Jackson reminded Stone before his testimony that he would be subject to government cross-examination and was under oath. Asked whether he understood the picture could be construed as a threat, Stone replied: “I now recognize that. … I can’t rationalize my thinking because I wasn’t thinking, and that’s my fault.”

“I am kicking myself for my own stupidity, but not more than my wife is kicking me,” Stone later told Jackson. He added that “my consulting business has dried up” and said, “I’ve exhausted my savings.”

“This is not baseball. There will be no third chance.”

— U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson

Stone has pleaded not guilty to charges he lied to Congress, engaged in witness tampering and obstructed a congressional investigation into possible coordination between Russia and President Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. The charges stem from conversations he had during the campaign about WikiLeaks, the anti-secrecy group that released material stolen from Democratic groups, including Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

The political operative and self-described dirty trickster is the sixth Trump aide or adviser charged in Mueller’s investigation. He was arrested last month and has remained free on a $250,000 personal recognizance bond. Stone has maintained his innocence and blasted the special counsel’s investigation as politically motivated.

Fox News’ Jake Gibson, Kelly Phares, Adam Shaw, and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Source Article from https://www.foxnews.com/politics/roger-stone-apologizes-to-judge-for-instagram-post-my-wife-is-kicking-me

WASHINGTON–The federal judge overseeing the reunification of migrant families separated at the southern border by the Trump administration told government lawyers on Thursday that it would be arbitrary to leave out of the lawsuit children separated before the president’s “zero tolerance” policy took effect in April 2018.

Lawyers from the American Civil Liberties Union pressed Judge Dana Sabraw of the Southern District of California to order that the government reunite potentially thousands of children who were separated under a pilot program beginning in July 2017.

A report by the inspector general of the Department of Health and Human Services, based on interviews with HHS employees, estimated that thousands of children were separated from their parents at the border months before then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions began the “zero tolerance” policy that prosecuted all parents entering the country illegally while their children waited in separate custody.

As a result of the report, the ACLU asked Sabraw to include the parents of those children in the same group as those affected by zero tolerance, whose reunification he ordered last summer. Sabraw said he would continue to consider the motion by the ACLU, but seemed to be leaning in favor of granting it.

“It’s important to recognize we are talking about human beings,” Sabraw told Scott Stewart, a lawyer from the Justice Department.

Stewart argued that including parents separated from their children as far back as July 2017 in the lawsuit “dramatically changes the complexity of this case from the government’s perspective.”

“We have tried to be a good partner,” Stewart said. “It’s very unfortunate to have done all that [and then] to have the task flown wide open.”

Stewart suggested that parents whose children were taken from them prior to zero tolerance should file elsewhere or through “informal channels.”

“We’re not saying that they can’t be reunified. We’re saying that it’s just not part of the class the court certified, it’s not part of this case. And if there are folks in this category who want to seek relief, there are courts, there are informal channels available to do that,” Stewart said.

Judge Sabraw said the first step of his order, should he issue it, would be to do an accounting of all the parents and children separated between July 2017 and April 2018, when zero tolerance went into effect. He said he may consider other remedies, such as different timelines, but that the central remedy would be reunification.

ACLU lawyer Lee Gelernt said his organization would put together a steering committee to make calls and find the parents of the separated children.

“We cannot go back into these communities and tell them we are not going to make the effort,” said Gelernt. “I suspect there are parents who want to get their children back and have not been able to.”

Some parents separated under zero tolerance chose to be deported while their children remained in the United States to seek asylum. Both the government and the ACLU acknowledged some parents separated before zero tolerance may have made the same decision.

Source Article from https://www.nbcnews.com/news/investigations/we-are-talking-about-human-beings-judge-tells-trump-admin-n974336

President Trump squandered his political capital by using the first two years of his presidency to pass a still unpopular tax cut. That doesn’t make it OK for Democrats to lie about it in an effort to keep scamming the American people.

The lie is that taxes are going up on most middle class people. The scam is that bigger “tax refunds” just means the government is holding more of your money without paying you for it.

Now that it’s tax return season, some reports suggest that filers are surprised they’re receiving less of a “refund” than they had in the past. The Democratic National Committee took advantage of what it apparently sees as a political opportunity, sending out an email Wednesday saying that “taxpayers are receiving tax refunds that are less than expected, or even having to pay more in taxes.”

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., who is running for president, similarly said in a tweet last week that “The average tax refund is down about $170 compared to last year. Let’s call the President’s tax cut what it is: a middle-class tax hike to line the pockets of already wealthy corporations and the 1%.”

This is deception on an evil level.

The DNC email itself included a link to a Washington Post article that explained why 2019 refunds would be less than in previous years, but the DNC must have expected no one to read it.

The Post article from Feb. 10 buries the important information 12 paragraphs in, but nonetheless, it says, “Many Americans may confuse their meager refunds as a sign that they paid more in taxes as a result of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Generally, that is not true.”

The new law cut federal income taxes for the vast majority of Americans, resulting in bigger paychecks from their employers. The IRS also tried balancing out the way it collects taxes so that, ideally, Americans weren’t overpaying and therefore wouldn’t receive a large refund.

This gets into the ridiculous “withholding” ripoff that Democrats are pretending is actually some kind of free gift to people.

Our current joke tax system, which Trump promised to simplify, though his law doesn’t really do that, is set up so that the federal government takes more of your money every year than you owe, before giving it back as a “refund.”

Regular people find some joy each year in getting that check back from the IRS, the same way you might get a rush from finding $20 in a coat you pulled out of storage for the winter. But, why should it be taken for granted that every year, you give the government a nice little loan that they pay back with no interest?

And it’s only paid back after you’ve gone through the miserable process of filing your taxes.

This would be like ordering a shirt, receiving a dress and then the store clerk offering you a refund only after a year has passed and you’ve filled out a 30-minute survey.

Why would anyone jump for joy at this arrangement? And then willingly engage in it year after year?

Right now the government says you have little choice but the new tax law was a step in the right direction away from the withholding con.

Democrats, meanwhile, would rather keep more of your money and act like it’s a gift when they return it.

Source Article from https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/tax-refunds-are-a-scam-and-democrats-are-feeding-it

Read news reports about the arrest last week of lunatic Coast Guard Officer Christopher Hasson and you might get the impression that he was in some vague sense a supporter of President Trump. But that’s why I read the full court filing instead to find out the truth. Sure enough, there’s not really any evidence he was.

MSNBC couple Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezski screamed at one of their guests Thursday insisting (without evidence!) that Hasson’s unfulfilled plans to kill a bunch of Democrats and media liberals was directly inspired by a devotion to Trump. (Admittedly, the outburst had less to do with legitimate concern for political violence and more to do with Scarborough and Brzezinski getting to talk about themselves.)

Scarborough was allegedly one of the people Hasson targeted. The court filing says that on Dec. 27 last year, Hasson searched the Internet for Scarborough, after reading a news story quoting Scarborough as having called Trump “the worst ever.” Hasson then added Scarborough’s name to a spreadsheet of names that included high-profile Democrats and other media personalities.

Trump’s name comes up twice in the court filings. On Jan. 17 of this year, among the things Hasson searched the Internet for included “what if trump illegally impeached” and “civil war if trump impeached.”

Those details made it into reports on Hasson’s arrest by the New York Times, Washington Post, NBC News and others. But the motive for Hasson’s unrealized roughshod plan for “complete destruction” wasn’t Trump or anything Trump said. The court document shows that it was a preoccupation with race and a nihilistic view that had no clear attachment to politics at all, outside of an unspecified antipathy for “liberalist/globalist ideology.”

In other words, Hasson was crazy.

According to prosecutors, Hasson wrote in an email drafted June 2, 2017, “I am dreaming of a way to kill almost every last person on the earth,” though he lucidly acknowledged that he would likely need “the unwitting help of another power/country.” He faults “liberalist/globalist ideology” for “destroying traditional peoples esp[ecially] white” ones.

His preferred method for what he called “complete destruction” was a mass plague of disease or poison.

Later in the email he writes to himself, “Read and get education have to move to friendly area and start to organize. Get leadership within the community, sheriff, city manager, mayor, lawyer?” (It’s unclear whether his campaign for city comptroller would begin before or after the extermination of liberalist/globalists.)

He also says he wants to “start small” by learning “basic chemistry.”

Then you get to the part of the email that makes sense of his interest in the potential impeachment of Trump or some civil war resulting from his presidency.

Hasson wrote, “Look up tactics used during Ukrainian civil war. During unrest target both sides to increase tension. In other words provoke gov/police to over react which should help to escalate violence. BLM protests or other left crap would be ideal to incite to violence.”

Hasson didn’t care about Trump. He was looking for a catalyst that would help spark his fantasy, which included shooting up liberals, becoming town sheriff, and learning the periodic table.

The court filing says that in September 2017, Hasson wrote to an unnamed “known American neo-Nazi leader” to say, “We need a white homeland…” The document makes clear that the real inspiration behind Hasson’s ideas (such as they were) and his stock piling of guns and ammunition was the 2011 terrorist attacks in Norway carried out by Anders Behring Breivik.

Prosecutors said that “from early 2017 through the date of his arrest [Feb. 15], the defendant routinely perused portions of the Breivik manifesto that instruct a prospective assailant to amass appropriate firearms, food, disguises, and survival supplies.”

Nowhere outside of Hasson’s two searches for Trump and impeachment or civil war is the president mentioned. There was the search for Scarborough after the host criticized Trump but that only indicates Hasson simply used criticism of Trump as a way of gauging who fit his hazy idea of “liberalist/globalist.”

Hasson said nothing of “fake news,” nothing about making America great. He only harbored hatred for non-whites, a dim hope that some day he might kill a lot of “liberalist/globalists” and aspirations to run for state-level office.

On his show Thursday, Scarborough also claimed (without evidence!) that the mass shooting at the Pittsburgh synagogue, which left 11 dead, was carried out by a Trump lover. In fact, that guy hated Trump, referring to him as a “globalist” with an affinity for Jews.

Scarborough is lying about Hasson and he’s lying about the synagogue shooting. Don’t let him, or anyone else in the media, get away with it.

Source Article from https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/christopher-hasson-coast-guard-officer-was-a-nihilist-and-theres-no-evidence-he-was-a-trump-supporter

A federal judge has completely barred former Trump political adviser Roger Stone from speaking publicly about his ongoing prosecution on obstruction and false statement charges, after a picture of the judge appeared on Stone’s Instagram this week with what appeared to be crosshairs in the background.

The ruling followed a hearing on Thursday in which Stone took the stand to insist he was “heartfully sorry” for the picture, which Stone said he had reviewed prior to posting it — although he suggested someone else had first selected the image.

U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson tore into Stone during the proceeding, saying she simply didn’t believe his explanation that an unnamed “volunteer” was to blame.

“I have serious doubts about whether you learned anything at all,” Jackson said. “From this moment on, the defendant may not speak publicly about this case — period. No statements about the case on TV, radio, print reporters, or Internet. No posts on social media. [You] may not comment on the case through surrogates. You may send out emails about donating to the Roger Stone defense fund.”

Jackson added an apparent threat to revoke Stone’s bail and send him to jail: “This is not baseball. There will be no third chance. If you cannot abide by this, I will be forced to change your surroundings so you have no temptations.”

Jackson had issued a limited gag order in Stone’s case last week, preventing him from discussing the case near the courthouse. Stone was being questioned Thursday by Jackson and government lawyers as to why Jackson should not take action in response to the image.

On Thursday, Stone made the risky decision to take the stand, after an initial series of questions from Jackson to Stone’s lawyer, Bruce Rogow.

The longtime Trump confidante walked into court wearing his signature circle framed glasses, but took them off before Jackson entered the courtroom. Stone’s wife and daughter sat in the front row.

Under questioning from prosecutors and Jackson, the 66-year-old Stone — who frequently looked directly at Jackson as he spoke — said the image had been selected by a volunteer who was working for him, though he couldn’t say who picked the photo or list the five or six volunteers who have been working for him when he was asked by prosecutors.

He said he had several photos to choose from and posted the image himself to his profile.

“You had a choice?” the judge interjected.

Stone said he picked the photo “randomly,” a suggestion the judge almost immediately dismissed.

“It was an egregious mistake. I obviously wish I could do it over again, but I cannot,” Stone said. “I recognize I let the court down, I let you down, I let myself down. … It was a momentary lapse in judgment.”

He has said the photo was “misinterpreted,” the symbol was actually the Celtic cross, not crosshairs of a gun, and he was not trying to threaten the judge. But, he added, he wasn’t sure what the symbol meant, because “I’m not into the occult.”

Former campaign adviser for President Donald Trump, Roger Stone walks out of the federal courthouse following a hearing, Friday, Jan. 25, 2019, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Stone was arrested Friday in the special counsel’s Russia investigation and was charged with lying to Congress and obstructing the probe. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)
(Associated Press)


At one point during Thursday’s hearing, Rogow called the post that featured Jackson’s image “indefensible.” Jackson replied: “I agree with you there.”

“I am under enormous pressure,” Stone testified. “I now have TV people saying I will be raped if I go to jail. I’m having trouble putting food on the table and paying the rent.” (Indeed, CNN senior political analyst David Gergen pondered on air Monday if Stone — whom he called a “dandy” — would be raped in prison.)

Stone deleted the Instagram photo shortly after posting it, but later posted the same one again, this time without the apparent crosshairs.

In court, Stone said he “didn’t recognize it as a crosshair” and “didn’t notice” a crosshair in the image.

“This was a screwup,” Stone said. “I admit it.”


Jackson reminded Stone before his testimony that he would be subject to government cross-examination and was under oath. Asked whether he understood the picture could be construed as a threat, Stone replied: “I now recognize that. … I can’t rationalize my thinking because I wasn’t thinking, and that’s my fault.”

“I am kicking myself for my own stupidity, but not more than my wife is kicking me,” Stone later told Jackson. He added that “my consulting business has dried up” and said, “I’ve exhausted my savings.”

“This is not baseball. There will be no third chance.”

— U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson

Stone has pleaded not guilty to charges he lied to Congress, engaged in witness tampering and obstructed a congressional investigation into possible coordination between Russia and President Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. The charges stem from conversations he had during the campaign about WikiLeaks, the anti-secrecy group that released material stolen from Democratic groups, including Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

The political operative and self-described dirty trickster is the sixth Trump aide or adviser charged in Mueller’s investigation. He was arrested last month and has remained free on a $250,000 personal recognizance bond. Stone has maintained his innocence and blasted the special counsel’s investigation as politically motivated.

Fox News’ Jake Gibson, Kelly Phares, Adam Shaw, and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Source Article from https://www.foxnews.com/politics/roger-stone-apologizes-to-judge-for-instagram-post-my-wife-is-kicking-me

There’s been no more reliable regurgitator of fantastical Trump-Russia collusion theories than Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff. So when the House Intelligence Committee chairman sits down to describe a “new phase” of the Trump investigation, pay attention. These are the fever swamps into which we will descend after Robert Mueller’s probe.

The collusionists need a “new phase” as signs grow that the special counsel won’t help realize their reveries of a Donald Trump takedown. They had said Mr. Mueller would provide all the answers….

Source Article from https://www.wsj.com/articles/schiffting-to-phase-2-of-collusion-11550794762

MSNBC finally got around to covering the scandal surrounding “Empire” star Jussie Smollett and allowed a guest to float a theory that Trump-supporting cops are lying about the case.

MSNBC completely skipped the Smollett news during primetime on Wednesday night, which was first noticed by The Daily Caller. The same night, rival liberal media news organization CNN dedicated significant time to the Chicago Police Department announcing felony charges against the actor had been approved.


Zach Stafford, the editor-in-chief of LGBTQ magazine The Advocate, joined MSNBC’s Kasie Hunt and Al Sharpton on Thursday to discuss Smollett – who faces up to three years in prison.

“It was incredibly shocking on day one to see the police department call it a racist and homophobic attack,” Stafford said. “As someone that has been investigating these for years in Chicago, that was really unprecedented… people in the background were worried they were leaning into this victim part of the story because they didn’t believe him and they wanted to use it against him at the end, when they were able to prove that he was lying.”

Stafford then criticized the fact that information about the investigation has leaked to the media.

“The police were openly confirming and not confirming certain reports and not doing it to other parts of the story, due to the vocal nature in this case, it was really peculiar,” Stafford said. “People have a lot of reason to not trust them… a deep history of openly lying to citizens. This police department did, in 2016, openly, through their union support Donald Trump.”

He said that since the case focused on alleged attackers wearing Trump hats and shouting “MAGA country,” there are grounds to question if the police are being truthful.


“Many people have felt that they have been so willing to call this a hoax, is because the central question of this case is, ‘Are Donald Trump supporters out here committing hate crimes?’ And that’s what really sparked a lot of the tension,” he said. “To have a police department that hasn’t been as cooperative as they have been this round, do not openly give information, do openly lie and mishold [sic] information in cases and then to know that they have openly supported Donald Trump in the 2016 election, a lot of activists on the ground are saying, ‘Wait, what’s going on here? “

MSNBC host Hunt did not respond to the longwinded conspiracy theory and immediately pivoted to a reporter on the ground in Chicago.

MSNBC did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Source Article from https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/msnbc-guest-unchecked-after-floating-conspiracy-that-trump-supporting-cops-framed-jussie-smollett

On Thursday, Mark Harris, the Republican candidate who was in the lead for North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District and had been fighting to have the results certified, backtracked and called for a new election. Later in the afternoon, the North Carolina State Board of Elections unanimously declared that a new election was needed.

After days of testimony investigating the unresolved midterm election, it became clear that an operative hired by Harris had fraudulently tampered with absentee ballots. Evidence showed that Harris’ campaign had also endeavored to conceal the ballot tampering from the state’s investigation.

To be clear, it was ballot tampering with the campaign operative, Leslie McCrae Dowless, going so far as to instruct workers to falsely sign ballots as witnesses or fill in votes for elections that had been left blank before mailing them. Both of those actions are illegal under North Carolina state law.

Those revelations have likely put an end to any aspirations Harris may have had to hold elected office. As state lawmakers passed a new law in December 2018 that mandated that a new primary be held in the case of an uncertified election even if Harris decided to run again, he’d almost certainly lose that primary. Indeed, his initial upset victory in the primary against GOP incumbent Rep. Robert Pittenger seems also to have involved tampering with absentee ballots.

Although that’s all bad news for Harris who had, until Thursday, held out hope to take a seat in Washington, it’s worse news for voters who first had their elections tamped with and have also lacked representation and will continue to lack representation until a new election is held.

By running a campaign that engaged in fraudulent vote gathering, Harris has hurt the people of North Carolina’s 9th District, the very people who he claimed he wanted to serve after he initially appeared to have narrowly defeated Democrat Dan McCready by 905 votes.

The state election board, which can call a new election if the basic fairness of the election had been tainted, made the right call. Harris owes the district he had hoped to represent an apology at the very least.

Source Article from https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/mark-harris-just-lost-any-chance-of-taking-a-seat-in-congress-but-the-real-losers-are-voters

A federal judge has completely barred former Trump political adviser Roger Stone from speaking publicly about his ongoing prosecution on obstruction and false statement charges, after a picture of the judge appeared on Stone’s Instagram this week with what appeared to be crosshairs in the background.

The ruling followed a hearing on Thursday in which Stone took the stand to insist he was “heartfully sorry” for the picture, which Stone said he had reviewed prior to posting it — although he suggested someone else had first selected the image.

U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson tore into Stone during the proceeding, saying she simply didn’t believe his explanation that an unnamed “volunteer” was to blame.

“I have serious doubts about whether you learned anything at all,” Jackson said. “From this moment on, the defendant may not speak publicly about this case — period. No statements about the case on TV, radio, print reporters, or Internet. No posts on social media. [You] may not comment on the case through surrogates. You may send out emails about donating to the Roger Stone defense fund.”

Jackson added an apparent threat to revoke Stone’s bail and send him to jail: “This is not baseball. There will be no third chance. If you cannot abide by this, I will be forced to change your surroundings so you have no temptations.”

Jackson had issued a limited gag order in Stone’s case last week, preventing him from discussing the case near the courthouse. Stone was being questioned Thursday by Jackson and government lawyers as to why Jackson should not take action in response to the image.

On Thursday, Stone made the risky decision to take the stand, after an initial series of questions from Jackson to Stone’s lawyer, Bruce Rogow.

The longtime Trump confidante walked into court wearing his signature circle framed glasses, but took them off before Jackson entered the courtroom. Stone’s wife and daughter sat in the front row.

Under questioning from prosecutors and Jackson, Stone — who frequently looked directly at Jackson as he spoke — claimed that an unnamed “volunteer” had picked the image, even though he said he accepted responsibility for the post. The image was accompanied by a caption referring to “deep state hitman Robert Mueller” and called his prosecution a “show trial.”


In response to cross-examination from prosecutors, Stone said he “could not recall” the names of all the volunteers with access to his phone or Instagram account, but said there were “about five,” and he mentioned their names.

At one point during Thursday’s hearing, Rogow called the post that featured Jackson’s image “indefensible.” Jackson replied: “I agree with you there.”

The government is asking for additional restrictions on Stone’s ability to talk about this case, while Stone’s attorneys are requesting a more detailed court order that still allows Stone to be able to retain his ability to speak publicly about the case, citing his First Amendment rights. A final ruling from Jackson could come within minutes.

“I am under enormous pressure,” Stone testified. “I now have TV people saying I will be raped if I go to jail. I’m having trouble putting food on the table and paying the rent.” (Indeed, CNN senior political analyst David Gergen pondered on air Monday if Stone — whom he called a “dandy” — would be raped in prison.)

Former campaign adviser for President Donald Trump, Roger Stone walks out of the federal courthouse following a hearing, Friday, Jan. 25, 2019, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Stone was arrested Friday in the special counsel’s Russia investigation and was charged with lying to Congress and obstructing the probe. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)
(Associated Press)

Stone deleted the Instagram photo, but later posted the same one again, this time without the apparent crosshairs, and slammed the trial in a caption.

In court, Stone said he “didn’t recognize it as a crosshair” and “didn’t notice” a crosshair in the image. Stone claimed a “volunteer” has selected the image, although Stone acknowledged reviewing the image before it was posted.

“This was a screwup,” Stone said. “I admit it.”

Rather than crosshairs, Stone said, he thought the image contained a “Celtic occult” symbol. But, he added, he wasn’t sure what the symbol meant, because “I’m not into the occult.”


Jackson reminded Stone before his testimony that he would be subject to government cross-examination and was under oath. Asked whether he understood the picture could be construed as a threat, Stone replied: “I now recognize that. … I can’t rationalize my thinking because I wasn’t thinking, and that’s my fault.”

“I am kicking myself for my own stupidity, but not more than my wife is kicking me,” Stone later told Jackson. He added that “my consulting business has dried up” and said, “I’ve exhausted my savings.”

“This is not baseball. There will be no third chance.”

— U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson

Stone acknowledged that “the posting was my responsibility, and I regret it. This was an egregious stupid error, for which I apologize again to the court.”

Stone and his lawyers filed a notice on Monday night, admitting that sharing the picture wasn’t appropriate and that he was sorry.

Stone pleaded not guilty last month to obstruction of justice, witness tampering, and making false statements to Congress after being indicted last month as part of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe, was also ordered not to travel anywhere other than Washington, the Eastern District of New York, and the Southern District of Florida while the case is pending.

Stone is not permitted to have a passport in his possession or apply for any new passport. Stone was also ordered to return to court “whenever required.”

This is a developing story. Check back soon for more updates.

Fox News’ Jake Gibson, Kelly Phares, and Adam Shaw contributed to this report.

Source Article from https://www.foxnews.com/politics/roger-stone-apologizes-to-judge-for-instagram-post-my-wife-is-kicking-me

When special counsel Robert Mueller concludes his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, it will be up to Attorney General William Barr to determine how much of the report to disclose to Congress and the public. He should release the full report.

Though CNN is reporting that as soon as next week Barr is going to announce that Mueller has concluded his report, we should take all such claims with a grain of salt, as predictions of the investigation’s end have proven premature many previous times.

That having been said, regardless of the actual timing, the rules governing the release will be the same.

Mueller will send a confidential report to the attorney general, who will then be required to send a summary to Congress. Such reports are described by the governing law as “brief notifications, with an outline of the actions and the reasons for them.”

But Barr could go further and release the full Mueller report, along with all of the transcripts of testimony and evidence supporting the various findings.

The reticence to release a full report in cases such as this come from an understandable place. Generally speaking, prosecutors should focus on providing evidence that backs up specific legal charges in court, whereas a full report may contain embarrassing information that is legal or references to potentially illegal behavior that could not be proven.

While this is an understandable concern, the reality is that if the full report and supporting materials are not released, we’re going to get portions of it leaked in dribs and drabs by anonymous sources with an agenda to push.

This has been the problem plaguing Russia reporting all along. The media has no direct knowledge about what is going on, so they’re relying on leaked information, even though some people have an interest in taking down Trump while others are interested in vindicating him.

Once the report hits, we’ll get anonymously sourced stories suggesting that Trump committed impeachable offenses and others claiming the report offers full vindication.

If the actual report is released, people who choose to read all the materials can judge for themselves whether the gathered evidence supports a given conclusion. And even if the average news consumer won’t actually be digging through potentially thousands of pages of Mueller’s documents, the fact that they are publicly available will act as a check on the proliferation of fake news through anonymous reports.

The demon of Trump collusion with Russia has cast a shadow over the administration since Day One. For over 2 years, the American people have been subjected to news stories suggesting that their president worked with a foreign adversary to win the election. If true, it carries with it the potential of removing from office a democratically elected president. If false, a lot of elected officials and members of the media have a lot of explaining to do.

Regardless of where anybody falls down on the Russia story or Trump in general, all sides should have an interest in full transparency in this case.

Source Article from https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/attorney-general-barr-should-release-the-full-robert-mueller-report-when-its-finished

Read news reports about the arrest last week of lunatic Coast Guard Officer Christopher Hasson and you might get the impression that he was in some vague sense a supporter of President Trump. But that’s why I read the full court filing instead to find out the truth. Sure enough, there’s not really any evidence he was.

MSNBC couple Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezski screamed at one of their guests Thursday insisting (without evidence!) that Hasson’s unfulfilled plans to kill a bunch of Democrats and media liberals was directly inspired by a devotion to Trump. (Admittedly, the outburst had less to do with legitimate concern for political violence and more to do with Scarborough and Brzezinski getting to talk about themselves.)

Scarborough was allegedly one of the people Hasson targeted. The court filing says that on Dec. 27 last year, Hasson searched the Internet for Scarborough, after reading a news story quoting Scarborough as having called Trump “the worst ever.” Hasson then added Scarborough’s name to a spreadsheet of names that included high-profile Democrats and other media personalities.

Trump’s name comes up twice in the court filings. On Jan. 17 of this year, among the things Hasson searched the Internet for included “what if trump illegally impeached” and “civil war if trump impeached.”

Those details made it into reports on Hasson’s arrest by the New York Times, Washington Post, NBC News and others. But the motive for Hasson’s unrealized roughshod plan for “complete destruction” wasn’t Trump or anything Trump said. The court document shows that it was a preoccupation with race and a nihilistic view that had no clear attachment to politics at all, outside of an unspecified antipathy for “liberalist/globalist ideology.”

In other words, Hasson was crazy.

According to prosecutors, Hasson wrote in an email drafted June 2, 2017, “I am dreaming of a way to kill almost every last person on the earth,” though he lucidly acknowledged that he would likely need “the unwitting help of another power/country.” He faults “liberalist/globalist ideology” for “destroying traditional peoples esp[ecially] white” ones.

His preferred method for what he called “complete destruction” was a mass plague of disease or poison.

Later in the email he writes to himself, “Read and get education have to move to friendly area and start to organize. Get leadership within the community, sheriff, city manager, mayor, lawyer?” (It’s unclear whether his campaign for city comptroller would begin before or after the extermination of liberalist/globalists.)

He also says he wants to “start small” by learning “basic chemistry.”

Then you get to the part of the email that makes sense of his interest in the potential impeachment of Trump or some civil war resulting from his presidency.

Hasson wrote, “Look up tactics used during Ukrainian civil war. During unrest target both sides to increase tension. In other words provoke gov/police to over react which should help to escalate violence. BLM protests or other left crap would be ideal to incite to violence.”

Hasson didn’t care about Trump. He was looking for a catalyst that would help spark his fantasy, which included shooting up liberals, becoming town sheriff, and learning the periodic table.

The court filing says that in September 2017, Hasson wrote to an unnamed “known American neo-Nazi leader” to say, “We need a white homeland…” The document makes clear that the real inspiration behind Hasson’s ideas (such as they were) and his stock piling of guns and ammunition was the 2011 terrorist attacks in Norway carried out by Anders Behring Breivik.

Prosecutors said that “from early 2017 through the date of his arrest [Feb. 15], the defendant routinely perused portions of the Breivik manifesto that instruct a prospective assailant to amass appropriate firearms, food, disguises, and survival supplies.”

Nowhere outside of Hasson’s two searches for Trump and impeachment or civil war is the president mentioned. There was the search for Scarborough after the host criticized Trump but that only indicates Hasson simply used criticism of Trump as a way of gauging who fit his hazy idea of “liberalist/globalist.”

Hasson said nothing of “fake news,” nothing about making America great. He only harbored hatred for non-whites, a dim hope that some day he might kill a lot of “liberalist/globalists” and aspirations to run for state-level office.

On his show Thursday, Scarborough also claimed (without evidence!) that the mass shooting at the Pittsburgh synagogue, which left 11 dead, was carried out by a Trump lover. In fact, that guy hated Trump, referring to him as a “globalist” with an affinity for Jews.

Scarborough is lying about Hasson and he’s lying about the synagogue shooting. Don’t let him, or anyone else in the media, get away with it.

Source Article from https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/christopher-hasson-coast-guard-officer-was-a-nihilist-and-theres-no-evidence-he-was-a-trump-supporter

The five heavily armed Americans arrested in Haiti earlier this week are back on their home soil and won’t be facing any criminal charges in the United States — a decision already causing outrage among some Haitian leaders.

Federal sources told the Miami Herald that the men will not be charged criminally, but are being debriefed. They told U.S. authorities they were on the island providing private security for a “businessman” doing work with the Haitian government.

The five American citizens, who returned on a commercial flight to Miami on Wednesday night and were met by U.S. law enforcement, did not have any scheduled appearances in Miami federal court.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office referred calls to the State Department, which said only: “The return of the individuals to the U.S. was coordinated with the Haitian authorities.”

What promises the U.S. government made to secure the release of the men remain murky.

According to a letter obtained by the Miami Herald, Haitian Minister of Justice Jean Roody Aly wrote to Haiti’s Central Bureau of the Judicial Police saying he authorized the transfer of the five Americans and two U.S. permanent residents to the United States to stand trial there.

“I want to inform you that I’ve authorized a procedure of transfer to the United States of America of American citizens and United States permanent residents, a total of seven to respond to the charges of transporting illegal arms from the United States through the Haitian territory,” the letter reads.

Aly is aligned with beleaguered Haitian President Jovenel Moise, whose advisers tried to get the men removed from the custody of the country’s police. Moise has been under fire for his handling of the poverty-stricken nation’s economy; violent protests calling for his ouster have rocked Haiti in recent weeks.

Pierre Esperance, executive director of the National Human Rights Defense Network in Haiti, blasted the decision by U.S. authorities to not charge the men.

“What the Haitian government did is grave. It shows that they had something they were looking for. The fact that the U.S. took these people and did not charge them, it shows there was a conspiracy. They didn’t want them to go before Haitian justice,” he told the Miami Herald.

The release of the men from the Haitian justice system is causing a political uproar in Haiti, a country already in upheaval.

On Thursday, the Haitian Senate summoned the government’s security council, headed by Haitian Prime Minister Jean Henry Céant, to answer questions about who authorized the release of the five Americans and two Serbians. The prime minister said he wasn’t available and the meeting has been postponed for 11 a.m. Monday, said Sen. Youri Latortue, head of the Senate’s Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission.

“I saw the justice minister and he said there was no way they could be freed. The attorney general said there was no way they could be freed. So we thought they weren’t going to free them,” Latortue said. “The prime minister said he doesn’t know anything. The president said he doesn’t know anything. “

Ceant said they men planned to break into the central bank and then to assassinate Ceant, Latortue added.

“We are waiting for the prime minister, minister of justice, minister of interior to tell us what happened and to bring the copy of the letter from the U.S. embassy and after that we will know what we will do,” he added.

Latortue added that he’s also awaiting the report of the police investigation and questioning of the suspects.

The incident couldn’t have come at a worse time for Haiti. After several days of calm following anti-government protests that shut the country down for 10 days, the opposition has called for protests to resume Friday. Late Thursday, lines began forming at gas stations, as nervous Haitians tried to fill up in anticipation of the protests that have shut down schools, businesses and all activities in the capital and major cities around Haiti. As a result of the crisis, both the cities of Port-au-Prince and Croix-des-Bouquets this week announced they were canceling their carnival next month.

Protesters and the opposition have been calling for the resignation of Moïse over mismanagement of the economy and corruption allegations centered around Venezuela’s PetroCaribe oil-discount program. Haiti owes the South American country about $2 billion and Haitians have been demanding an accounting of the money. Savings accruing from the discounted program were supposed to be invested in social programs for the poor after the country’s 2010 earthquake.

Prominent commentator Marvel Dandin, during his editorial on Radio Kiskeya in Port-au-Prince, said the U.S. government’s decision to circumvent the Haitian justice system is “ugly, worse than a slap in the face.”

“It’s sad, regrettable to see we have authorities like this in the country,” he said.

The Haitian National Police detained the five men, who were part of a group of eight stopped at a checkpoint in downtown Port-au-Prince, last Sunday afternoon.

The men were in two vehicles without license plates, and police found a cache of automatic rifles and pistols. The eight were arrested on weapons charges. Police sources originally cited a list as part of the evidence that included documents, satellite phones and drones, but later told the Herald that the list — which cited the names of two police officials — did not belong to the suspects and were documents that got co-mingled with the evidence inside they found inside the unmarked vehicles.

The Americans are former Navy Seal officers Christopher Michael Osman and Christopher Mark McKinley, and Marine veteran Kent Leland Kroeker, as well as Talon Ray Burton and Dustin Porte. Burton is a private investigator once employed by Blackwater and the State Department’s diplomatic security service. His wife said she had no idea he was in Haiti until she received a phone call from him saying he was imprisoned in Port-au-Prince.

McKinley’s Twitter profile went silent after Valentine’s Day. The group was arrested Feb. 17.

The others were two Serbians, at least one of whom is a U.S. permanent resident, and a Haitian national who was deported from the United States. The Serbians were scheduled to arrive back in Washington, D.C., on Thursday.

According to the Haitian police, the men claimed they were on a “government mission” when they were pulled over about a block away from the nation’s central bank. The U.S. government intervened after Céant, speaking on CNN, called the group “mercenaries” and “terrorists.”

The men were taken to the airport in Port-au-Prince in shackles, according to Haitian sources, but American Airlines refused to allow them on the flight in chains. The men were allowed on the flight without the shackles, and even waited in a VIP diplomatic salon before boarding American Airlines Flight 1059. American Airlines said the prohibiton of shackles on passengers is not airline policy, but requirements for all U.S. carriers and law enforcement personnel.

When the plane landed at Miami International Airport, U.S. law enforcement boarded the flight and handcuffed the men, according to a tweet from Haitian TV and radio personality Carel Pedre.

Miami Herald staff writer Taylor Dolven contributed to this report.

Source Article from https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article226572869.html

RALEIGH, N.C. — The Republican in the country’s last undecided congressional election testified Thursday that a political operative now accused of ballot fraud assured him “again and again” that he wouldn’t collect absentee ballots in violation of state law.

GOP congressional candidate Mark Harris described during a special state elections board hearing how he accepted the word of political operative Leslie McCrae Dowless that he was able to get results for candidates because of his relationships in rural Bladen County.

Harris said he met with Dowless in person before hiring him and came away thinking the operative used a labor-intensive process to convince people to request and send mail-in ballots. He said Dowless assured him his operatives would never touch the completed absentee ballots.

“I’ll never forget. He said it again and again. He said: We do not take the ballot,” Harris testified. He was “convinced that it all comes down to relationships.”

Harris said after a single meeting he believed Dowless and local GOP political leaders that Dowless’ methods were legal. That was despite repeated warnings from his son that data showed the operative was likely crossing legal lines and exposing ballots to potential manipulation. Harris said he never investigated further and never checked whether the results Dowless claimed to be delivering were real.

A Harris text message revealed Thursday from March 2017 indicated he wanted a local political ally to introduce him to Dowless because had Dowless worked on Harris’ unsuccessful 2016 primary campaign it “could have put me in the US House this term, had I known, and he had been helping us.”

Lawyers for Harris have argued in legal briefs that the board should certify his November victory and send him to Washington. Democrat Dan McCready’s lawyers contend the race was tainted and a new election should be ordered.

McCready trailed Harris by 905 votes out of about 280,000 cast in November’s election, but then allegations surfaced that in the eastern corner of the 9th congressional district, Dowless was manipulating mail-in ballots.

North Carolina’s elections director said this week that Dowless conducted an illegal and well-funded ballot-harvesting operation during the 2018 election cycle while working for Harris. Dowless’ workers in rural Bladen County testified they were directed to forge signatures, collect blank or incomplete ballots voters handed over, and even fill in votes for local candidates who hadn’t earned them.

In testimony Wednesday, the candidate’s son, John Harris, said he’d warned his father about Dowless’ operation since mid-2016.

John Harris said his warnings were overridden because local Republican figures recommended Dowless to Mark Harris, who was gearing up for a primary rematch against incumbent GOP U.S. Rep. Robert Pittenger. Mark Harris and his wife met Dowless in April 2017, when Dowless insisted his method for maximizing mail-in vote results was legal and grounded in local relationships, John Harris said Wednesday.

Local politicians knew and had used Dowless since at least 2010, and the community had even voted him to a local soil and water conservation board, Harris’ lawyer, David Freedman, said. Harris largely went along with those local recommendations, the attorney said.

“I think he’s much too trusting,” Freedman said.

Mark Harris previously told The Associated Press he sought out and hired Dowless because he delivered votes, including for a Republican rival in the 2016 GOP primary. Harris said he discussed with an attorney after that primary whether to challenge Dowless’ incredible results for a GOP rival with mail-in ballots in Bladen County. Dowless’ methods in the 2016 general election were referred to federal prosecutors, who took no action.

Source Article from https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/gop-congressional-candidate-says-he-was-assured-operative-s-methods-n974106

Want to understand why Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., is no moral leader for a better America? Just watch the video below from Thursday, in which Sanders refused to call for the child butcher of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, to step down from power.

The video enrages me. It shows Sanders’ deliberate attempt to sidestep the reality of apex socialism. Listen to Sanders parsing of words in refusing to call for Maduro to step down. He knows Maduro’s power is fraudulent, and comes within a hair of admitting it, but he still resorts to the escape line that Maduro’s departure is incumbent upon the Venezuelan people.

It’s an evasion, because Sanders knows full well that a mass majority of Venezuelans are desperate to see Maduro go. They’re desperate because they’ve seen apex socialism and felt it in the broken, starving bodies of their children and the collapse of their economy and health care system. But they need international support. If not in action, most certainly in words.

Yet, Sanders argument is actually worse than that. Because not only is the gentleman from Vermont unwilling to say that Maduro should step down, he’s unwilling to follow in the footsteps of the United States, the European Union, and much of Latin America in recognizing the parliamentary speaker Juan Guaido as rightful interim president. Again, Sanders won’t commit here beyond saying that the U.S. “has got to work with the international community” to resolve the issue. It’s an excuse for doing nothing.

My point here is quite simple. I am very sick of left-wing politicians holding themselves up as arbiters of a moral politics. Where it matters, with a starving and oppressed people, Sanders has blinked in deference to tyranny.

Recognizing that Sanders and others, such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., are increasingly earning favor with young Americans, Conservatives must urgently call out the Left’s rank moral hypocrisy. As I explained in the clip below, socialism is sustained only by spin and lies.

Source Article from https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/on-venezuela-bernie-sanders-proves-socialisms-choking-immorality

“Dr. Budowle and his team abhor the use of DNA technology to persecute ethnic or religious groups,” Mr. Carlton said in the statement. “Their work focuses on criminal investigations and combating human trafficking to serve humanity.”

Dr. Kidd’s data became part of China’s DNA drive.

In 2014, ministry researchers published a paper describing a way for scientists to tell one ethnic group from another. It cited, as an example, the ability to distinguish Uighurs from Indians. The authors said they used 40 DNA samples taken from Uighurs in China and samples from other ethnic groups from Dr. Kidd’s Yale lab.

In patent applications filed in China in 2013 and 2017, ministry researchers described ways to sort people by ethnicity by screening their genetic makeup. They took genetic material from Uighurs and compared it with DNA from other ethnic groups. In the 2017 filing, researchers explained that their system would help in “inferring the geographical origin from the DNA of suspects at crime scenes.”

For outside comparisons, they used DNA samples provided by Dr. Kidd’s lab, the 2017 filing said. They also used samples from the 1000 Genomes Project, a public catalog of genes from around the world.

Paul Flicek, member of the steering committee of the 1000 Genomes Project, said that its data was unrestricted and that “there is no obvious problem” if it was being used as a way to determine where a DNA sample came from.

The data flow also went the other way.

Chinese government researchers contributed the data of 2,143 Uighurs to the Allele Frequency Database, an online search platform run by Dr. Kidd that was partly funded by the United States Department of Justice until last year. The database, known as Alfred, contains DNA data from more than 700 populations around the world.

This sharing of data could violate scientific norms of informed consent because it is not clear whether the Uighurs volunteered their DNA samples to the Chinese authorities, said Arthur Caplan, the founding head of the division of medical ethics at New York University’s School of Medicine. He said that “no one should be in a database without express consent.”

Source Article from https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/21/business/china-xinjiang-uighur-dna-thermo-fisher.html

He insisted that easy-to-use reporting mechanisms needed to be put in place and all protocols closely followed so that people “should know that we mean business.”

He gave the bishops a detailed account of what exactly they were supposed to do and recalled that Pope Benedict XVI was clear on eradicating the root causes of the problem nearly a decade ago.

He talked about how candidates for the priesthood needed to undergo more rigorous screening and that existing rules of canon law needed to be better applied.

With the pope sitting beside him, the archbishop told his audience that the faithful “have the duty and the right” to report abuse and that “civil or domestic laws should be obeyed.”

He instructed them to rely on experts and said that they must apply their judgment, and act in the best interests of children, when the “dilemma” arises of a church trial finding that a priest is not entirely innocent, even if the allegations against him are unproven. Guilty verdicts, he said, should be promptly communicated, publicly, to the faithful.

But some of the bishops in the hall said this was not a new lesson.

“These things are known,” Bishop Ricardo Ernesto Centellas Guzmán, president of the Bolivian Bishops’ Conference, said as he walked out of the Vatican on his lunch break. “There is nothing new.”

During the discussion period, some African bishops asked why the conference was focusing on clerical sexual abuse and not other vital concerns facing young people in war-torn countries, Archbishop Mark Coleridge of Brisbane, Australia, said at a news conference.

In his own opening remarks, Pope Francis, sitting front and center, again made clear that this was a priority for his church, but also for the legacy of his pontificate. “We need concreteness,” he said.

Source Article from https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/21/world/europe/pope-francis-church-abuse.html

Haverstraw, N.Y. — A 32-year-old mother was killed and the rest of her family was rushed to the hospital Wednesday after a driver deliberately plowed into them outside a convenience store in a northern New York City suburb, CBS New York reports. Investigators said 35-year-old Jason Mendez, of nearby Washingtonville, N.Y., intentionally drove into the two adults and six children, including one in a stroller, in the parking lot of a 7-Eleven in the Rockland County town of Haverstraw following an argument.

After initially striking the family, police said, Mendez backed up and hit them again.

Mendez drove into the front of the store during one of the two approaches, authorities said.

Police said the initial argument may have stemmed from the husband asking Mendez to not blow cigarette smoke near his children.

Police said Mendez was brandishing a knife when officers arrived at the scene and, when he refused to drop it, officers Tasered him.

The family members were rushed to nearby hospitals, where officials said the mother was pronounced dead. Her 35-year-old husband and their six children, all under the age of 10, were being treated for non-life threatening injuries.

Haverstraw Police Captain Martin Lund called the deadly confrontation “a tragedy.”

Jason Mendez in custody on February 20, 2019

CBS New York

“It doesn’t happen very frequently in our community,” he said. “It is a tragedy that happened today.”

Mendez was charged with second degree murder and seven counts of attempted murder. He’s due back in court next Tuesday.

Source Article from https://www.cbsnews.com/news/haverstraw-rockland-county-ny-car-rams-family-8-backs-up-does-it-again/

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Source Article from https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-02-21/china-said-to-propose-30-billion-more-u-s-agriculture-imports